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115 Cards in this Set

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spanish explorer that crosses pacific in 1513, first to reach pacific from the new world
ponce de leon
governor of puerto rico
portuguese, first to circumnavigate the world
causes fall of aztecs
conquered incans and peru
de sota
first to discover mississippi river
spanish; discovers grand canyon
italian, first to discover north america mainland
jacques cartier
french; claims canada for france
samuel de champlain
french navigator that founds quebec city
louis jolliet
french canadian explorer that maps mississippi river with marquette
jacques marquette
french missionary that founds michigan and maps missippi river
henry hudson
english; disocvers new england area and sailed to current day NY
joint stock co.
english first used to recognize virginia company; private investment
virginia company
londan company and plymouth company
3B's: babes, blacks, house of burgesses
bacon's rebellion
led by nathiniel bacon, revolteed against virginia elite rule because of indian raids and trade rights... first time whites and blacks unite
william and mary
glorious revolution (1688) puts them in power in britain
william bradford
gov of plymouth

private land ownership, helps colonists out of dept
mayflower compact
new england, frame of gov't .. gives people some representation
Great migration
westward movement of americans because of population growth, less land, and indians
town meetings
puritan communities hold meetings to decide important issues and choose "selectmen"" who ran the town... usually only adult males who were members of the church
jonathon winthrop
puritan that creates massachusetts bay colony; "city upon a hill"
massachusetts bay colony
1629-30, puritans refuge in the new world; colonists aren't responsible to company officials; theocracy, little freedom
roger williams
creates rhode island, separatist minister in MA... MA should be separate from Church of England; RI has religious freedom
anne hutchinson
MA, clergy has no spiritual authority and challeneges proper role of women in puritan society
thomas hooker
minister defies MA and est connecticut, adopts consitution
fundamental orders of connecticut
first constitution in US
old deluder act
MA school act, if there are more than 50 families in a town, there must be a school
halfway covenant
passed by puritans bc people are drifintg from religion; provide partial church membership for children of church members; they can't vote though
glorious revolution
1688, replaced James II with W&M
DOminion of new england
james II combines MA gov't with other new england gov'ts as a way to enforce navigation acts, more dictatorship, short-lived
economic system to make money; more private owned than state owned
king philip's war
1675, Wampanoags resist english and terrorize MA; metacomet dies and war ends
wampanoag chieftain aka King Philip, first indian alliance collapses
edmund andros
head of dominion of new england; unpopular because he ignores colonists and very strict
jacob leisler
led leisler's rebellion which overthrows NY gov't; convicted of treason and executed
leisler's rebellion
overthrows NY govt
1701 founded in connecticut
1632, george calvert, refuge for englishcatholics;

chesapeake colony with house of delegates and proprietor laws

has tobacco, corn, headright system

act of toleration
lord baltimore
founds maryland as a refuge for catholics.
cecil calvert
first governor of MD
act of toleration
1649; lots of protestants in MD... this is passed to help people who believe in trinity; allows freedom of worship except for anyone that denies jesus' divinity ... oliver cromwell revokes this
1681, middle colony, william penn, freedom of religion for quakdrs
william penn
got land grant from charles II... no major conflicts with indians, agreed to charter of liberties
holy experiment
quakers try to est colony for themselves in PA, religious toleration
charter of liberties
1701, est representative assembly that limits proprieter, creates Delaware.. and gives more political and religious freedom
1732, last english colony to be est. created as a military barrier in the south against indians; refuge for impoverished aka bad people. founded by james oglethorpe and excluded africans and catholics
navigation acts
-1660, closes colonies to trading with any other nation except for england
- 1663, requres goods sent from euro to colonies to pass thru england; english taxation on goods
-1673, duties on coastal trade among english colonies and appoints custom officials to enforce act
triangular trade
trade betwn west africa, america, and europe with slaves, cash crops, and goods
middle passage
the passage from africa to west indies / america trading slaves
george whitfield
preacher during great awakening
cotton mather
puritan theologian; urges inoculation
john bartram
scientist, botanist
john peter zenger
tried for libel; freedom of the press!
Albany plan of union
1754, B.F's plan...

