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30 Cards in this Set

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1933 London Conference
66 nations for a worldwide solution to Great Depression

America (Sec. of State Hull) did not attend/isolationism
Tydings-McDuffie Act (1934)
Philippine independence after 12 years (in 1946)
Why did FDR formally recognize Soviet Union?
US could trade with USSR and Soviets would discourage German/Japanese agression
Seventh Pan-American Conference (1933). Where? What happened there?
Montevideo, Uruguay.
FDR renounced armed intervention in Latin America. Next year, US marines left Haiti and Panama. Mexican forces seized oil properties but FDR worked out a deal.
FDR's policy w. Latin America (2 words)
"Good neighbor"
Reciprocal Trade Agreement Acts (1934)
low-tariff policies and boosted American trade

lowered rates as long as the other country did the same.

Amended Hawley-Smoot law rather than create new set of tariffs

Rome-Berlin Axis
Nazi Hitler and Facist Mussolini allied themselves
Washington Naval Treaty
Japan ended this treaty and walked out on London Conference.

Treaty originally limited # of ships/crafts a country could have. AKA Five-Power Treaty btw. US, Brit, Jap, Fr, It
Johnson Debt Default Act (1934)
forbade any countries that still owed US money from borrowing any more cash
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFWs)
Princeton U. students advocated for bonus to be paid to veterans while they are still alive
Nye Committee
1934 est. to investigate whether or not munitions manufacturers were pro-war (existing to make $$)
Neutrality Acts 1935-37
When president announced foreign war, Americans cannot legally sail with, give munitions or loans to a belligerent
To stay out of Spanish Civil War, US did this...
Put an embargo on loyalist gov't (supported by USSR) and the rebels (aided by Hitler/Mussolini)
US reaction during Spanish Civil War

Let Franco smother democratic gov't.
Later, Congress passed billion dollar naval construction act but by then, it was too late.
Quarantine Speech
When Japan invaded China, FDR did NOT call this a war, only asked for quarantine of Japan.

America to stay neutral but morally side with facists.
the Panay
US gunboat bombed by Japanese.

Apologized so "saved" US from entering war.

Furthered US determination to stay neutral.
Munich Conference (main dealings)
Allies agreed to let Hitler have Sudetenland (Czechoslovakia) but 6 mos. later, Hitler took all of Czech.
Neutrality Act of 1939
allowed Euro. to buy war materials on cash & carry basis
September 6, 1940

Congress passed the first peacetime ______ in US history
Havana Conference
US warned Germany that it could NOT take over orphan colonies in the Americas
Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies
those who supported helping Britain/Allies

"Brit Is Fighting Our Fight" (interventionist slogan)


"All Methods Short of War" (isolationists who still believed in aiding Brit)
America First Committee
those for isolationism

"The Yanks Are Not Coming"
"England Will Fight to the Last American"
Charles A. Lindbergh supported which cause?
Isolationists/America First Committee
Bases for Destroyers
US gave 50 old-model, four-funnel destroyers from WWI to Brit in exchange for 8 naval bases for 99 years
1940 Election Candidates
Democrat FDR (3rd term)
Repub Wendell L. Willkie of Indiana who was in favor of the New Deal (but not its inefficiencies)

Not an easy win for FDR like in 1932 or 36.
Lend-Lease Bill
"Send Guns Not Sons"

Basically the abandonment of the neutrality policy.
Robin Moor
US ship torpedoed by German submarines
Atlantic Charter
kind of like Wilson's 14 Points
Main points: 1. No territorial changes contrary to the wishes of inhabitants (self-determination)
2. Right of the people to choose own rulers/regain gov'ts abolished by dictators
3. disarmament & peace of security/New League of Nations
Greer, Kearney, Reuben James
US destroyers
Chronology of declarations of war
1. Pearl Harbor
2. US declares war on Japan
3. Germany & Italy declare war on US