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126 Cards in this Set

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William Seward
-AK bought from Russia in 1867
-Was called “Seward’s Folly” because people thought it was a waste of money, but was proved wrong when there was gold and oil in AK
Annexation of AK
-owned by Russia and bought from US in 1867
Annexation of HI
-annexed 1898
Queen Liliukalani
-Queen of the Hawaiian islands
-overthrown because she wanted the independence of Hawaii
Alfred Mahan
-The Influence of Sea Power upon History
- all powerful nations throughout history needed powerful navy
-ultra-nationalists who thought military retaliation was best policy
William McKinley
-raised tariff on HI sugar increasing American planters’ demands for annexation
Spanish-American War
-Cuban revolt against Spain in 1895
-Spanish general, “Butcher” Weyler
-Yellow journalism – papers like Hearst’s NY Journal and Pulitzer’s The World
-Us interested in sugar plantations in Cuba
-De Lome letter
- USS Maine exploded
-Teller Amendment
-Treaty of Paris –1898
U.S. is now active on world stage w/ holdings around the world
Yellow journalism
-papers like Hearst’s NY Journal and Pulitzer’s The World published sensational/lurid stories; tales of Spanish brutality inflamed Americans
Butcher Weyler
- brutal Spanish general
De Lome letter
-Spain had no intention to give Cuba its independence
Teller Amendment
-(proclaimed U.S. would give Cubans freedom after they had overthrown Spain)
Manila Bay
-First major engagement of the Spanish-American war
George Dewey
-destroyed Spanish fleet
San Juan Hill
-Black regiments saw much fighting and proved bravery and skill
-US/Cuban victory
Rough Riders
-TR led volunteer cavalry unit
Treaty of Paris of 1898
-Ended the Spanish-American War
Filipino Insurrection
-or AKA the Philippine-American War
Emilio Aguinaldo
-leader for the Philippines in the Philippine-American War
Anti-Imperialist League
-saw annexation as un-American and un-dem and pro-annexation groups arguing it would increase glory of America, profit trade, and allow for civilizing of Filipinos
Foraker Act
-gave Puerto Ricans limited popular gov’t
Insular Cases (1901)
-cases concerning the status of territories acquired by the U.S. in the Spanish-American War
Platt Amendment
-3 conditions for Cuban independence – Cuba could not make treaties w/ others, U.S. would have authority to intervene in pol/econ affairs, Cuba would sell/lease U.S. land for naval bases
Open Door Policy
-Sec of State, John Hay, proposed Open Door policy in which European nations would open their “spheres of influence” in China to merchants of all countries
Open Door Policy
-Sec of State, John Hay, proposed Open Door policy in which European nations would open their “spheres of influence” in China to merchants of all countries
John Hay
- proposed Open Door policy
Boxer Rebellion
- Chinese nationalists rebelled against foreign influences killing hundreds of Europeans and Chinese Christians
Roosevelt Corollary
- U.S. had right to intervene in L.A. to prevent European intervention (preventive intervention)
Big stick policy
-“speak softly, but carry a big stick”
-always have a good military backing
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty (1901)
-releasing U.S. from previous agreement With GB(Clayton-Bulwer, 1850) that neither country would build a canal w/o the other
Panama Canal
-Through the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, the revolution in Panama, and the hundreds of laborers made it possible to build this canal.
-connected the Atlantic and Pacific oceans
Gentleman’s Agreement
-The Japanese government secretly agreed to restrict the emigration of Japanese workers to the United Sates in return for Roosevelt pursuing California to repeal its discriminatory laws
Root-Takahira agreement
-Secretary of state Root and Japanese Ambassador Takahira exchanged notes pledging mutual respect for each nation's Pacific possessions and the support of the Open Door policy in China
Dollar Diplomacy
- effort of the United States — particularly under President William Howard Taft — to further its aims in Latin America and East Asia through use of its economic power by guaranteeing loans made to foreign countries
William Taft
-Roosevelt's successor adopted a foreign policy that depended on the investor’s dollars than on navy battleships
Pancho Villa
-Led raids across the U.S. Mexican border and killed a number of people in Texas and in New Mexico
Allied Powers
-France, Great Britain and Russia (was the Triple Entente)
Central Powers
-Germany, Austria Hungary, Italy, Ottoman empire (was the Triple Alliance without Ottoman empire)
Woodrow Wilson
-President during WWI, succeed by Taft
U-boat warfare
Unrestricted, is when the enemy ships attack any ships belonging to the other side, regardless if it it just merchant ships.
-Germany sinking a British Liner killing many people including 128 Americans.
