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13 Cards in this Set

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What is the difference between physical and chemical digestion?
Physical Digestion involves physically breaking down food into smaller pieces- teeth/ churning of stomach.
Chemical Digestion invloves hydrolysis by adding water. This is catalysed by digestive enzymes.
How does food move from the mouth to the stomach?
Down the oesophagus using waves of contractions called Peristalsis.
What are the two parts of the small intestine?
Duodenum and Ileum.
Where is amylase found and what does it hydrolysise?
In the salivary glands and the pancreas. Hydrolyses starch.
Where is maltase found and what does it hydrolysise?
In the Ileum. Hydrolyses maltose.
What is the bond called between to amino acids?
Peptide Bond.
Explain the biuret test for proteins.
1. Needs to be alkaline so add Sodium Hydroxide.
2. Add copper sulphate.
If it turns purple then a protein is present if not nthen no protein is present.
What is the bond formed between two monosaccharides?
Glycosidic Bond
How would you find out if there was a reducing sugar present in a solution?
Heat the solution and add benedicts reagent. If the sample turns brick red then a reducing sugar is present.
What colour would a solution containing starch go when iodine is added?
What happens when an enzyme is denatured?
Important covalent and hydrogen bonds are broken
What makes enzymes so specific?
The sequence of amino acids and their tertiary structure.
How does a competitive inhibitor prevent enzyme activity?
It binds to the enzyme's active site and so less Enzyme substrate complexes are formed.