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68 Cards in this Set

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The Party System
Public intensely loyal to parties
granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support
Rutherford B Hayes
President during the Repub party split
Republicans that favored machine politics
Republicans that favored reform
1880 Election
Garfield elected, Chester Arthur VP
James Garfield
Won 1880 election, was a half-breed
Chester Arthur
VP of Garfield, replaced Garfield after his assassination, was a Stalwart
Year Garfield was assassinated
Pendleton Act
Passed by Chester, required exams for some govt jobs
James Blaine
Initial Repub nominee for 1884 election, symbol of party politics
Grover Cleveland
Dem reform candidate for 1884 election, attracted some liberal repubs
Benjamin Harrison
Repub nominee for 1888 election, won
1890 Sherman Antitrust Act
National act from reformers to limit corporations preventing competition, not enforced well
McKinley Tariff of 1890
Highest protective tariff ever, backed by repubs, lost repub political control
Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railroad vs Illinois
Ruled only fed govt able to regulate interstate commerce
1887 Interstate Commerce Act
Banned rate discrimination and injustice, formed the Interstate Commerce Commission
Granger Movement
First major effort to organize farmers, not successful
The Farmer's Alliance
Focused on local problems and also to create a society of cooperation, not successful
Ocala Platform 1892
Party platform for Populists, outlined Populist reform programs
Party formed in 1892 from Farmers' Alliance, did surprisingly well
The Populist Constituency
Populism appealed mainly to suffering small farmers, failed to attract labor support, did attract miners (due to free silver policy)
Panic of 1893
Caused by bankruptcy of few corporations that led to bank failure, led to credit contraction. Showed how dependent economy was on powerful RRs
Jacob Coxey
Populist that called for massive public works program for unemployed and currency inflation
Coxey's Army
Protesters in D.C. following Coxey's ideas
Bimetal Standard
Discontinued in 1873
Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890
increased the amount of silver the government was required to purchase every month, Cleveland wanted to repeal it in 1893 which split Dem party
Saw gold standard as tyrannous and advantageous to wealthy, silver would decrease debt
William Jennings Bryan
Opposed gold Standard, populist nominee for 1896 election
Cross of Gold Speech
Speech given by William Jennings Bryan opposing gold standard
The Conservative Party
Republicans, ?
Won 1896 election, repub,
Currency Act of 1900
Confirmed nation's gold standard
Gold Bugs
Supporters of the gold standard
Social Darwinism
only fittest nations survive
Josiah Strong
Wrote "Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis" stated Anglo-Saxon race represented liberty and Christianity, USA should spread them
John Burgess
Wrote that duty of USA was to uplift less fortunate people
Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan
Wrote "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History" stated US needed stronger naval presense
James Blaine
Sec of State that sought to expand US influence in Latin America, organized Pan-American Congress
Desired by US b/c Navy wanted Pearl Harbor as a base
Queen Liliokalani
Last Hawaiian monarch yielded her authority to the United States Government rather than to the Provisional Government
Served as station for US ships in Pacific trade
Resisted Spanish rule, fought for independence violently in 1895
Valeriano Weyler
Spanish leader against Cuban revolt, used harsh tactics
Created NY World
Created NY Journal
yellow journalism
a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers
DeLome Letter
Leaked letter from Spanish Minister to Washington naming McKinley "bidder of the crowd"
The Maine
US battleship destoyed, Spain initially blamed, caused US to go to war with Spain
John Hay
Secretary of State who called Spanish-American War a "splendid little war"
The Philippines
Spanish colony
Theodore Roosevelt
Sec of Navy, strengthened Pacific Fleet and ordered an attack on Spanish forces in Philippines
Commodore George Dewey
Ordered by Roosevelt to attack Spanish forces in Philippines
Battle for San Juan Hill
Part of the battle for Cuba
Rough Riders
had famous charge at Battle of Kettle Hill
Colonel Theodore Roosevelt
Led the Rough Riders
Puerto Rico
Territory given to US by Spain at end of war
Foraker Act
Created colonial govt with american governor in Puerto Rico
Jones Act
Made Puerto Rico US territory and Puerto Ricans US citizens
Treaty of Paris
Ended war w/ Spain in 1898. US paid $20 milion for Philippines
Anti-Imperialist League
opposed imperialism b/c its immoral, industrial workers feared cheap labor
William Jennings Bryan
Ran against McKinley in 1900 election and lost, anti-imperialist
Philippine War
Long, bloody war w/ insurgent Philippine independence fighters
Emilio Aguinaldo
Led Philippine rebellion
William Howard Taft
believed US mission to prepare Filipinos for independence
Open Door Policy
Proposed to Eur nations allowing access to China but give no nation special advantages
Boxer Rebellion
Arose against foreigners in China
Elihu Root
Sec of War appointed by McKinley to overhaul US military forces