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42 Cards in this Set

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What makes up the appendicular skeleton?
Pectoral girdle, upper extremities, pelvic girdle, and lower extremities
What makes up the pelvic girdle?
Left and Right ossa coxae, sacrum and coccyx
what is another name for the os coxae?
Inominate/pelvic bones
What is the os coxae commonly referred to as?
Hip bone
What 3 bones does the acetabulum contribute to?
Ilium, the ischium, and the pubis
When do the 3 separate bones of the os coxae usually fuse?
Between the ages of 13-15
What does each os coxae articulate posteriorly with and with what joint?
An auricular surface of the sacrum at the sacroiliac joint.
What deep, cuved depression on the lateral surface of the os coxae does the femur articulate with?
The acetabulum
What is the largest of teh 3 coxal bones?
What forms the superior region of the os coxae and the acetabular surface?
The ilium
What large, roughened area is on the posteromedial side of the ilium and what does it articulate with?
Auricular surface, articulates with the fused vertebrae of the sacrum at the sacroiliac joint
What is the sacroiliac joint?
The portion of the ilium (auricular surface) that articulates with the fused vertebrae of the sacrum
What is on the superior-most ridge of the ilium?
Iliac Crest
What site on the os coxae is a good place for performing bone marrow biopsies?
The posterior portion of the iliac crest.
What does the ilium fuse with near the superior and posterior margins of the acetabulum?
The ischium
What is on the posterolateral border of the ischium?
ischial tuberosity
What attaches to the ischial tuberosity?
What are the ischial tuberosities sometimes called?
sit bones
What fuses with the ilium and ischium at the acetabulum?
What large, roughened area is on the posteromedial side of the ilium and what does it articulate with?
Auricular surface, articulates with the fused vertebrae of the sacrum at the sacroiliac joint
What supports the body of the pubis?
a superior and inferior ramus
What is the sacroiliac joint?
The portion of the ilium (auricular surface) that articulates with the fused vertebrae of the sacrum
What is on the superior-most ridge of the ilium?
Iliac Crest
What site on the os coxae is a good place for performing bone marrow biopsies?
The posterior portion of the iliac crest.
What does the ilium fuse with near the superior and posterior margins of the acetabulum?
The ischium
What is on the posterolateral border of the ischium?
ischial tuberosity
What large, roughened area is on the posteromedial side of the ilium and what does it articulate with?
Auricular surface, articulates with the fused vertebrae of the sacrum at the sacroiliac joint
What attaches to the ischial tuberosity?
What is the sacroiliac joint?
The portion of the ilium (auricular surface) that articulates with the fused vertebrae of the sacrum
What are the ischial tuberosities sometimes called?
sit bones
What is on the superior-most ridge of the ilium?
Iliac Crest
What fuses with the ilium and ischium at the acetabulum?
What site on the os coxae is a good place for performing bone marrow biopsies?
The posterior portion of the iliac crest.
What supports the body of the pubis?
a superior and inferior ramus
What does the ilium fuse with near the superior and posterior margins of the acetabulum?
The ischium
What is on the posterolateral border of the ischium?
ischial tuberosity
What attaches to the ischial tuberosity?
What are the ischial tuberosities sometimes called?
sit bones
What fuses with the ilium and ischium at the acetabulum?
What supports the body of the pubis?
a superior and inferior ramus
What is a space in the os coxae that is encircled by both pubic and ischial rami?
Obturator foramen
What is the anterior joint between the 2 ossa coxae?
symphysis pubis