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25 Cards in this Set

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Uncle Tom's Cabin
Author is Harriet Beecher Stowe. Personalized slavery, dubbed as abolitionist propaganda in the South.
Ostend Manifesto
1854 - A secret document written by 3 US diplomats (at Ostend, Belgium), planning to acquire Cuba from Spain. Manifest Destiny extended. When it was found out, reaction everywhere was negative.
"Bleeding Kansas"
Described the violent hostilities between pro and antislavery forces in the Kansas territory during the mid and late 1850s.
Gadsden Purchase
Gave US possession of Mesilla Valley south of the Gila River, while the Mexicans received $10 million.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Douglas wanted to develop the unorganized region. Also wanted presidency. Thought the KA NA act would help him. Effects: Reopened question of slavery in the territories (bleeding Kansas), dashed his hope for the presidency, completely realigned the major political parties, Dems lost influence in the North & became regional proslavery party of the South, Whig Party died in South and weakened in the North, and A new Repub party opened.
Sumner Brooks Affair
Brooks attacked Sumner for making a speech about his (Brooks') cousin. Brooks was a hero to South, Sumner was nearly a martyr to North.
Know-Nothing Party
Acted like they knew nothing about slavery - wanted to avoid all issues.
Freeport Doctrine
Trap Lincoln set for Douglas in their debates. Douglas had to say he supported the Constitution and therefore the Dred Scott Decision, but this contradicted his support of Popular Sovereignty. His response was the weak Free Doctrine: Any territory, by "unfriendly legislation" could exclude slavery, no matter what the Supreme Court said. Douglas lost popularity in South.
Lincoln - Douglas Debates
Series of debates between the two, who were running to be senator of Illinois.
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Supreme Court Decision which said that slaves were not citizens and therefore could not sue; and since they were property, could be taken anywhere (free or slave state) and be protected by the Constitution (as property). Also repealed the Missouri Compromise - slavery can go north of 36"30'.
Election of 1860
Lincoln's election. L completely abandoned the South, and won by campaigning in the North, even with only 39% of the pop vote. Other candidates were Douglas (north), Breckinridge (south), and Bell (constitutional union party).
Lecompton Constitution
Proposed pro-slavery constitution for Kansas. Buchanan and Senate approved it, but House voted it down in 1858. Eventually a new anti-slavery const was drawn up and KA was admitted as a free state in 1861.
Crittenden Compromise
1860 - Crittenden wanted to 1. say that no one would try to harm slavery (which Lincoln approved) and 2. restore the 36"30' line and extend it around the world. Lincoln opposed it because he did not want slavery in the Territories.
Homestead Act
1862 - Designed to spur Western Migration and to secure settlers on the public domain. Distributed public land to citizens willing to farm. Only passed in 1862 when the South wasn't there to oppose it.
Morrill Land Grant Act
1862 - Donated public land (30,000 acres) to states and territories that provided Agricultural and Mechanical Colleges.
John Brown
Led crusades against slavery - very violent. Led raids and planed to arm slaves. Was, however, stopped, and tried and convicted of treason.
Emancipation Proclamation
Declared that "all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free". Applied only to states that had seceded from the Union... Transformed charter of the War. Added moral force to Union cause.
Election of 1864
Lincoln (repubs) vs. McClellan (dem). Lincoln won.
1863-1877; period immediately following the Civil War. Focused on rebuilding the South and enforcing rights and freedoms of blacks.
Freedmen's Bureau
1865 - Agency set up to aid former slaves in adjusting themselves to freedom. Furnished food and clothing to needy blacks and helped them get jobs.
Wade-Davis Bill
1864 - Made Confederate's re-admittance to the Union almost impossible - a majority in each Southern state had to swear they had never in the past supported the Confederacy. Vetoed by Lincoln.
Black Codes
Restrictions on the freedom of former slaves, passed by Southern govts. Basically took the Slave Codes and replaced "slave" with "black".
Whiskey Ring
1875 - National liquor tax evasion scheme. Indictments brought against 86 govt officials.
Reconstruction Acts of 1867
1. Divided the Confederacy (except Tennessee) into 5 military districts; to get rid of military rule, states needed constitutions giving blacks the right to vote and ratify the 14th amend.
2. Required voter registration, supervised election of delegates to the constitutional conventions
3. Clarified procedures (??)
Disputed Election of 1876
Tilden (Dem) appeared to be winning, so election officials in FL, SC and LO destroyed Dem ballots, giving Hayes (repub) the election. Fraud from both parties was found, but Hayes was given presidency. Dems settled with compromise of 1877.