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45 Cards in this Set

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Judiciary Act
Congressional act creating the federal court system
Alexander Hamilton
Washington’s Secretary of the Treasury
Thomas Jefferson
Washington’s Secretary of State, 3rd President
Henry Knox
Washington’s Secretary of War
Edmund Randolph
Washington’s Attorney General
Hamilton’s Plan
introduced the Bank, tariff, and debt assumption
Bank of the US
bank created by national government to fund expenditures
Excise tax
tax on internal products to raise gov’t revenue
Report on Manufactures
Hamilton’s plan to industrialize the US
Loose interpretation
stretching the meaning of the Constitution
Strict interpretation
the Constitution only means what it exactly says
Residence Act
congressional law establishing DC as capital
Whiskey Rebellion
farmers revolt against whiskey tax
Washington’s Farewell Address
“avoid foreign entanglements”
political party favoring strong national government
political party favoring limited national government
Society of the Cincinnati
aristocratic organization of Revolutionary War officers
Alien and Sedition Acts
laws limiting speech and citizenship passed by Federalists
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
state laws opposing Alien and Sedition Acts
Doctrine of nullification
belief that a state could void a national law
Revolution of 1800
election of Jefferson
Second Great Awakening
religions revival of early 1800s inspiring social activism
Gilbert Stuart
artist famous for his portraits of early republic leaders
Charles Willson Peale
painter famous for portraits of early republican leaders
Citizen Genet
recruited US citizens to fight in the French Revolution
Neutrality Proclamation
declaration of no US involvement in French Revolution
XYZ Affair
French ministers expect bribes before accepting US ambassadors
Northwest Posts
forts in the Ohio valley occupied by British after Rev War
Jay’s Treaty
unpopular agreement between US and Britain
Pinckney’s Treaty
agreement with Spain to allow use of Mississippi
Anthony Wayne
US commander defeated Indian confederacy in battle of fallen timbers
Barbary Pirates
privateers in Mediterranean who demanded protection money from US
“We are all Federalists, we are all Republicans”
Jefferson’s first inaugural statement
Midnight judges
Adams appointed these on the last day of his presidency
Tripolitan war
undeclared war with barbary pirates
Hamilton-Burr duel
former Vice President shot former Secretary of Treasury
Aaron Burr
former Vice President put on trial for treason
British policy forbidding US ships from visiting French ports
practice of taking US sailors and forcing them into British navy
Nonintercourse Act
congressional act blocking trade with Britain and France
leader of native American confederacy defeated at Tippecanoe
War Hawks
congressional leaders desiring war
Battle of New Orleans
Andrew Jackson commanded US victory in 1814
Hartford Convention
New England meeting opposed to war, threatened secession
Treaty of Ghent
document officially ending the War of 1812