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100 Cards in this Set

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To maintain energy, cells must perform three basic functions. What would these be?
1. Absorption

2. Digestion

3. Respiration
Why is absorption more difficult than it sounds?
In absorption, dissolved substances must enter the cell from the outside. Cells cannot let just anything inside them. After all, some substances are poisons that would immediately kill the cell if they were allowed to enter to any great extent.

As a result, absorption is a complicated process in which the cell “recognizes” the substances that are trying to enter. Useful substances are allowed in, while harmful substances are not.
What is the big difference between digestion and respiration?
First, they usually occur in different places within an organism or a cell. Second, the products of digestion can be used for other processes besides just respiration.
There are three methods by which cells eliminate substances. What are these methods and describe them in general terms?
1. Excretion - involves the removal of substances that can be dissolved in the fluids of a cell.

2. Egestion - involves the removal of substances that cannot be dissolved in the fluids of a cell.

3. Secretion - involves the removal of useful substances that the cell has manufactured for other cells.
What makes a substance "soluble?"
If a substance can be dissolved in a fluid, it is called “soluble.”
Which is the more difficult process: excretion or egestion? Why?
Egestion is a much more difficult process than excretion because transporting soluble substances is simpler than transporting nonsoluble ones.
Cells must perform at least 11 main functions in order to support and maintain life. List them! (yes, all of them... )
1. absorption,
2. digestion,
3. respiration,
4. biosynthesis,
5. excretion,
6. egestion,
7. secretion,
8. movement,
9. irritability,
10. homeostasis,
11. reproduction.
In multicellular organisms, how do the cells perform the 11 main functions?
Most of the cells do not perform all of the processes listed. Instead, the functions have been assigned to certain groups of cells, and the individual groups of cells work together to make sure all of the above-listed functions are performed.
Explain the statement: There is nothing "simple" about life.
Multicellular organisms are certainly more complex when you look at them as a whole, but when you focus in on one cell, single-celled organisms could be considered more complex. In the end, then, there is nothing “simple” about life, not even when it is composed of a single cell!
A cell makes proteins in an organelle that is near the center of the cell. It then transports the proteins to the edge of the cell and sends them into the surroundings to be used by other cells. What three of the basic life functions are employed to accomplish this series of tasks?
In making the proteins, the cell engaged in biosynthesis. In transporting the proteins to the edges of the cell, it engaged in movement (movement includes moving things inside the cell, not just moving the cell itself). Finally, in sending the materials out into the surroundings, it engaged in secretion. Secretion is different from excretion and egestion in the sense that secretion sends useful things outside the cell, whereas the others send out waste products.
A cell takes in a polysaccharide and sends it to an organelle to be digested. The digestion products are then used to produce energy. The soluble waste products are eliminated. What five of the basic life functions are performed in this procedure?
In taking in the polysaccharide, the cell engaged in absorption. A polysaccharide cannot be used directly in respiration, however, because it first must be digested. Thus, the cell also performed digestion. Once the cell broke the polysaccharide down into monosaccharides, it performed respiration on the monosaccharides. In order to move all of these things to the proper organelles, as well as to move the waste products to the edge of the cell, it also engaged in movement. Finally, since the waste materials are soluble, the cell performed excretion to get rid of them.
Why are cells small?
The volume of materials in a cell increases with the cube of the radius of the cell.

In plain terms: When a cell's volume increases, it must absorb more nutrients to survive. The amount of nutrients it must absorb actually depends on its volume. Thus, when the distance across a cell doubles, its absorption must increase by a factor of 8. Since the amount of absorption that a cell needs is so dramatically dependent on the cell's size, there is a fundamental size limit for cells. After that point, they cannot grow any larger. That's why cells are so small.
Which cells usually have a cell wall? Plant or animal cells?
Plant cells usually have a cell wall, and animal cells do not.
How does a cell wall obtain cellulose and pectin?
These materials are secreted by organelles in the cell.
True or False? The cell wall of a bacterium is chemically different from that of plant cells.
Why is the plasma membrane so important in animal cells in particular?
The plasma membrane is all that separates the cell from its surroundings
How can an animal cell exist without cell walls?
Cells within animals are protected by other cells. In animals, there are special cells (white blood cells, for example) that protect the other cells of the body, keeping their surroundings free of major contaminants. This is one of the things that allows animal cells to exist without cell walls.
What happens if an atom loses or gains an electron?
it is suddenly thrown out of electrical balance. If it gains electrons (which are negatively charged), it ends up with an overall negative charge. If it loses electrons, it ends up with an overall positive charge. Once this happens, it ceases to be an atom and is called an ion.
These bean-shaped organelles are often referred to as the “powerhouses of the cell” because they are responsible for most of the cell's respiration. What are they?
Which have more mitochndria... skin cells or muscle cells? Explain.
Muscle cells have a lot more mitochondria than skin cells, because muscle cells need more energy than skin cells.
What is the “suicide sac,” and why was it dubbed that?
It is what scientists used to call the lysosome. When the contents of the lysosome are released into the cell, they begin breaking down the contents of the cell. That spells the death of the cell.
How does the lysosome act as a "cleaning crew?"
Because lysosomes can digest the contents of the cell, breaking down old, worn-out organelles as well as any debris that collects in the cytoplasm. This keeps the cytoplasm clear of chemicals and structures that might hinder cytoplasmic streaming and other functions of the cytoplasm.
Where is ER located? In terms of animal cells, what is its function? How about both animal and plant cells... what does it do?
It typically runs throughout the cytoplasm.

