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43 Cards in this Set

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Tierra del Fuego
located in the South, where disease and conquest had disrupted natives
Who established, where, and when were the first settlements?
-Spanish at Santa Fe in 1610
-French at Quebec in 1608
-English at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607
What happened in England to change its interest to change its interest in colonies?
King Henry 8th broke with the Catholic Church
-Elizabeth(protestant) became queen,
-Protestant Reformation: battle b/t Catholics and Protestants
Summarize how the events in Ireland impacted the colonies.
The Irish sided with Spanish in hopes of aid to fight Protestantism
-contempt for "savage" natives in New World grew
most famous semi piratical "sea dog", who returned in 1580 with Spanish treasure;
-Queen Liz was his banker and knighted him
Francis Drake
the fist colonial effort at Newfoundland by the English collapsed after _____ died at sea.
Sir Humphrey Gilbert
Sir Humphrey Gilbert's brother who organized an expedition that landed 1st in 1585 on N.Carolina's Roanoke Island
Sir Walter Raleigh
(spanish fleet)
-Phillip II of Spain lead this invasion of Spain.
-English defeated Spain and ended Spanish imperial dreams
Spanish Armada
Who were the first immigrants and why did they leave England?
the younger sons sought land b/c of primogeniture law
-Puritan woolen immigrated to find jobs and business of economic depression in 1550s
law that decreed only the eldest son were eligible to inherit landed estates
provided financial means for immigrants
joint-stock company
significant document that guaranteed overseas settlers same rights as Englishmen at home
Virginia Company - charter
Why was the location of Jamestown a bad choice? Give 3 reasons
1. mosquito infested, unhealthful
2.disease, malnutrition, starvation
young adventurer, who whipped gold hungry colonist into line; kidnapped and sentenced to execution by Powaton; saved by Pocahantas
Captain John Smith
daughter of Indian chieftan Powhatan
Indian chieftain, who captured and sentenced John Smith to execution; in the James river area
new governor, who lead English relief party;
-imposed harsh military against invaders
Lord De La Warr
What three things hurt the Powhatans?
3 D's
What changes did the Lakotas undergo?
-got horses from Spaniards
-mobilized their lives as mounted nomadic hunters from forest dwellers
How did trade change Indian life?
escalated violence b/t Indians fueled by lure and demand of European trade goods
What crop saved Virgina?
Who were the first slaves? who sold them?
Africans sold by Dutch
What was the first gov't in the New World?
representative self gov't in Virginia
_____- from a prominent English Catholic family, went to colonies for profits and to create refuge for Catholics
Lord Baltimore
Why was Maryland founded?
-refuge for Catholics(persecuted in England)
-would receive land and house
penniless persons who bound themselves on work for a number of years to pay their passage
indentured servants
passed in 1649 by the local representative assembly - guaranteed religious toleration to all Christians
Act of Toleration
What made sugar a difficult crop?
extensibe planting
land clearing
elaborate processing in a sugar mill made it expensive
defined the slaves legal status and master's prerogatives - in order to control large and potentially revolting slave population
slave codes
How was Carolina formed and why?
Charles 2 granted the Lord Proprietors, 8 his court favorites, land.
hoped to grow sugarcane and export wine, silk and olive oil
8 men, who were Charles II's favorite court men
Lord Proprietors
-coastal Indians allied with Carolinians in slave trade; ended alliance 1707
-migrated back to Maryland and Pennsylvania
the Savannahs
What crop grew in Carolina?
Charles's Town
named for the king of England, became busiest seaport in the South
Explain why North Carolina was called "a vale of humility between to mountains.
sat b/t Virginia and N.Carolina(aristocratic)
-people of N.Carolina were poverty stricken migrants from Virginia
How were N.Carolina and Rhode Island alike?
mostly democratic;
-most independent minded
-least aristocratic
Indians that were crushed by N.Carolinians;
-sold into slavery others wandered to Iroquois
Why was Georgia founded? What did Georgia get for it?
buffer state - to protect the valuable Carolinians from the French and Spanish.
-received money from England
What did Oglethorpe do for Georgia?
reformed prisons
-repelled Spanish
-saved GA by leadership
-mortgaged his own fortune for GA
Who lived in Savannah?
-melting pot of German Lutherans and Scottish Highlanders
Who made up the Plantation Colonies?
Give five characteristics in all the Plantation Colonies
1.devoted 2 exporting crops
2.grew staples(rice,tobacco)
3.all had slavery
4.strong aristocratic atmosphere
5. cities did not grow
6. church and school growth difficult
What five Indian nations made up the Iroquois Confederacy?