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23 Cards in this Set

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Election of 1800
Adams (Fed)
Jefferson (Dem-Repub)
Burr (Dem-Repub)

Jefferson & Burr tied, goes to House of Rep. Jefferson wins, Burr VP
1st President in Washington D.C.
Jefferson as President
"We are all Republicans, We are all Federalists."
-fair and neutral
-ends Hamilton's excise tax
-keeps some Federalist bureaucrats
-Cuts navy (mosquito fleet) & army
-reduces size of gov't
-ends Alien & Sedition acts
"Revolution of 1800"
Jefferson calls his taking of office b/c first time gov't handed to opposite faction w/o violence
Adams' Midnight Appointees
appoints supreme court justices on last day in office but Jefferson tells Sec. of State Madison NOT to go through with it.
Marbury vs. Madison
Marbury sues Madison for not delivering his appointment.
Chief Justice Marshall favors Madison-Judiciary Act of 1800 = unconstitutional.

Judicial Review precedent set (auth of Supr Ct)
Judiciary Act of 1800
new positions created by Adams
Louisiana Purchase
Napoleonic Wars/Sp. gives Louisiana Terr to Napoleon who sells to US for $15 mil. b/c he needs $

Jefferson doubles size of US but adopts loose interpretation of const unlike his party
Barbary Pirates
US embassy in Tripoli, Libya
local Barbary leader cuts US flag down
Tripolitian War
1st pres. to lead foreign war
Chesapeake Incident
1807-Brit captain claims deserters are aboard US ship but the US ship refuses to be boarded. Brit warship fires.
Jefferson enacts Embargo Act of 1807 instead of War.
Embargo Act of 1807
US cuts itself off from all int'l trade to punish Brit for Chesapeake Incident; FAILED. Repealed in 1809.
Non-Intercourse Act
1810-trade reopened after Embargo Act of 1807 to all except Brit and Fr.

Replaced by Macon's Bill Number 2 (1811)
Macon's Bill Number 2 (1811)
US would trade with Brit OR Fr. whichever agreed to respect our neutral nation sea rights 1st.
Winner of Election of 1804
Winner of Election of 1808
The Jeffersonian Era/Democracy
Jefferson & Madison Admins
War of 1812 Causes
-Brit. support of Indian rebellion
-Napoleonic Wars persists/violation of Amer.sea rights
-Canada = easy to get (did not get in Rev so now is the time)
Indian SHAWNEE Chief; brother = The Prophet unite tribes of Miss. R. and Ohio R. Valleys against US

Battle of Tippecanoe
Defeated by William Harrison
War Hawks
SOUTH and WEST want war.

US' first declared war.
Star Spangled Banner written where?
During War of 1812 @ Fort McHenry at Baltimore (Brits are defeated)
Treaty of Ghent
1814-Ends War of 1812. Nobody won.
Rush-Bagot Treaty
Disarm Great Lakes; no arms race
Hartford Convention
New England secessionists

instead of secede, asked for $
Victory @ New Orleans destroys their concerns. END OF FEDERALIST PARTY.