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30 Cards in this Set

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Agricultural Adjustment Act
Established by Agricultural Act of 1932. New Deal. Payed farmers to NOT farm goods that were being overproduced.
Agricultural Marketing Act
1929. Herbert Hoover. Authorized lending of federal money to farmers cooperatives to buy crops to keep them from the oversaturated market.
Albany Congress
1754. Coordinate effords against French and Native Am threats in Western frontier.
America First Committee
Insisted America stay out of WWII.
American Colonization Society
Stated that the best way to end slavery problem in the US was for blacks to emigrate back to Africa.
American Expeditionary Force
Official title of US army sent to Europe to aid UK and France after US entered WWI.
American Federation of Labor
Samuel Gompers. Skilled workers. 1886.
American Indian Movement
Native AM organization founded to protect against government policies and injustices. 1968.
American Liberty League
Anti-New Deal politicians to oppose FDR's New Deal policies.
American System
Henry Clay. Promoted vigorous growth for US economy and use of protective tariffs to encourage domestic purchasing.
Anaconda System
Union plan to win Civil War. Called for capture of Southern ports and control of Mississippi River.
Opposed ratification of Constitution.
Anti-Imperialistic League
1898. Opposed US annexation of Philippines and US impearealism in general.
Anti-Saloon League
1893. Increased public awareness of effects of alcohol on society.
Robert E. Lee surrendered Confederate Army to Ulysses S. Grant.
Articles of Confederation
1781. Established first official government of US. Lots of states power.
Battle of the Atlantic
1941. After sinking of US merchant ship by Germany.
Atlantic Charter
1941. Agreement between FDR and Churchill stating that US and GB would support a postwar world based on self-determination and would endorse a world body.
Ballinger-Pinchot Affair
Ballinger allowed private businessmen to purchase lots of public Alaskan land. Pinchot protested to Congress and was fired by Taft.
Bank War
Political battles surrounding Andrew Jackson's attempt to greatly reduce the power of the Second Bank of the US.
Bataan Death March
1942. March of 75,000 US and Filipino soldiers captured by the Japanese.
Bay of Pigs
JFK. Failed invasion of Cuba by US.
Bear Flag Republic
1846. Declared independence from Mexico, declared by American settlers living in Cali.
Beat Generation
Literary movement of 50's that criticized the conformity of US society.
"Bleeding Kansas"
Result of Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1954. Residents of Kansas could decide if it was to be a free or slave state.
Battle of the Bulge
1944. Last major Axis offense.
Bull Moose Party
TR. 1912 Election. Progessive Party.
First Battle of Bull Run
1861. Confederated victory.
Second Battle of Bull Run
1862. Confederate victory.
Battle of Bunker Hill
1775. British attack on colonial forces. British victory.