Zimmerman Telegram
-a secret offer made by Germany to Mexico to convince Mexico to ally with Germany
Gen. John Pershing
-Led the American Expeditionary Force
American Expeditionary Forces (AEF)
-The first U.S. troops to see action and were not regarded well, but when many came, it obtained independent responsibility for a segment on the Western Front.
Committee on Public Information – George Creel
-created to influence U.S. public opinion regarding American participation in World War I.
Espionage and Sedition Acts (1917 and 1918)
-The Espionage Act provided imprisonment of up to 20 years for people who spoke against the draft of tried to obstruct the operation of the draft. The sedition Acts prohibited anyone making “disloyal” remarks about the U.S. Government
Schenck v. U.S. (1919)
-the right to free speech could be limited when it represented a “clear and present danger” to the public
War Industries Board
-The organization encouraged companies to use mass-production techniques to increase efficiency and urged them to eliminate waste by standardizing products
– Bernard Baruch
National Labor Board – Taft
-handled labor disputes
Food administration – Herbert Hoover
- Hoover believed "food will win the war." He established set days to encourage people to avoid eating particular foods to save them for soldiers' rations: meatless Mondays, wheatless Wednesdays, and "when in doubt, eat potatoes." This program helped reduce consumption of foodstuffs needed overseas and avoided rationing at home
Selective Service Act (1917)
-method ensuring that all groups in the population would be called into service
-Military weapons or equipment
- payments intended to cover damage or injury during a war. 
Freedom of the seas
-anyone can sail; no one owns the sea
-Wilson revived the American commitment to self-determination during WWI
Fourteen Points
-detailed list of war aims by Wilson
League of Nations
-another name would be the International Peace Association
-Goals :preventing war through collective security,disarmament, and settling international disputes through negotiation 
Treaty of Versailles
-Germany was striped of his colonies in Asia and Africa, forced to admit guilty, and pay huge sums of money to Great Britain and France
-lands once controlled by Germany was given to the Allies and Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Poland gained independence
Mandate system
- A League of Nations system where a legal status for certain territories transferred from the control of one country to another
Accepted the League of Nations if certain reservations were added to the covenant
– Senator Lodge
Volstead Act (1919)
-Known as the National Prohibition Act
-enabled the United States government to enforce the  18 amendment
18th and 21st Amendments
-18 was the forbid of sale of alcohol drinks, while the 21 was the repealing of the 18, which allowed the sale of alcohol drinks
Boston Police Strike
- rioting/looting broke out after police went on strike, Coolidge was so angry at police he refused to negotiate w/ them, had Nat’l Guard restore order, and fired the whole police force
Emergency Quota Act of 1921
- limited # of immigrant in a year to 3% of ppl of that nationality living in U.S. in 1910
National Origins Act of 1924
-A law that severely restricted immigration by establishing a system of national quotas that blatantly discriminated against immigrants from southern and eastern Europe and virtually excluded Asians
Sacco & Vanzetti
- both Italian anarchists; convicted of murder; after 6 yr. case w/ weak evidence, electrocuted; became martyrs for class struggle
Scopes Trial
- modernity led to debates between its proponents and conservative Fundamentalists
- divide came to a head over teaching evolution in schools
- some states made it illegal
- when John Scopes (HS bio teacher) taught it in TN he was accused of breaking state law
- 1925 trial drew nationwide attention w/ prominent lawyers – William Jennings Bryan (prosecutor) and Clarence Darrow (defense attorney)
- Scope found guilty
Marcus Garvey
- stressed pride in African culture and incompatibility of blacks and whites; formed United Negro Improvement Association
-owned Black Star Line Steamship Company
Negro Improvement Association
- to promote resettlement of blacks in Africa and the sponsorship of black owned businesses in the U.S.
