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46 Cards in this Set

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The Courts and Reasonable time for Ratifying an amendment
time limit7ys
to ratify need 3/4 state legislature or special convention
courts interpret the law
Nixon and impeachment
break in at Watergate, denied connection, resigned
only Unicameral legislature in the US
inherent powers
exclusive powers of the national govt in the area of foreign affairs
who american trust more? big business or big govt?
big business
the libertarians
cherish indiv. liberty & want sharply limited govt
some overtones of anarchism, oppose govt programs, favor cuts in govt spending and regulations
the Reform party
minor 3rd party gained ground with Ross Perot in 1992
represent independent votes in America, strict adherence to constitution, embrace views and beliefs of all ppl
public opinion polls
can take the place of elections
ppl react to issues differently when they are relevant to them
govt by religious leaders who claim devine guidance
andrew Johnson and impeachment
by house of rep. but senate did not have 2/3 majority to convict (one vote short of 2/3 impeach for violating tenure of office act) (he was in office after lincoln assassinated)
unitary governments of the world
Frane, Israel, Philippines
all power in central govt
the Green Party in 2000
Ralph Nader enhanced visibility of the party but won only 3% of vote
most supported Al Gore over Nader
Describing American political parties
dem-liberals for change
rep- conservative, against change
did the articles of confederation create a centralized government?
move toward centralized government but did not create a centralized government
the most important source of learning about American political culture
the constitution and the bill of rights from the beginning
did not have a bill of rights, anti feds would ratify if added one
set up structure that grants & checks govt power & bill of rights ensure freedoms and due process of law
plurality rule
when candidate wins not necessarily more than half
opposite of majority, less than 1/2, keeps democracy working
virginia plan
bicameral legislature with proportional representation
the power of judicial review
supreme courts power to interpret laws, can declare executive actions and laws unconstitutional ; from Marbury v Madison
the election of 2000 a divided nation?
parts of country each candidate carried,
demographic divide (democrats and black voter, rep white males)
clear political differences on tax cuts
political activity of most americans
VOTING and other displays with media exposure
most are part time citizens & political know nothings
famous federalists
Alexander Hamilton
John Jay, James Madison
two party v one party systems of the world
2party-wimmer take all whoever gets most votes
multiparty-coalition govts-alliance, combining of govts
proportional govt-each party receives proportion of legislative seats corresponding to its proportion of the vote
(libertarians have power in multi system)
the attentive public
25% american know & understand govt
latent political opinions
refers to opinions that exist but are not fully developed unless conditions are right (ex Soviet Union)
forms of political participation
voting, joining interest groups, signing petitions, sending letters, protesting, and engaging in political rituals (media key)
The US electoral system is
candidate centered
the 22nd Amendment
set a term limit for office of president
US senator term of office
6yr terms with no term limit
1/3 of senate is reelected every 2years
the state of the economy & its importance
is the most important issue in every election, more important than party or candidate
(important in retrospective voting bc people judge someones term based on the economy)
When do most people vote?
the presidential election
the "Motor Voter Bill"
National Voter Registration Act 1993
Pres Clinton
when go to DMV to get license, you can register to vote
nationalism and political socialization
nationalism-consciencness of the nation-state and of belonging to that entity

political socialization-the process most notably in families and schools by which we develop our political attitudes, values, and beliefs
the "rank and file"
Party Members,
individuals who constitute the body of an organization, society, or nation as distinguished from the leaders
the closed primary
primary election where you can only vote for members of your own party
general elections v primary
elect office holders in general;
primary elects the nominee before the general election
# of reps in US house
#US senators
majority v. plurality
majority is over 50%
plurality is the highest percentage, not necessarily half
significance of articles of confederation
1st governing document of the confederation,
ratified 1781(replaced by constitution 1789)
move toward stronger central government
identified and unified the 13 colonies as sovereign states
direct primary
election which voters choose party nominees
lesser schools of political thought in the US
The PA State general assembly
the legislative branch of the government
commonly called the state legislature, it consists of two bodies-senate & house of representatives
(its authority & limitations in Article II of constitution)
divided government
one party controls the presidency and the other controls one or both of the houses of congress
Branches of government
legislative (makes laws-senate&house of reps)
executive (carries our laws-pres, vp and cabinet)
judicial (interprets laws-fed courts)