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57 Cards in this Set

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external evidence
ethnographic observation/experimentation with plant-processing activities to an examination of the archaeological remains and contexts
internal analysis
focusing almost exclusively on archaeological data
it is desirable to take samples of crop remains from ______ areas
proof of human processing of bones
cut marks, artificial concentrations of bones in particular places, burning of bones
in young mammals most bone growth takes place at the ends of the bone shaft (___________) and the articular surfaces of the bones are joined only by cartilage
bones and teeth
most abundant kind of animal remains found on sites
skin or fleece
very occasionally survive archaeologically i.e. wool/hair in wild v. domesticated sheep
assessing diet from human remains
stomach contents, fecal material
archaeologist is often aided in making technological reconstructions by unfinished objects or abandoned stones i.e. Easter Island
primary flakes
first flakes struck off
outer surface
Oldowan, Acheulian, Mousterian, Gravettian
tool technologies, in order of length of cutting edge produced
Microwear Studies
Sergei Semenov; Keely - established a reference collection with which wear on ancient tools could be compared
________ of pottery production is why pottery is valuable to archaeology
methods for pots
coiled, handmade, wheel made
styles of pottery
molded decoration, incised or corded decoration, painting, glazes , and other surface treatments
surface colors and treatments sometimes reveal ______ technologies
Bronislaw Malinowski
Papua New Guinea; lived there and studied them
a gift-based way of moving things around
Marcel Mauss
wrote "The Gift" 1925; explored religious, legal, econ, mythological, and other aspects of giving, receiving, and repaying in diff. cultures...... potlatches-people would bankrupt themselves to outdo their rivals in giftgivin
theorized 3 types of exchange 1. Reciprocity 2. Redistribution 3. market exchange
the fairly common discovery of large hoards of metal artifacts indicates the widespread function of metal as a store of ________ throughout Europe and Asia
common transactions
the value of metals made them poorly suited for ________ ____________
world's first true coinage done by _________ 650-600 BC
originally a means of assuring purity of metal content by the stamp of authority
Roman coinage
first fully developed system of coinage and first true market-based economy; 250 BC-AD 200
Uluburun shipwreck
objects found in the ship suggest where the ship had been, but little about the exchange system
last glacial period
occurred during the last years of the Pleistocene, approx 110k to 10k years ago. effects - much land was cold, dry, uninhabitable , reduced vegetation
last glacial period
occurred during the last years of the Pleistocene, approx 110k to 10k years ago. effects - much land was cold, dry, uninhabitable , reduced vegetation
Pleistocene-Holocene transition
dramatic climatic changes which resulted in extinctions as well as fundamental reorganization of ecological communities some 13,000 years ago. It was during this period that the vast region recognized today as the Great Plains developed. Expansion of grassland dominated environments and rapid increase in bison populations, filling the niche left by the extinction of other grazing herbivores such as mammoth, horses, and camels, set the stage for the first human groups to utilize the Plains environment.
interglacial period
geological interval of warmer global average temperature lasting thousands of years that separates consecutive glacial periods within an ice age
can also be utilised in archaeology in the provenancing of some stone raw material types. Some stone types, such as limestone, are commonly found to contain fossilised Foraminifera. The types and concentrations of these fossils within a sample of stone can be used to match that sample to a source known to contain the same "fossil signature"
methods for knowing what people ate
isotopic analysis, plant evidence from literate societies, bone assemblages, stomach contents, tooth wear and decay
wood carvings, textiles, basketry
survive in very dry or wet conditions; richest New World evidence - Peruvian textiles
came about when people began to live more sedentary lifestyles
"pre-glass"; made by coating a core material of powdered quartz wit ha vitreous alkaline glaze - archae importance: evidence it can provide for the source of particular beads
2500 BC in ___________, made first beads of real glass
most important non-ferrous metal
shaping native copper
native copper (found in nature) - hammered, cut, polished - used much in "old copper" culture in northern u.s. and canada
Annealing native copper
"annealing" - process of heating and hammering the metal
bronze/tin-bronze -> harder than copper and less brittle...weapon production
______ for metallurgy can yield much useful information
silver extraction
trace elements
elements present only in very small quantities measured in just a few parts per million
Neutron Activation Analysis
obsidian, pottery, metals; depends on the trasnmutation of the nuclei of the atoms of a sample's various elements by bombarding them with slow thermal neutrons, leading to production of radioactive isotopes
trend surface analysis
to highlight the main features of a distr. by smoothing over some of the local irregularities
fall-off analysis
quantity of a traded material usually declines as distance from source increases
interaction spheres
competition, competitive emulation, transmission of innovation, symbolic entrainment, ceremonial exchange of valuables, flow of commodities, lang and ethnicity
symbolic entrainment
a tendency for the symbolic systems in use to converge
common language
most effective mode of interaction is a ________ _____________
ceramic petrography
study of archaeological ceramics, or potsherds, in terms of their mineralogical content
lead isotope analysis
identification of isotopic signature, the distribution of certain stable isotopes and chemical elements within chemical compounds; uses - reconstructing diet, sourcing archae materials
Marcel Mauss
"The Gift" 1925. in a range of societies, especially those lacking monetary system, gift exchange was the fabric of social relations... gift DOES NOT equal payment. gift was a gesture and a bond
"Kula". reciprocal exchange of valuables - they cemented relationships. Melanesian islands
Polanyi; exchanges that take place between individuals who are symmetrically placed (positive, balanced, negative)
Polanyi; the operation of some central organizaiton; goods are sent to this organizing center, or at least are appropriated by it, and are then redistributed by it - a form of internal exchange
market exchange
Polanyi; both a specific central location for transactions and social relationships