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74 Cards in this Set

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Clovis tip, pg. 5

The tip of a spear that has a jagged edge that made it cut better. Found in Clovis Mexico

The tip of a spear that has a jagged edge that made it cut better. Found in New Mexico

Neolithic, pg. 5

Time period when humans used stones as weapons (spear, arrows). Means "new stone age"

Incas, pg. 8

-Dominant in around 1400 CE

-Capital Cuzco

-2000 mile empire

-No written language

-They had high-altitude runners

-invented the decimal system

-Quipu- knott string in a certian way to communicate 1500

-they ruled 8-12 million people

Olmecs, pg. 8

-First urban culture in mesoamerica

-Created the giant stone heads

-First pyramids

-Ball parks

-Created a written language

-Created a dual calendar system

-They believe in human sacrifice

-In the empire of Teotihucan

-Now modern day Mexico City

-Sudden destruction in the mid-8th century

Mayan, pg. 8

-Biggest city is Tikal

-Closer to the carribiean

-Astronamy- writting sytems- time keeping- blood letting (to speak to gods)

-Weakened after the fall of Teotihuacan

-Decayed in the 9th and 10th centuries


Azetecs, pg. 10

-1400 Aztec power in the Valley of Mexico

-Tenochtitlán- on the lake Texcoco

-Had the causeways- chinampas(floating gardens)

-Built the great pyramid of the sun

-Constatly at War

-Didn’t want to take the people/ they wanted to use their supplies

-Believed in a lot of human sacrifce/ on a giant scale

-1519- many Indians in Mesoamerica would help the Spainards bring down the Aztecs

Tenochtitlán, pg. 10

Aztec city on the lake
Aztec city on the lake

Anasazi, pg.12

-Cliff-dwelling people

-Most information comes from Chaco Cayon in New Mexico and at Mesa Verde in Colorado

-Lived apartment house that were 5 stories high--Craved into the cliffs

-Built rodes

-Left cites either because of drought or invaders

Cahokia, pg. 13

-City near modern St. Louis

-flourished from 900-1200 CE

Staple crop, pg. 18

-Something you need to survive

-ex. wheat, beans, etc.

Slave labor, pg. 18

Using people to farm your land and work for you

Caravel, pg. 19

-New ship created by the Portuguese

-Best ship of it's time

-could mount cannons on it

Factories, pg. 19

small posts on the coast of Africa that would give them rest in the middle of a voyage

Atlantic slave trade pg. 19

-Portuguese start the slave trade

-would buy slaves from other africans in enemy tribes

Santa María, pg. 22

Conquistadores, pg. 23

Hernán Cortés, pg. 25

Matrilineal, pg. 26

Encomienda, pg. 28

Hacienda, pg. 30

Serfdom, pg. 31

Columbian exchange, pg. 33

Predestination, pg. 38

Huguenots, pg. 39

Pedro Menéndez de Avilés, pg. 39

Coureurs de bois, pg. 40

Mourning wars, pg. 41

Intendant, pg. 41

Patroonship, pg. 44

Yankees, pg. 44

Non-Separatists, pg. 45

Separatists, pg. 45

privateer, pg. 46

Joint-stock company, pg. 47

Tsenacommacah, pg. 47

Fall line, pg. 47

House of Burgesses, pg. 48

Headright, pg. 48

Proprietary colonies, pg. 49

Sachem, PG. 54

Anne Hutchinson, pg. 56

Public Friends, pg. 63

Quitrent, pg. 65

Praying Indians, pg.74

Iroquois League, pg. 77

Convenant Chain of Peace, pg. 77

Onontio, pg. 79

Mercantilism, pg. 82

Balance of trade, pg. 82

Enumerated Commodities, p. 82

Whigs, pg. 83

Tories, pg. 83

Funded national debt, pg. 87

Entail, pg. 90

Primogeniture, pg. 90

Anglicization, pg. 100

Dowry, pg. 101

Coverture, pg. 101

Dower rights, pg. 101

Middle Passage, pg. 102

Gang System, pg. 102

Sickle cell, pg. 102

Task system, pg. 103

Gullah, pg. 104

Redemptioners, pg. 104

Fiat money, pg. 105

John Peter Zenger, pg. 106

Enlightenment, pg. 106

Consumer society, pg. 108

Evangelical, pg. 110

Presbytery, pg. 110

Synod, pg. 110

Revival, pg. 111

Freemasons, pg.112