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53 Cards in this Set

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Three Sister Farming
Corn Beans Squash
Extinguished Aztec and Incan Empires. Professional soldiers and sailors, peasants artisans members of middle classes.
England's first Successful Settlement.
Jamestown Virgina (Inner part of Cheseapeake Bay)
Focused on gold but men died from idleness and winter. switched to land.
Sugar and Tobacco
Tobacco-Poor man's crop
Creates soil erosion and its quickly grown
Sugar-Rich man's crop
Takes x3 much labor Longer to make profit but bettr profit
1649 Maryland Act
Toleration for all of Christians Only
Propietor Lord Baltimore
Impact of Spanish Armada
England won.
It dampened Spain's fighting spirit and gave England dominance in the North Atlantic.
English travel to new world.
Barbados Slave Code
It made children of slaves slaves.
Illegal to teach slaves how to read.
African slaves have no rights.
Slave for life and never free
Slavery is main form of labor by 1700
Mayflower Compact
Elect representatives to make laws and govern.
Consent of the governed.
Puritan elect
Ideas of John Calvin
want to purify church of england
HeadRight System
Whoever pays for the passage of a laborer gets 50 acres of land.
Bacon's Rebellion
Cause: Only landowners can vote. Nathaniel Bacon organize people to end favoritism.
Result: Governor flees and Bacon takes control then British troops bring governor berkeley back.
Peter Zenger Case
Zenger was brought to trial on charges of printing false and seditious statements about colonial officials
Freedom of the press is right
Albany Congress 1754
Try to get Iroquois on Colonist side
Proclamation of 1763
Prohibited settlement in the area beyond the Appalachians
It was to work out the Indian problem fairly and prevent uprising
March of the Paxton Boys
Pennsylvania 1763-1764
Attack and Raid Indians
Shows regional tension and increased hostility towards indians
Stono Revolt
black people
escape to florida
epic fail
stopped by the guys with guns
Navigation Laws
Restrict Trade
only use british vessels
nations power is determined by how much gold or silver they have
Battle of Saratoga
most important battle
in revolution
because the u.s won it
france gave them support
Shay's Rebellion
farmers had a hard time economically
like mortgages and debt and such
so they rebelled
and called for more paper money so they could pay off debts easier
People demand a stonger central Gov
Virtual Representation
british parliament said that us colonies were "virtually represented" in their gov
Half Way Covenant
basically it was part of the church
and it lowered the requirements to being a full member
Great Compromise
(Connecticut Compromise)
Roger Sherman
House of Rep: Based on Pop.
House of Sen: equal # of Reps
Tenth Amendment
It supported States Rights
Alexander Hamilton's financial program
Excise Tax
Funding at par
Assuming state debt
Whiskey Rebellion of 1794
Excise Tax on Whiskey
help pay off debt because whiskey popular
push people to democratic republican party
Washington's Farewell Address
warned against political parties'factions
and warned against foreign affairs and isolationism
Alien and Sedition Acts
Used to silence Democ. Repub.
Make sure Jefferson isnt Pres.
Prevent immigrants from becoming citizen
Sedition Act: if you spoke against Gov. imprison or fine
Revolution of 1800
to jefferson it was a revolution because he would bring reform to people
to the people it was a revolution because the transfer over power between presidents was smooth
Marbury v. Madison
Marbury sue Jefferson
he did not get judgeship from midnight appointment
writ of mandamus
British stop all trade with US and take sailors
something to do with the french
Hartford Convention
Add 7 amendments to the constitution
end to 3/5 compromise
try to limit repub. power
Death of Fed. Party
Madison and Internal improvements
Approves second Bank of US
Tariff of 1816
Missouri Compromise
North is free
South stays slave states
36 30
Andrew Jackson and the Bank of US
Wants to get rid of Bank
it only helps the rich
Oregon Treaty with England
joint ocupation
all land shared
Foreigners took all the jobs because they worked for cheap.
Spoils System
the practice of giving appointive offices to loyal members of the party in power.
Henry Clay and the American System
tariffs, money for internal improvements and bank
John C. Calhoun and his influence
Supported South and Slavery
Nullification Crisis
South threatens to secede because of Tariff of 1828.
Force Bill
Can use army to force people to follow Tariffs
Cotton Gin
Revived Slavery
international product
Corrupt Bargain
Between Adams and Clay.
Clay helped Adams so Adams gave Clay the seat of Secretary of State
Second Great Awakening
it was emotional, appealing to the common classes, and was a national movement.
it spawned a series of other movements: prison reform, temperance (movement to ban alcohol), and abolition of slavery.
Mormons ran into troubles with their neighbors due to polygamy (having multiple wives), drilling a militia, and voting as a block.
Joseph Smith
Utopian Communities
Brooks Farm
Oneida: Steel Traps
Cult of Domesticity
Women had almost no role outside of the home, but they owned and ran the homes.
Aroostook War
Feuding Lumberjacks
Wilmot Proviso
Do not make slave states out of Mexican land
Senate did not pass this
Start of War with Mexico
Rio Grande
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe published Uncle Tom's Cabin in 1852. It stirred the North's sense of morality against slavery
William Lloyd Garrison
William Lloyd Garrison published a radical abolitionist newspaper titled The Liberator