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41 Cards in this Set

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3 branches of Aortic arch
Left common carotid
Left subclavian
Thyroid produces:
Thyroxin ( T3, T4)
What does thyroxin do?
Regulates metabolic rate. (needs iodine)
What does calcitonin do?
Reduces amount of calcium in blood by accumulation in bones.
Chronic Inflammation.Common. autoimmune
F>M 10-20 times. 30-50 y.o.
Symmetrical enlargement of thyroid, tenderness.
Asymptomatic, Function can be normal.
Late stage- Hypothyroidism.
Heterogenious texture.
Sono appearance of Hashimotos
Diffuse glandular enlargement.
Hyperthyroid -early
Hypothyroid- late stage.
What is Goiter?
Any enlargement of thyroid gland.
Nontoxic Simple Goiter
Diffuse thyroid enlargement.
Due to iodine shortage or malfunction of thyroid gland.
Early- homogenious.
Late- assymetric, multinodular gland with hemorrhage and calcification.
Toxic multinodular goiter.
Enlarged inhomogenious gland, lated areas of focal scarring, ischemia, and necrosis, cyst formation. fibrosis and calcifications.
isthmus >3cm.
Graves Disease
Possibly autoimmune. Increased vascularity.
Diffuse toxic goiter.
Cutaneous manifastations
DeQuervain's thyroiditis
Probably caused by viral infection,
Diffuse inflammation of thyroid, enlargement, tenderness.
After time pain will subside and throid functions normally.
Thyroid Adenoma
Benign, fibrous encapsulation, F>M
Solitary nodule with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.
Hypo or hyperechoic, with halo around.
Possible calcifications around rim.
Papillary cancer
Most common of thyroid malignancies. F>M.
Sono: Hypoechoic, Microcalcifications, Hypervascular.
Mets to cervical lymph nodes.
Follicular carcinoma
Usually solitary mass, agressive.
Sono: Irregular, Firm, nodular enlargement.
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Older females. Rapidly growing mass in neck. Can arise from Hashimoto's disease.
Sono: Nonvascular, hypoechoic, lobulated mass.Large areas of cystic necrosis inside tumor. Rest of thyroid heterogenious due to associated chronic thyroiditis.
4 flat disc shaped glands, lie on pesterior part of thyroid.
Produce Parathormone (PTH) To monitor the serum calcium. Decreases level of calcium in blood by Increasing the absorption of calcium in the intestine by increasing the production of activated Vit D.
Primary Hyperparathyroidism
State of increased funcion of the parathyroid glands. F>M . Common after menapause. Characterized by Hyperkalemia, Hypercalciurea and low serum phosphate.
Most common cause of hyperparathyiroidism. Benign, < 3cm, Mostly shaped oval.
Sono: Hypoechoic, solid, encapsulated, discrete border.
Secondary hyperthyroidism
Chronic hypocalcemia caused by renal failure, Vit D deficiency, or malabsorption syndromes. Hyperfunction of parathyroid is compensaatory reaction; renal insufficiency and intestinal malabsorption cause hypocalcemia, which leads to stimulation of PTH. All four glands are affected.
Paired reproductive organs of male. Oval, 3-5cm x2-4cm x3cm. Size deceases with age.
Tunica Albuginea
Dence fibrous capsule covering each testicle.
Tunica Vaginalis
Parietal layer lining the scrotal sac
Arterial blood suppply to testicle.
Venous drainage of testicles
Pampiniform plexus->spermatic(testicular)vein->rt IVC
->lt into lt renal vein
Mediatinum testis
Echogenic line extending from superior to inferior pole of the testicle.
Undescended testicle. Can be located in abdomen, inguinal canal.
Mostly ulinateral.
High risk for cancer if not treated.
Inflammation or infection of epididymis.
Most common cause off acute scrotal pain and tenderness.
Fever, painful urination.
Sono: enlarged, Hypoechoic due to edema,reactive hydrocele, increased vascular flow
Infection that has spread to testicle.
Fever, increased WBC's, pain, skin thickening.
Sono: Decreased echogenicity. Increased blood flow, Hydrocele.
Testicular torsion
Common in young males(< 25y.o.), Peak at 13 years of age.
Sono: enlarged, hypoechoic, may be inhomogenious, hydrocele, wall thickening. Absense of blood flow.
(cystic dilation of the efferent ductules)
Benign, cysts consisting of nonviable sperm in head of epididymis. Caused by obstruction.
Sono: looks liek simple cyst, sometimes loculations and septations are present. 2-5 cm
Abnormal dilation and tortuosity of the vein in the pampiniform plexusof the spermatic cord. most common on left. Common cause of infertility in men.
Sono: Extratesticulr collectionof tortuoustubular structures measuring >2mm, increases with Valsalva.
Benign testicular lesions
Rare, include non-germ cell tumors, Leydig and Sertoli cell tumors.
Sono: well-circumscribed, hypoechoic.
Multiple echogenic area. "tiny spackles" without acoustic shadowing
Most common type of germ cell tumor. 40% to 50%of all cases. Usually present in 3rd-4th decade of life.
Elevated gonadotropin and alpha-fetoprotein.
Sono: Hypoechoic, Smooth well defined borders.
Embryonal cell carcinoma
25% of all testicular tumors. In yound males. Agressive. Invasion of tunica albugenia. elevated alpha-fetoprotein
Sono:Small hypoechoic mass. Areas of increased echogenicity due to calcification. Irregular borders. May contain cystic areas.
Yolk sac tumor
Infantile form of embryonal sell cell carcinoma, the most common type of germ cell tumor in infants. 60%of testicular tumors in infants.
Elevated gonadotropin and alpha-fetoprotein.
Second most common tumor in children and infants. Benighn in children- Malignant in adults.
Elevated gonadotropin and alpha-fetoprotein.
Sono: Complex mass, usually cystic and/or solid. Well defined borders.Acoustic shadowing.
Less common, contains mixed cell types.
Elevated gonadotropin and alpha-fetoprotein.
Sono: irregular borders, complex, mets usually seen.
Testicular Metastasis
Rare, occur later in life.
Primary tumors originate from: prostate, or kidneys.
Less common: lungs, pancreas, bladder, colon, thyroid, melanoma.
Bilateral with multiple lesions.
Sono:Solid, hypoechoic.
Zones of the prostate
Central zone
Periferal zone
Transition zone(BPH)
Periurethral glandular tissiu (zone)
Normal prostate specific antigen levels based on age
40-49y ---0-2.5
50-59y ---0-3.5
60-69 ----0-4.5
70-79 ----0-6.5