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89 Cards in this Set

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Samuel Adams

-set up Continental Congress

-cousin of John Adams

Annapolis Convention

Maryland & Virginia

five states showed up

about use of Potomac River


Didn't want a strong central/federal government

Articles of Confederation

written by John Dickinson

took 4 years for Maryland to agree


no president x every state gets 1 vote

Congress can't make taxes, control trade, enforce treaties

Congress passes laws w 3/4 votes


friendly league of sovereign states united by independence

Assumption of state debts

federal gov. pays states' individual debts in tax dollars

Bank of the US

Washington picked Hamilton's side

private bank to make rich richer and poor poorer

Bill of Rights

most important rights as citizens


record of population

done every ten years

Checks & Balances

ask congress for approval --> more control over President than judges had

Constitutional Convention

aka Philadelphia Convention

Hamilton has Congress issue an invitation revising articles

every state shows up but RI

Great Compromise

Connecticut comes forth with compromise

new government needs developed

"mini constitution" -> Virginia/Paterson Plan

Critical Period

time following Revolution (1783-1789)

theory by John Fiske (philosopher)

said to be horrible time for Americans

Delegated Powers

In Constitution, what Congress can and can't do

Elastic Clause

Congress can make laws pertaining to 17 amendments


Election of 1796

Adams = President, Jefferson = VP

Hamilton had no chance

Adams & JEfferson eventually like each other

Electoral College

Pres x VP chosen by Electors of each state

electors = # of Members of Congress

Excise Tax

indirect tax on imported items, ie whiskey

Export tax

no tax on exports unless completely mandatory

Farewell Address

"no political parties, no foreign affairs" -washington


Want strong central government



we need/fund articles

bank of us

debt at par


state debt assumption

loses 1796 election

Patrick Henry

Leader of anti-federalists
wanted individuals' rights (BOR)


too much money means it's worth less

Implied Powers

rights not stated, just implied

Jay Gardoqui Treaty

didn't pass

US gives up right of Deposit & Tax, no Mississippi River, no Spanish, etc

Jay Treaty

DID pass

John Jay & Grenville (settle disputes between Britain and USA)
use of mississippi river allowed

Judiciary Act of 1789

judicial power in one SupremeCourt

Ken & Vir Resolutions

setup nullification, states can nullify gov stuff that's against constitution

Land Ordinance of 1785

land from Rev. War sold x divided

James Madison

4th Pres, Father of Constitution

NW Ordinance of 1787

created first NW Territory, lands from Appalachian Mts. onward

Philly Convention

Constitutional Convention; held in Philly, RI doesn't show

Pinckney Treaty

leave SW, leave indians alone, right to use Mississippi River x Port of New Orleans, we get nothing

Proclamation of Neutrality

Washington says we need to be neutral

Genet sent to US to to try to break this decision

We kick him out

Reserved Powers

not numbered rights

Sedition Act

tells states they CANT nullify bs from gov.

Seperation of Powers

Pres VS Congress (house vs senate) VS Judicial syst.

Shay's Rebellion

started in Mass. = money worth lots

farmers want paid for Rev. War

Battle led by farmer Dan Shays

shows gov was powerless to raise money --> NEED STRONGER GOVERNMENT

Slave Trade



taxes on imports x exports

Tariff of 1789

taxes necessary to help the government

3/5 Compromise

Slaves worth 3/5 a person

congress pass no law on slave trade for 20 years

20 years later it will be banned

Treaty of Greenville

followed indians lose at Battle of Fallen Timbers

limited north x west land

Treaty of Paris 1783

Ended war between GB x US, GB was generous to us

Whiskey Tax

excise tax on whiskey

only for westerners

Whiskey Rebellion

rebellion from Moonshiners opposing whiskey tax

cent. gov shows force x power to enforce laws

XYZ Affair

John Adams admin, led to Quasi War, XYZ were french diplomats who said we'd have to pay to talk to Tallyrand, our gov got upset


bad for farmers

#1 tax was...

state tax on land

Ben Franklin went to the... therefore it was a ... idea.

Constitutional Convention, good idea

Patrick Henry didn't go to the CC because .... and he was ....

he was afraid it'd take away their rights. he was right.

Changes had to be ....


Charles & Mary Beard

famous historians who wrote Economics & The Constitution during the Great Depression

The A of C were for...


The Constitution was for..

Law & Order

JM & TJ weren't sexual, but strictly..


JM took new

outline of the government (Father of Const.)

Montesquieu wrote ..., came up with ....

Spirit of the Law, came up w separation of powers

The Virginia Plan was based on...


The Paterson Plan (NJ) was based on...

all states equal.

Connecticut wrote up the...

Great Compromise.

The Great Compromise said we needed a...

Bicameral Congress.

Bicameral Congress means...

HoR (Senate) each 2 votes -> VA Plan
Congress based on population -> Paterson Plan

Jay, Madison, & Hamilton wrote...

Federalist Papers

... elects Electors.

State Legislature (same as reps + 2)

NC & RI wouldn't...

ratify the Constitution.

Dual-form government means...

Delegated VS Reserved Powers.

Reserved Powers go to...

state government.

Strict Constructionist believes in...


Loose Constructionist believes in...


Judiciary Act of 1789

six judges appointed by WA
cabinet established

Farmers ... laws they didn't like, WA wanted leaders ..., 13k soldiers sent to put them in place

disobeyed/ignored laws, leaders hanged

Hamilton's List

Pay Debt
Pay State Debt

Cent. Branch of Bank of US located in...

Philly, 20 year charter

Paid foreign debts to...

Dutch, French, pirates

Helped French in French Rev. bc...

Alliance of 1778

Hamilton said for us to watch it around French x English bc...

English have 700+ ships while we have 3, trade, could hurt us.

WA wrote...

Proclamation of Neutrality.

British were doing "impressment" aka...


British in NW told Indians...

to kill us.

Jay Treaty...

get Brits out of NW.
-French upset w us.
-We get New Orleans

Battle of Fallen Timbers

US Army vs Indians

Treaty of Greenville

Indians give up most of OH & a chunk of IN

Pinckney Treaty

Spanish agreed to leave SW x central indians, give chunk of FL x right to use Miss. River & New Orleans

Convention of 1800

dissolve Franco-American Alliance -> $20mil alimony


Quasi War

Federalist laws designed to hurt Republicans

Sedition, Naturalization, and Alien Acts
"it's bad to talk smack about the gov."

Virginia Nullification Compact

things against Constitution -> States' final judge -> civil war.