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37 Cards in this Set

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Radiocarbon Dating

Measures the decay of Carbon14 isotopes. Charcoal, bone, and other organic material can be dated with this method. Used for sites younger than 40 000 years.

Argon Dating

Identifies the time of a volcanic eruption. Can be used on sites in contexts where there are layers of volcanic ash.

Paleomagnetic Dating

Measures the reversal of the earth's magnetic field.


Used to measure the uptake of radioactive material. Used to date soils, animal teeth, and blunt flint. (measure how radioactive it is- specimens exposed to sunlight emit radiation)


Study of layers and sediments deposited over time. Allows for relative dating.

Law of Superposition

In an undisturbed depositional sequence, it states that each layer is younger than the other.


Classification/ identification - Francois Bordes (typology of stone tools)

Survey Design

- Find Sites, Find Distribution of Sites, Determine destruction of site

- Style of survey reflects the intention of site

Attribute Analysis

Attribute - a defining characteristic of an artifact


it's important

Location of artifact of feature in the archeological record

In Situ

An artifact where you found it

Vertical Excavation

For a site with multiple periods of excavation

Focus on digging a small, deep area

Horizontal Excavation

Focusing on one period of excavation, a wdie, shallow

Basic features of Stone Tools

- oldest found 2.5 million ya

- reductive process to make them

- choppers, handaxes, scrapers

- have a bulb of percussion

- a striking platform


Site with oldest stone tools

NMI (Number of Minimum Individuals)

Based on how many bones are in the animal and how many bones you found. Whichever number is highest in the NMI (often underestimates)


Counts each bone and fragment as one unit

How many bones there are in the site is the number of specimens (often overestimate)

New Archeology of Processual Archeology

A theory that focuses on studying humans/society. A more anthropological approach. Strongly emphasizes use of scientific method.

Lewis Binford

Post - Processual Archeology

The response - Ian Hodder

Scientific method can be flawed - like interpretation more than facts.

An emphasis on subjectivism. Somewhat influenced by Marxism.

The Three Age system

Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, - Developed by CJ Thompson. (Chalcolithic - recently added between Stone Age and Bronze Age)

V. Gordon Childe

Known for Marxist Archeological Theory

Chief founders of the cultural/historical approach to Archeology


Taxonomic family of primates. Refers to our clade after we split from last common ancestor of chimps.


An evolutionary term. A single species that quickly splits into different species.


A Geographic term of species dispersing over time

Homo Erectus

A hominin. Generalist. Go from choppers to handaxes. (dates)


Mousterian stone tool technology. Lived in Europe contemporary to Modern humans. Arrived in Europe before humans. (dates)


A technique of making stone tools, largely attributed to Neanderthals. A flake tool technology. Shows forethought.

Modern Humans

Homo sapiens. Defined by it's anatomy not by it's behaviour. Show up 200 000-190 000 ya. 2nd migration pulse out of Africa next to Homo Erectus and took over.


Stone tool industry characterized by hand axes and soft percussion techniques. ie: bones

Middle Paleolithic

300 000 - 45 000 ya

Characterized by the Mousterian stone tool industry. The period that saw us expand out of Africa . Rise in art.

Howiesons Poort

A lithic technology in the middle stone age in South Africa. Composite weapons, Geometric back blades


Archeological culture in the Upper Paleolithic. 45-35 000 ya.

Known for advancements in art/ earliest signs of religion. ie: Venus statue


Large fauna, now exinct due to climate change/ hunting by humans.


North American Culture named after the site Clovis - characterized by their distinct style of spear point. Early and widespread in southern north america.

Glacial Lake Algonquin

The Pre-curser to Great Lakes. After Ice age receded left tons of water that turned into Great Lakes.

Agassiz and Minong

Great Lakes

Formed 12 000 years ago.

Onondaga chert

A chert (flint) from a specific quarry in Onondaga territory.