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100 Cards in this Set

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2 classes of raw materials used to create objects

1) largely unaltered by heat and treatment

ex: stone

2) synthetic, altered by heat and treatment

ex: pottery,metal


human use of fire

Original human behavior

(what 4 behaviors)

1) acquisition of raw materials

2) manufacture

3) use

4) disposal

When specialists start emerging in archeological record, ____________ becomes an important part of life.


(T/F) for most of human history, people manufactured most of their own tools and possessions to use.


To understand technology ..we must understand

the full range of cultural and formation processes

Choices made from original human behaviors reflects on what ?

Other aspects of society, religious organization, and economic organization.

who people choose to trade with and don't trade with reflects ?

how they feel about the other

Most abundant artifact category in a archeological site


Stone is so abundant in archeological record because:

1) it preserves well

2) Found in earliest human context and all societies used stone in one way or another

3) the manufacture of stone tools produces a lot of byproducts that are also preserved well

Is stone is considered an altered or unaltered material ? why?

unaltered, we cannot significantly change its properties besides reshaping it

Jasper heat treating

when heat treated it flakes all in one direction. The iron in the jasper aligns due to the earth's magnetic fields

What's the oldest stone tool? how many years ago is it from?

2.5 million years ago

Oldowon industry. was fairly crude, one or two pieces knocked off the core.

Acheulian stone tool

1.65 million years ago to 100,000 years ago

Multiple strikes to a core using a specific

hammerstone in order to create a shaped object

The Acheulian stone tool tradition creates?

biface tools- tools that are flaked on both sides. Can be use on both sides.

During the acheulian stone making age, archaeologists start to see what?

tools manufactured for specific purposes. Instead of using one single tool.

Levallois technique

Intoduced around 100,000 years ago . Expands on the earlier Acheulian tradition with a broader range of tools being produced.

Levallois technique creates flakes and tools that are highly...?


predictable of size and shape.

* flakes can be used as tools too.

Upper paleolithic technology stone making

has more control, overlaps with lavallois

indirect percussion (50,000 years ago)

Removing specific blades from core with a lot of control.

Experimental archeology

Replicating the manufacturing process using the same tools as people could have used in the past.

By using experimental archeology, archeologists are able to determine:


1) the process of lithic reduction

2) how diff methods results in diff tools

3) what is left behind in the archeological record.

*how many cuts before the tool becomes dull

Refitting , a way archeologists learn about how prehistoric stone tools were made.

Archeologists manufacture a stone tool, then refit the pieces to see the sequence of reduction

Use wear analysis

When tools are used, microwear on the artifact surface is visible on the edge. diff jobs result in diff wear patterns

Use wear analysis combined with ______ and other objects with ___________ make a good use wear analysis



(T/F) wood artifacts preserve well, and are commonly found by archeologists


Most wood artifacts come from?

waterlogged sites

Barkbeater is what kind of evidence?

indirect evidence of the use of paper for writing and clothing .

Artifacts from plant and animal fibers include:

baskets, fabric, cords, and string

other unaltered materials include:

bone, antler, ivory, shells, skins

synthetic material undergoes?

a physical or chemical transformation or both as the result of human modification.

What kind of material is more useful to archeologists because they use 'additive technologies'?

synthetic materials , allows us to infer more aout human behavior

Additive technologies

A raw material is added to in various ways btwn initial acquisition and use.

Additives represent

choices. More opportunities for human.

reductive technologies

Reducing a raw material into something useful .

pottery begins as ?

raw clay, quarried from a clay source in the ground

Raw clay is modified in 2 ways

1) removal of rocks and minerals

2) addition of temper

Removal of non-clay material and additions of temper does what to the clay?

creates a more homogeneous clay product

Method of removal and choice of temper can?

inform us of past behavior

_________________ until around _________, pottery was formed by pinching it into a shape or coiling and smoothing

from the first pottery till 3400 BC

Around _________we have the evidence of a potter's wheel

3400 BC

Pottery - firing

after a useful shape is formed, pottery must be fired . They are fired at a range of temps for varying lengths of time

Firing can be done by

stacking fuel around a pot and setting it on fire or using a kiln

Direct Access (self sufficient production)

User goes directly to the source of the material w/o intervention of any exchange mechanism

95% of pottery is

made with local materials

Down-the-line exchange

repeated exchanges of a reciprocal nature, so that commodity travels across successive territories.

Down the line exchanges are common in societies where?

transport costs are high or which specialization is high or absent

Freelance exchange

Restricted to?

Traders operate independently for gain. Travelers who take the goods to the consumer.

Restricted to chiefdoms and states b/c freelance traders are specialists.

Emissary trading

The trader is representative of a central organization based in the home country, state, or city

Emissary trading is found in..

chiefdoms and states but also found in state level societies

Difference btwn emissary trading and freelance trading is ?

