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113 Cards in this Set

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the action which the hero must perform in order to save his people/marry the princess, etc.
the task
a nearly superhuman deed that must be performed by the hero only
the task
an ordeal undergone by the hero in order to attain full status/maturity
the initiation
reperesents the transformation into adult life
the initiation
an adolescent must deal with problems/responsibilities of adulthood
the initiation
gains an increased awareness and understanding of the world and the people in it
the initiation
the search for someone of some talisman which, when found, and brought back will restore peace, order, and /or normalcy to a trouble land
the quest
the hero's path
the journey
represents the journey of life
the journey
may lead through danger, hardship, ordeals, and other tests of strength, maturity, and wisdom on the way to the goal
the journey
the hero is in search of information or some intellectual truth
the journey
a descent from a higher to a lower state of being
the fall
involves defilement and/or loss of innocence and bliss
the fall
is often accompanied by expulsion from a kind of paradise as penalty to disobedience and moral transgression
the fall
a parallel between the cycle of nature and the cycle of life
death and rebirth
morning and spring time represent birth, youth, or rebirth
death and rebirth
evening and winter represent old age or death
death and rebirth
actural ceremonies the initiate experiences taht will mark his rite of passage into another state
the ritual
the importance of this cannot be overstressed; they provide clear sign posts for the character's role in society as well as our own position in this world
the ritual
the gods intervene on the side of the hero or sometimes against him
supernatural intervention
battle between two primal forces
battle between good and evil
mankind shows eternal optimism in the continual portrayal of good triumphing over evil despite great odds
battle between good and evil
tension often results from separartion during childhood or from an external source when the individuals meet as men
father/son conflict
the mentor often has a higher place in the affections of the hero than the natural parent
father/son conflict
usually suggests hope, renewal, or intellectual illumination
implies the unknown, ignorance, or despair
because it is necessary for growth, it commonly appears as a birth or rebirth symbol
rain can suggest a character's spiritual birth
represents barrenness and death
nature is good, while techonology and society are often evil
nature/mechanical world
parts of the universe are associated with primordal forces that govern the earth
the skies house the gods, the bowels of the earth house evil forces
some characters exhibit wisdom and understanding of situations instincitvely as opposed to those supposedly in charge
innate wisom/educated stupidity
loyal retainers often exhibit this wisdom as they accompany the heroes on the journey
innate wisdoem/educatied stupidity
places of safety cantrast sharply
heroes are often sheltered against the dangerous wild for a time in order to regain helth and resources
represents knowledge, light, life, rebirth
represents ignorance, darkness, sterility, death
man with great courage and strength
known for having honorable purposes
characterized by self-sacrifice, and is willing to endure harship, even risk his life for the good of all
must pay a price to attain his goal
often leaves the familiar to enter a new, unfamiliar, challenging world before returning to his ordingary, but expanded world
older, wiser counselor/teacher of the hero
gives hero gifts such as weapons, food, magic, information
serves as a role model and/or conscience for the hero
teaches survival skills by example
tests hero's courage and worthiness to being the journey
threshold guardian
shows that they journey will be hard
threshold guardian
announces the challenge which begins the hero's journey/ can be a person or peice of information
upsets the balance of the hero's world
worthy opponent with whom the hero must struggle in a fight to the end
must be destroyed or neutralized
young hero or heroine who must endure some training and /or ceremony before his/her quest
often wears white and are innocent
represents forces of evil
evil adversary
almost as strong as the hero
evil adversary
offers worldly goods, fame, or knowledge to teh protagonist in an effort to bring him/her over to the evil side
evil adversary
figure who is banished from a group for some crime
usually destined to become a wanderer from place to place
honorable and duty bound
fights for goodness and right
loyal to the hero, or a righteous cause
an animal that befirends man
friendly beast
monster usually summoned form the deepest part of the human psyche
creature of nightmare
often a perversion of the human body
creature of nightmare
loyal friends who are willing to risk or face any number of perils in order to be together
faithful companions
individuals who are somewhat like heroic servants
loyal retainers
duty is to protect the hero and reflect the hero's nobility
loyal retainers
redeemable devil figure saved by the nobility or love of the hero
evil figure with the good heart
hero who is spirited away as a young man and raised by stangers
young man from the provinces
later returnes to his home where he can see new problems and solutions
young man fromt eh provinces
an animal or more usually a human whose death in a public ceremony expiates some taint or sin tha thas been visited upon a community
death often makes them a more powerful force in the society than when they lived
gateway to the new world
hero must enter to change and gro
place of death
encounter with the dark side of the self or fear of death
place of great danger and/or lawlessness
threatens survial/life
stream of time and the flow of circumstances
purity and righteousness regained
evil washed away
lace or time of decision
when a realizeation is made and change or penance results
puzzling dilemma or great uncertainty
search for he dangerous monster inside of self
journey into the heart of darkness
strong place of safey that hold treasure of princess
may be enchanted or bewitched
stronge place of evil
isolation of self
places of safety that contrasts sharply with wilderness
sybolic of fruition, abundace and fertility
offers spirtiual and emotional nourishment to those with whom she comes in contact
often larger woman dressed in earth colors
has sensuous beauty
one to whome the protagonist s physically attracted
ultimiately brings about the man hero's downfall
source of inspirational and spiritual ideal
platonic ideal
one for whom the protangonist has an intellectual rather than physical attraction
platonic ideal
married to a man she sees as dull or distant
unfaithful wife
attracted to a more virile or interesting man rather than husband
unfaithful wife
vulnerable woman who must be reued by the hero
damsel in distress
often used as a trap to ensnare the ususpecting hero
damsel in distress
two characters engaged in a love affair that is fated to end tragically for one or both due to teh disapproval of sociaty, friends, family, or some tragic situation
star-crossed lovers
sybolizes the extraordinary qualities of the hero
magic weapon
no one else can use the weapon or use it to its fullest potential
magic weapon
usually given to hero by mentor
magic weapon
ybolized the destructive power of nature or fate
either physical or psychological something that indicates a loss of innocence
unhealable wound
always ache and often drive the sufferer to desperate measures
unhealable wound