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16 Cards in this Set

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What is the periodic table?

The periodic table arranges elements in a pattern according to their proton numbers.

What was a major problem with some of the early periodic tables?

Early versions failed to take into account of the fact that not all of the elements were known at that time, as:

1) They did not know what atomic number was as they didn't know of subatomic particles. Measured properties (C+P) instead.

2)Could only measure RAM - put in order of.

Who as the key man who revolutionised the periodic table?

In what 2 ways did he?

Dmitri Mendeleev (1869).

1) In order of RAM, but had to leave gaps in vertical coloumns (groups) for properites to match.

2) Could predict the propeties of undiscovered elements.

How is an elements place in the periodic table determined?

By its atomic (proton) number

What determines the chemical properties of an atom?

The number of electrons in the highest energy level. E.G. If the arrangement is 2,8,8,2. It is in group 2 (last number). If its arrangement is 2,8,8,7 it is in group 7

How can we explain trend in reactivity as we go down a group?

Because of the number of energy levels in the atoms increases.

What are the elements in group 1 of the periodic table called?

The alkali metals

When alkali metals react with water they produce ________ and _______

Hydrogen + metal hydoxide (dissolve in a solution to give an alkali solution)

The reactivity of the alkali metals increases/decreases as we go down the group


What kind of molecules are the halogens?

diatomic (e.g. They always have a little two after their element. E.g. Cl2, Br2, I2)

When halogens form ions, what is their charge?

1-. Because they have 7 electrons on the outer shell and need 1 more for it to be complete, therefore, they gain an electron.

Theyre called halides.

What kind of compounds do the halogens form?

COVALENT compounds. They share electrons with other non-metals.

The reactivity of the halogens increases/decreases as you go down the group


Harder to gain an electron the further the shell is from the nucleus. +BP,MP

What kind of melting points/density do the transition elements have?

High MP and high density.

What can you say about the conduction of heat an electricity in the transition metals?

They are very good conductors of heat and electricity.

Do the transition metals react vigorously with oxygen or water?

No. That's the alkali metals. K ignites due to so much heat.