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11 Cards in this Set

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amendment of article of confederation
1787, met at philadelphia. Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, James Madison, and Benjamin Franklin present
Virginia plan
proposed by Edmund Randolph made bicameral legislature and votes according to size. James Madison proposed a three branched government of legislative, judicial, and executive.
New Jersey PLan
small states opposed James Madison plan of 3 branched government. this plan had unicameral legislature, each state had 1 vote
great compromise
upper house: senate, lower house: house of representatives. members elected by proportional representation
chief executive will be chosen by electoral college
3/5th compromise
slaves accounted for 3/5th of a man when dtermining number of representatives
supporters of the new constitution that supported strong national government. thought elites will rule the entire nation
opposed new government, afraid of the tyranny that may occur. concluded that individual state power was needed to stop tyranny and argued it did not follow republican principles
Bill of Rights
James Madison opposed the bill of rights, may limit rights of citizens. proposed 12 amendments.
guaranteed the rights of free speech, religious freedom, right to bear arms, otlawed quartering, and needed warants. trial by jury.
10th amendment said any power not given to government was for the states
Alexander HAmilton
wanted to turn america into manufacturing society like Britain, wanted to have strong mercantilist policies and wanted economic union with Britain. needed strong national government and had broad interpretation of constitution. Became federalists
Thomas Jefferson
America will be agricultural, he wanted free trade to keep prices low and did not want strong government. strict interpretation of the government.
became republicans
Alexander Hamilton's reform