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31 Cards in this Set

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America First Committee
committee organized by isolationists before WW2, wished to spare american lives, wanted to protect America before we went to war with another country, effective speaker Charles Limbergh
passed March 1941, sweeping majorities in both houses of congress, US lend/lease weapons overseas who would finish fighting with them and return them
Atlantic Charter
created by Churchill and FDR, secret conference, outlined postwar improvements
Nye Committee
investigated arms manufacturers and bankers of WWI, claimed caused US entry into WWI, pushed congress to pass neutrality acts
Neutrality Acts
congress made effort to keep nation out of war 1935, 1936, and 1937 president proclaimed existence of a foreign war, certain restrictions automatically to into effect, no American could legally ail on belligerent ship, sell munitions or make loans to belligerent
Hitler-Stalin Non Aggression Pact
August 23, 1939 allowed Hitler to attack Poland without fear of an attack from Russia, helped spur start of WW2
Cash and Carry
only way Europe could buy American war materials in WW2, have to transport munitions in own ships and could only purchase with cash
Phony War
during WW2 Hitler removed forces from Poland to focus efforts in France and Britain, all of europe fell silent , silence and period of inactivity, came to end when Hitler moved fores and attacked Norway and Denmark
Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act
1934 raise American exports and aimed at relief and recovery, led by Cordell Hull, reverse High tariff policy
Nazi Party
established in Germany, similar beliefs as fascists, state more important than individual, should be strong central government with absolute power, Hitler leading Nazis, adding racism
Rome Berlin Axis
1936 Hitler and Mussolini allied together, allied with Japan
opposition of involvement of country in international affairs, US remained isolated 1920s, prevalent during WW2
Good Neighbor Policy
established by Hoover to create good relations with Lain America, took military out, nullified Roosevelt Corollary
Winston Churchill
British prime minister during WW2, bull dog jawed orator, gave people verve to fight off air bombing occurring in cities, favor of Atlantic Charter, one of Big 3
Charles Limbergh
after being first person to fly solo across Atlantic, became ambassador of goodwill
Wendle Willkie
Republican presidential candidate vs Roosevelt in the election of 1940, lost
government has complete control, people are powerless
nuremburg Trials
after WW2 allied forces agreed get Nazism out of Germany, tried 22 Nazi War criminals in Nuremburg, Germany, 12 hung, 7 sent to jail
Cordell Hull
Secretary of State during FDR, believed in reciprocal trade, low tariffs
Joseph Stalin
harsh and strict communist dictator of Russia, one of Big 3, asked for western front to relive USSR during WW2
Benito Mussolini
Fascist dictator of Italy, sought to create new empire, became ally with Adolf Hitler in Rome Berlin Axis, led forces agains the Allied powers WW2, overthrown and beheaded 1943 after fall of Sicily
Francisco Franco
overthrow Loyalist regime, became dictator of spain in spanish civil war 1936-1939
Adolf Hitler
lead Germany into WW2 under big lie, took advantage of disillusioned and depressed nation, attacked Jews
London Conference
66 nations, develop worldwide solution to Great Depressoin
Tydings-McDuffie Act
Philippines receive independence after 12 years of economic and political tutelage 1946
Seventh Pan-American conference
Montevideo, Uruguay, FDR renounced armed intervention in Latin America
Johnson Debt Default Act
forbade any countries that still owed US money from borrowing anymore cash
"Quarantine Speech"
FDER called for a quarantine of Japan (embargo)
Munich Conference
allies agreed to let Hitler have Sudentenland of Czechoslovakia
Havana conference
US warned Germany couldnt take over orphan colonies in Americas
Pearl Harbor
December 7, 1941 Japanese air bombers attacked naval base located in Hawaii, wiping out many ships