With emissary trading, you can only sell it to certain people.

Spacial analysis of distribution

To determine which behavior took place, archeologists must study the amount of material deposited at the site and the distance from sources to where it was deposited. Helps us to understand the exchange mechanisms operating in the past.

By plotting amount of traded goods on a map, what can be identified ?

important centers of distribution can be identified .

Fall off analysis

The quantity of a traded material usually declines as distance from source increases

Archeologists plot fall off curves...

The expected amounts of a material against the distance from an artifact source. Diff types of distribution plot differently over space.

By comparing what is found against the fall-off curves, what can be identified ?

The specific type of exchange and distribution can be identified

Archeological evidence is rarely sufficient to permit the reconstruction of a complete exchange system because?

We don't know what was traded against what, what values were prescribed to each commodity and perishable materials leave no trace in the archeological records.

Exchange system , exchange btwn cultures can infer:

Direction in which goods moved and the types of goods moving can reflect differences in social complexity (more complex societies take advantage of less complex societies.

The main different exchange mechanisms can be summarized as :

direct access



emissary trading

generalized reciprocity

giving of gifts without expecting anything. Carried out among people who trust others with minimal social distance. Gain in social standing

Balanced or symmetrical reciprocity

something is given and something of a roughly equal value is expected in the immediate future. The terms of the exchange are discussed or understood beforehand.

balanced or symmetrical reciprocity takes place among people with ?

moderate social distance and levels of trust

EX: bank loans , check writing

Negative reciprocity (context specific )

exchange behavior in which one party seeks to obtain goods or services for less that what they're worth. Stealing, swindling. Happens between socially distant people that don't trust each other .

Identifying trade and exchange archeologically (2 broad approaches)

study of style and the characterization of archeological materials

When a new artifact type with a diff style appears what does it mean?

An object has been brought from somewhere else.

*looking for sudden changes in style .

How to recognize mimics and copycats

look at raw materials to see where its from. What looks new or 'foreign' may have been copied, only a tiny portion is traded.


identifies the point of manufacture

The main methods for sourcing materials by characterization are ...

microscopic thin-section analysis, trace-element analysis, and isotopic analysis

Who could be responsible for moving an artifact over space?

manufacturer, user, or middleman

understanding how an object is moved over space is important b/c it

helps to explain behavior


process by which elements within clay melts and forms a new crystalline structure.

When a vessel has been fired to vitrification temps...

it is no longer raw clay and almost indestructible

The history of metallurgy can be divided into 2 broad periods

non-ferrous and ferrous(iron)

Most important process of manufacturing


The addition of metals to ore and firing


first metal used by humans to make something .

copper itself it brittle and soft


mixture of diff ores in the manufacturing of

metal objects

Most common alloy

bronze= copper + tin.. and later lead for added strength

earliest metal objects were processed how?

cold hammered

furnace technology

adding heat

cold hammering

ores are melted into a rough shape, then cooled and hammered


melting ore to desired shape, then hammering, heating tip malleable and then hammering


pouring molten ore into a cast of desired objects then allowing to cool.

Iron's first appearance

1000BC in old world in the near East .

Soon after appearance, iron tools and objects spread quickly.


heating iron ore until the oxygen in the ore(in the form of oxides) is released.

To smelt iron, you need ?

a consistant temp of at least 800 C

In order to reach these high temps and sustain them..

a furnace needs to have air be blown through

(T/F) Throughout most human history, trade and exchange was abundant and occurred everywhere

False, it was minimal or nonexistent. Families supplied themselves with almost everything. Or over short distances with families and friends.

As societies became larger and more complex, what happened to the amount of trade ?

amount of trade and exchange increased.

Trade becomes especially prevalent

once__________ emerges.


often exchanges btwn individuals or groups are more about....

strengthening relationships or marking occasions

some goods are acquired so they can be ?

shown off as markers of status or economic wealth, prestige goods.

examples of prestige goods...

jade, feathers, ivory, metals, textiles

3 kinds of exchange behaviors

generalized reciprocity

balanced/symmetrical reciprocity

negative reciprocity

All cultures practice the 3 exchange behaviors, which one you decide to practice tells?

about economic and non-economic behavior

Evidence of single meals or periodic food resources are determined by ?

examining stomach contents. single meal food habits can be determined by looking at human fecal matter.


preserved fecal matter of animals and plants

human tooth enamel and bone collagen is partly made up of ....

stable carbon isotopes.

Does the amount and type of carbon isotope differ from plant to plant ?


By examining the isotopes in teeth and bone, archeologists can learn?

about diet over a person's lifespan

Collagen from bones of Classic Maya individuals suggest that corn was ??

80% of their diet