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26 Cards in this Set

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Hartford Convention
Death of the Feds!! Federalists met to discuss possible amendments to the Constitution, but this was just as the War of 1812 ended, and they were extremely unpopular.
Monroe Doctrine
1823; Declared that Europe should not interfere with the Western Hemisphere affairs- any attempt at interference would be seen as a threat to US. Also said that any New World colony that gained independence could not be re-colonized by Europe. Show of nationalism.
Missouri Compromise
Admitted Missouri as a slave state, and Main as a free state. Declared that al territory north of the 36'30'' line would become free states, and all territory south would become slave states.
Corrupt Bargain
Charge made by Jacksonians in 1825 that Clay had supported John Q Adams in the House pres. vote in return for the office of Sec. of State.
National Republicans
Supported American System, strong Fed. Govt, and an anti-Jackson sentiment. Led by Adams and later by Clay, but was never a large force.
American System
Plan to strengthen and unify nation - Support for high tariff to protect Am. industries and get $$ for the Federal Govt. Internal improvements and support for the Reservation of the Bank of the US were also part of the system. It failed. :(
Samuel Slater
Creator of first American Factory. Photographic memory of factories in the UK.
Eli Whitney
Inventor of the Cotton Gin, pioneered in mass production.
Boston Associates
Shift to large scale production of cloth, established the Waltham Company (or the Boston Manufacturing Company) which became the first to process raw cotton into finished cloth. Major figure => Francis Lowell
American Colonization Society
Attempt to satisfy 2 opposite groups in America - one wanted to free African slaves and give them the opportunity to return to Africa, while the other feared free people of color and wanted to expel them from America. Neither group wanted free blacks to assimilate into white society.
Household System
Old system of distribution. Products made for personal consumption. Raw materials provided by merchants, materials brought to one house, then to then next.. etc.. eventually product goes to market.
Old National Road
1811-1818; The National road; first highway built entirely with federal funds. Fist attempt by US to provide a way to move people and goods across the US.
Fletcher v. Peck
1810; First time Court decides a state law unconstitutional. GA legislature gave land grants to private specs. for bribes, then then next leg. revoked grants, even though some original grants had already been sold. Marshal => original grants still valid.
Dartmouth College v. Woodard
1819; Court deals with corporations. DC has contract with Brit., state of NH wants DC to go public which goes against contract. Marshal => contracts can't be changed; protection of corps.
McCulloch v. Maryland
1819; MD with 5 other states levied taxes against the Nat'l bank, Marshall rules bank is constitutional so tax is not.
Gibbons v. Ogden
1824; Ogden had monopoly from NY ferrying on Hudson, Gibbons had Fed. coasting license and set up a competitive business. Marshall => state can regulate commerce within the territory, but not when it crosses a state line. Favor of Gibbons/federal authority.
Marbury v. Madison
Madison, Sec. of State, doesn't deliver judgeship commissions.. Marbury asks Supreme Court (Marshall) to make him deliver using 1789 Judiciary Act, which Marshall says is unconstitutional. Can't force Madison to deliver, establishes precedent of Judicial review.
Judiciary Act (1801)
Dying Federalist Legislature creates more judgeships, John Adams appoints 'midnight judges'; leads to Marbury v. Madison.
Tariff of Abominations
1828; NE wanted tax raised on imports from 20% to 58% (as protection); opposed by south & west (no factories). Passed under John Q Adam's admin; supported by northern Jacksonians.
Exposition and Protest
Secretly written by Calhoun, who went from supporting tariffs and war to supporting states rights; argued that states could declare a law invalid if they feel it invades their sovereignty.
Trail of Tears
Cherokee Indians were forced from Georgia to Oklahoma by Jackson. Marshal had ruled (Worcester v. Georgia) that the state could do nothing to Indians; only the Federal Govt could, but Jackson put pressure on the Cherokees to sign a removal treaty.
Webster-Haynes Debate
1830 - Debate over an 1830 bill to limit the sale of public lands in the the west to new settlers. Webster spoke of the danger of states' rights, and claimed it would lead to civil war. States rights (South) vs Nationalism (North).
Maysville Road Veto
1830 - MRoad Bill proposed building a road in KY (Clay's state) at federal expense. Jackson vetoed it because he didn't like Clay, and Van Buren said that NY and PA paid for their own transport improvements w/ state money. Strict Constructionism - fed govt won't pay for internal improvements.
Worcester v. Georgia
States not permitted to redraw boundaries or forbid residence in Indian territories; Constitution gave authority to the Fed. Govt only (states couldn't touch Indians) to regulate relations with Indian tribes.
Nicholas Biddle
Bank President under Jackson; made bank loan policy stricter.
Specie Circular
1836 - Issued by Jackson, meant to stop land speculation cause by states printing paper money without the specie (gold/silver) to back it up. SC meant that land must be paid for in specie. Sale of land declined steeply; panic of 1837 followed.