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62 Cards in this Set

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Who defeated Athens and Thebes which brought an end to Helenistic Greece: his Father was assassinated: he attacked phoenecia: associated himself with the gods: developed infrastructure to maintain empire: his competitor was Carthage which was ruled by a queen and founded by Phoenecians

Alexander the Great
Which city conquered Greece?

Which city was founded in a good location near the Tiber River: had a republic form that was central to Rome's story: sewer systems, shrines


Which 2 cultural values helped expand Rome?

Military leadership and Political skill

Who helped Rome extend beyond the Mediterranean during the conquest of France?

Julius Caesar

Who became leader of Rome after Caesar and reformed taxation to where people did not pay taxes?


What was the maximum population of Rome?

1 million people

Who helped suppress rebellions in Rome?

Legions of Rome: citizen soldiers and subjugated people

What became the state religion of the Roman empire?

Christianity: tried to unite splintering empire, but splits anyway, led to political evolution and cultural exchange between greeks and romans
Which tool set consisted of big scrapers, bone tools, microliths?

Oakhurst Complex

Which site in South Africa consisted of Rock Art, mammal quadruped depictions?

Apollo II Cave

Where in Africa did they rely on aquatic resources and shift to obsidian microliths?

East Africa/Kenya

Where were there foragers who used quartz microliths, grinding stones that indicated intensification, and yams?
West Africa
Where and what was the 1st domesticate?

Millet in West Africa

What fruit came from Asia that indicated trade?


Where was metal working common?

North Africa

Where was iron melting common, cattle, villages?

South AFrica

Who settled Madagascar?

People from Indonesia
What helped African people farm due to silt deposits?

Nile Floods
What were common trends in Pre-Dynastic Egypt?

Grains, complexity, trade with SW Asia, copper/silver smithing

Where were settlements found in Egypt?

Up and down the Nile River

What did these settlements consist of?

Low-density populations and walled cities

What buried previous archaeological cities in Egypt?

Newer cities and nile flooding

What was the central city of Egypt for most of its existence?

Founding city of Memphis that had a reliance on writing
Which Egyptian dynasty was the beginning of Pyramid building?

Third Dynasty

What was the steppe pyramid that was 200 foot tall where the king was buried in the middle: demonstration of administrative power

Which dynasties made up the Old Kingdom of Egypt?

Fourth through eighth
What characteristics made up the Old Kingdom of Egypt?

Stability and Growth, organized around a Pharoah who was religious power, deity between God and Earth, he was responsible for Nile floods

Who built the pyramid tombs of Giza, stretching the state's economic resources to the limit and using force to achieve their goals and keep the populace in check?

Khufu and Khafre
In particular, who built the great pyramid?


What came with the collapse of the old kingdom?

Shift away from Pharoahs
What was the climate like in the Nile Valley during the last millennia of the Ice Age?
Rich, diverse habitat, abounding in game of all sizes and in wild vegetable foods
Which site in Upper Egypt consists of tiny settlements, stone tools, bones, and charcoal that lay atop sandy dunes about 2 miles from the narrow Nile floodplain?

Wadi Kubbaniya 17000-15000 B.C.
What type of people were the Wadi?


Which culture was from central Egypt, best known from microlithic tools found at riverside campsites near the Nile?

Qadan culture 10,000 B.C.
Where did most group settle?

Near permanent water supplies because the Nile floods were so unpredictable

What did the end of the Ice Age bring to northern Africa?

INcreased rainfall, raging floods, swept away fertile soils

6,000 B.C., drought cycles became longer in the Sahara, how did people respond?

Settled closer to permanent water, where they faced the same problem as the people of the Nile: seasonal food shortages and the constant threat of starvation

Why did farming begin along the Nile?

People were living in an unpredictable riverine environment and they wanted to amplify their food supplies, these same cereals became domesticated

Where is domesticated barley known from?

Nabta Playa site in Western Desert: 6,000 B.C.

What type of settlement were Nabta Playa people living in?

Large settlements with houses set in rows or in an arc, as many as 14 families lived in the villages, low pit houses sunk into the ground

Where did small fishing camps reside, who did not use cereals?
Fayum Depression
Did the Fayum people build permanent villages or was their environment too unpredictable to allow complete dependence on agriculture?

Too unpredictable

Where was a cluster of oval houses built half underground and roofed with mud sticks?

Merimde 3900 B.C. Near the Nile Delta

Where did the Merimde people bury their dead?

Cemeteries overlooking the Nile, where the graves would not take up valuable agricultural land

Which two regions formed Egypt?

Lower and Upper

Which community was the first sign of social differentiation in Egyptian society?


What was used to adorn tombs?

Red Plum Pottery

What was one royal tomb adorned with?

Small paintings depicting a ruler smiting his enemies and sitting under an awning?
Which artifact is carved on both sides with scenes commemorating King Narmer of Nekhen?

Narmer palette
Which culture flourished over much of the delta, made up of small towns and farming villages, Lower Egypt, major trading center, large, roofed oval or rectangular cellars?


Which site contained many imports such as seashells, ostrich eggshells, mother of pearl, where dead were buried in cemeteries, body wrapped in a mat or coarse fabric and placed on its left side, facing south?


What is the form of picture-writing?

Where was writing probably first developed and Egyptian priests developed their own script?

What was the long and complex period of consolidation, powerful local chiefdoms into a unified whole?

Archaic period

What was the skill that was valued above all other crafts?

Reading and writing, key to controlling the labor of hundreds or thousands of people

Where are the earliest pharaohs found?


How many dynasties of pharaohs did the Old Kingdom of Egypt see?


Who built the pyramid tombs of Giza?

Khufu and Khafre

what was the first state of its size in history?

What was the period of political weakness in Egpyt?

The Late Period