PA MD NY NE negotiate treaty with iroquois to set up unified gov't, not approved!
williamt pitt
defense prime minister of new england
treaty of paris 1763
ends F&I war, signed by brit, spain, portugal, french gives up all american land
pontiac's rebellion
colonists begin to move into ohio valley, indians strike back

since rulers wanted trade with indians, they stop colonists from migrating in
proclamation of 1763
forbids colonists from going past appalachian MTs
paxton boys
PA frontiersmen, go to Philadelphia and demand tax relief and financial support against indians
stamp act congress
in new york with delegates from 9 colonies

brits deny them right of being rightfully taxed except thru their own provincial assemblies
declaratory act
1766, brits get parliamentary authrotiy over coloinies in all cases whatsoever
townshend act
1767, new taxes on imported goods from england
writs of assistance
brit officers can searh ap erson's property without giving reason
john dickinson
letters from a PA farmer- unites colonists against townshend acts

you can't tax internally / externally
samuel adams
proposes creation of Committee of Correspondence

wrote MA circular letter
james otis
fought against writs of assistance; persuades people to make stamp act congress
MA circular letter
results in military occupation in boston by brits
lord north
pro american prime minister of england; supportive of virtual representation and repeals townshend acts
land ordinance
1785, congress creates system for surveying and selling western lands
northwest ordinance
divided into territory
min 60 000 people for statehood

freedom of religion and right to trial by jury

no slavery!
shays rebellion
dnaiel shays in MA demands paper money, tax relief, and abolition of imprisonment for debt
annapolis convention
1786, calls for constitutional convention
james madision
va plan, checks and balences
alex hamilton
co wrote federalist papers

national bank
new jersey plan
william patterson

one house legislature, all states ahve equal representation
commercial compromise
congres can regulate interstate and foreign commerce
slave trade end
internationslave trade stops, us continues till 1865
statute of religious freedom
TJ, est principles of religious freedom and separation of church and state
proclamation of neutrality
1793, GW declares nation neutral during conflict betwn franch and brits
citizen genet
adams wins election of 1796 because rumors say that TJ would support genet in the conflict between the french and brits
jay treaty
american sovereignty over northwest and est commercial relations
pinckney treaty
spain recognizes us right to sail mississpii river,
can deposit get goods from new orleans
fixes florida's border
texas goes to spain
mad anthony wayne
ohio valley, defeats indians at battle of fallen timbers

neogitates treaty of greenville
treaty of greenville
indians give up ohio for 20 000 dollars

first time US recognizes indians
whiskey rebellion
in PA people won't pay whiskey tax

GW puts down revolt.. people can't just revolt, they have to go thru congress
public land act
surveys and divides northwest territory into townships with sections that can be sold
centralized authroity


complex commercial ssytem

wealthy/ elite social class
wary of urbanization and industriliazation
XYZ affair
french makes us bribe them before negotations can begin
alien and sedition acts
you can persecute those who speak against gov't
judiciary act
cretaes supreme court with 6 members and lower courts that can appeal

power to make final decisison in cases with constitutional of state laws
va and ky resolutions
if fed gov't exceeded powers, people have right to nullify appropriate laws
toussaint l'ouverture
leader of haitian revolution, leads african victory over euros

abolishes slavery and secures contorl over colony
aaron burr
wanted to be leader of essex junto (create a northern confederacy)

shoots hamilton?!
tertium quids
demo repubs witih fed ideas, john randolph was leader
barbary pirates
TJ, us agres to give arbary states money;

tripoli declares war and captures us forces
unites indian tribes to stop white advancement into territory
The Prophet
mystical awakening from alcohlhism,

indians are superior
william henry harrison
enables whites to get farmalnd easier

destroys prophet and tecumseh

thorught us should annex canada
william harrison drives off indians
war hawks
randolph, clay, calhoun, advocated war of 1812
war of 1812
mainly due to impressement and coercion of war hawks

brits impeded american trade and supports indians

ends by treaty of ghent
old ironsides
USS constitution, battleship used in war of 812 and still used.
oliver hazard perry
1812 seizes lake erie
andrew jackson
defends new orleans from brits
treaty of ghent
brits leave us
won't give weapons anyore
territorial concessions and opened trade
hartford convention
feds against war of 1812

ideas of nullifying laws and succession from US
samuel chase
TJ tries to impeach him, fails
era of good feelings
1812-1821, period of strong nationalism, econ growth and territorial expansion, one political party
tariff of 1816
raises tariffs on brit goods, helps american industry
protective tariffs
tariffs placed on imported exported goods to protect US businesses
american system
internal improvements

protective tariffs

national bank
2nd bank of US
led by nicholas biddle
killed by jackson

cannot forbid state banks from issuing money... compels states to make sound notes