1st Transatlantic Flight
-Charles Lindbergh
The Lost Generation
- the generation that came of age during World War I
F. Scott Fitzgerald
- The Great Gatsby,critical commentary of illusion of self-made man
Ernest Hemingway
- The Sun Also Rises (disillusionment of American expats in Europe); A Farewell to Arms (troubles of war experience)
Sinclair Lewis
- Main Street ,criticized small-town life
T.S. Eliot
-Innovative poet
Gertrude Stein
- “Lost Generation”
Harlem Renaissance
- cultural upsurge in Harlem among black poets, playwrights, artists, musicians
Langston Hughes
-Hughes is best-known for his work during the  Harlem Renaissance
Warren Harding
-preceded by Wilson (after wilson)
Teapot Dome Scandal
- Harding to give control of gov’t oil at Teapot Dome from navy to Interior Dept, then secretly leased oil deposits to 2 oil tycoons w/o letting others compete for them in return for $400,000
Calvin Coolidge
- believed in small gov’t econ
Four, Five, and Nine Power Treaties – Washington Naval Conference
-4 Power Treaty (1921) – US, GB, Japan, and France agree to maintain status quo in Pacific
-5-Power Treaty (1922) – armament reduction (U.S., Br, Japans, France, Italy)
- Nine-Power Treaty (1922) – all attending nations agreed to support of Open Door policy
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)
-various nations agreed to settle disputed peaceably; led, Coolidge to decrease size of U.S. military
Al Smith
-Irish nominee for president 1928
John Steinbeck
-Grapes of Wrath
- majority of the people feel the stock market will go up, so they greedily buy
“on margin”
-Buying stocks on Credit
Tariff Act of 1930/Hawley Smoot Tariff
- Tax increasing foreign imports, highest in history
- European countries did the same against the Us and in result both national and international economies sank further into depression
Bonus Army
-many WWI veterans went to DC to demand immediate payment of the bonuses promised them at a later date, the army took care of that, many people injured and two died
Election of 1932
-Roosevelt Wins
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
-belief of Liberalism (that government intervention in economic matters but not in personal maters)
-Increased world trade opposite of Hoover
-Created New Deal
3 R’s
-Relief, Recovery, Reform
First Inaugural Address (FDR)
– “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”
Four Freedoms
-Freedom of speech and expression
- Freedom of worship
- Freedom of want
- Freedom of fear
Bank holiday
-to restore confidence in banks, the banks were closed to have the government reorganize them
Fireside chats
-FDR talked to the people, to restore confidence, and explain laws and have public backing to have laws passed
Hundred Days
-congress passed every request FDR had
Emergency Banking Relief Act
-authorized the government to examine banks that were closed during the bank holiday and determine which should reopen or not
-Civilian Conservation Crops
-employed young men on projects and payed their families small payment dues
-Agricultural Adjustment Act
-established a national agricultural policy
government paid farmers to grow less, and tenant farmers(mostly blacks) were left out
-Federal Emergency Relief Act
-established a national relief system, including the Civil Works Administration
Harry Hopkins
-WPA was operated under him, he was one of FDR closest advisers
-Tennessee Valley Authority Act
-promote economic development of the Tennessee valley by providing jobs
Federal Securities Act
-Regulate the purpose and sale of new securities, and trying to protect over-speculation
- Home Owners' Loan Corporation
-provided refinancing of small homes to prevent foreclosures
-National Industrial Recovery Act
-gave minimum wage and maximum hours a worker can work
-established the Public Works Administration
-Schechter Vs. Us said NIRA is unconstitutional
Glass-Steagall Act
-created Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
-separate commercial and investment banking
-Securities and Exchange Commission
-Made sure the stock market wasn't going crazy
-enforcing the federal security laws and regulating the securities industries
Federal Housing Admin.
-small loans to home owners
-supported with the U.S. Housing authorities
-Works Progress Administration
-Build/improved schools, playgrounds, airports, and hospitals
Wagner/National Labor Relations Act – 1935
-more rights to organize labor, gave more power to unions
-led to sit-down rebellions
-split off to CIO
Congress of Industrial Organizations (1935)
-proposed by John L. Lewis in 1932, was a federation of unions that organized workers in industrial unions
-Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 required union leaders to swear that they were not Communists, later was found inconsitutional
UAW v. GM (1937)
-United Auto Workers vs. General Motors
-sit downs rebellions, and won
Social Security Act – 1935
-required states to set up welfare funds to elderly, poor, unemployed, and disabled
Fair Labor Standards Act
-States minimum wages
Huey Long
-first demagogue
-”Kingfish” proposed the “Share the Wealth” program and promised 5,000 for every American family
Father Charles Coughlin
-Second demagogue
-Catholic Priest who founded the National Union for Social Justice
Francis Townshend
-Third demagogue
-proposed a simple plan in guaranteeing secure income, proposed that every retired person would receive $200 a month
-led to FDR making the Social Security System
Court-packing plan
-proposed that the president be authorized to appoint an additional justice to the Supreme Court
-many people outraged
Eleanor Roosevelt
-became the most active first lady
Frances Perkins
-First woman appointed to the US cabinet
Mary McLeod Bethune
-black woman who led efforts for improving educational and economical opportunities for women
-Established the Federal Council on Negro Affairs
Indian Reorganization Act
-reversed the Dawes Act
-restored lands to the tribes, granted Indians the right to establish Constitutions
John Maynard Keynes
- Deficit Spending would increase investment and create jobs, FDR's economic advisors used this theory and it got positive results
Good Neighbor policy
-main principle was that of non-intervention and non-interference in the domestic affairs of Latin America
Reciprocal Trade Agreement
-enabled Roosevelt to liberalize American trade policy around the globe