In animal cells, it helps to maintain the shape of the cell, since there is no cell wall to perform this task.

In addition, the ER aids in the transport of complex molecules through both animal and plant cells.
What is indicated by a wilting plant?
When a plant begins to wilt, it is because a lack of water has resulted in a lack of turgor pressure inside the plant's cells.
The Golgi bodies function much like a mailing service. What does this mean?
When a protein or lipid is needed by the cell, the Golgi bodies package the molecule so that it can be transported to the place where it is needed. The “packaging” that goes on in the Golgi bodies is typically some process of adding a small molecule to the protein or lipid that is being processed. This chemical then can be used by the cell as a marker, telling the cell where to transport the molecule.

They take in molecules, package and address them, and then send them to where they are needed. :o)
. Golgi bodies are abundant in cells that are designed for secretion, because they are heavily involved in the process. How are they involved?
chemicals that are made by the cell are transported to the Golgi bodies, and once the Golgi bodies are finished processing them, a secretion vesicle forms. That vesicle then travels to the plasma membrane where it can secrete its contents into the cell's surrounding.
As far as scientist know at this time, what is the main function of DNA?
To produce proteins.
So when we talk about "recipes" in connection with DNA, what are we talking about?
The information stored in DNA, then, is really in the form of recipes. These recipes tell the cell how to make the proteins that it needs in order to function.
Mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA work together. True or false?
True. but it isn't completely understood at this point in time.....
The cytoskeleton is made up of three basic kinds of fibers. What are they?
intermediate filaments,
and microtubules.
What are three things that microfilaments do?
The microfilaments are mostly associated with movement.
They can cause certain cells to contract.

In some cells, the microfilaments also generate cytoplasmic streaming.
How do microtubules participate in movement?
Microtubules also participate in cell movement. As you have already learned, they are used to form cilia and flagella in the cells that have those structures. They also provide a “track” upon which organelles and vesicles can travel as they move throughout the cell.
What determines the makeup of an individual cell's cytoskeleton?
The makeup of an individual cell's cytoskeleton is characteristic of the task for which the cell has been designed. For example, skin cells must be very rigid. As a result, the cytoskeleton of a skin cell contains a lot of intermediate filaments so that it can hold its shape well. A muscle cell does a lot of contracting and relaxing, so it has a lot of microfilaments in its cytoskeleton. A paramecium needs lots of cilia, so it has a high concentration of microtubules.
In the first section of this module, we discussed the 11 main functions of life that a cell has to perform (absorption, digestion, respiration, biosynthesis, excretion, egestion, secretion, movement, irritability, homeostasis, and reproduction). Look at the item listed below, taken from the items listed in Figure 6.1 (with the exception of the nucleolus and the chromatin) and indicate which of the 11 functions the organelle helps the cell to perform.

For example, you would list respiration for the mitochondrion, because it breaks down molecules with a release of energy.

Some organelles might participate in more than one of the 11 basic life functions, so be sure to list multiple functions when appropriate.

Cell wall -
Absorption, secretion, excretion, egestion
In the first section of this module, we discussed the 11 main functions of life that a cell has to perform (absorption, digestion, respiration, biosynthesis, excretion, egestion, secretion, movement, irritability, homeostasis, and reproduction). Look at the item listed below, taken from the items listed in Figure 6.1 (with the exception of the nucleolus and the chromatin) and indicate which of the 11 functions the organelle helps the cell to perform.

For example, you would list respiration for the mitochondrion, because it breaks down molecules with a release of energy.

Some organelles might participate in more than one of the 11 basic life functions, so be sure to list multiple functions when appropriate.

Plasma membrane -
Absorption, secretion, excretion, egestion
In the first section of this module, we discussed the 11 main functions of life that a cell has to perform (absorption, digestion, respiration, biosynthesis, excretion, egestion, secretion, movement, irritability, homeostasis, and reproduction). Look at the item listed below, taken from the items listed in Figure 6.1 (with the exception of the nucleolus and the chromatin) and indicate which of the 11 functions the organelle helps the cell to perform.

For example, you would list respiration for the mitochondrion, because it breaks down molecules with a release of energy.

Some organelles might participate in more than one of the 11 basic life functions, so be sure to list multiple functions when appropriate.

Cytoplasm -
Really the cytoplasm allows all functions, but movement is the most important.
In the first section of this module, we discussed the 11 main functions of life that a cell has to perform (absorption, digestion, respiration, biosynthesis, excretion, egestion, secretion, movement, irritability, homeostasis, and reproduction). Look at the item listed below, taken from the items listed in Figure 6.1 (with the exception of the nucleolus and the chromatin) and indicate which of the 11 functions the organelle helps the cell to perform.

For example, you would list respiration for the mitochondrion, because it breaks down molecules with a release of energy.

Some organelles might participate in more than one of the 11 basic life functions, so be sure to list multiple functions when appropriate.

Mitochondrion -
In the first section of this module, we discussed the 11 main functions of life that a cell has to perform (absorption, digestion, respiration, biosynthesis, excretion, egestion, secretion, movement, irritability, homeostasis, and reproduction). Look at the item listed below, taken from the items listed in Figure 6.1 (with the exception of the nucleolus and the chromatin) and indicate which of the 11 functions the organelle helps the cell to perform.

For example, you would list respiration for the mitochondrion, because it breaks down molecules with a release of energy.

Some organelles might participate in more than one of the 11 basic life functions, so be sure to list multiple functions when appropriate.

Lysosome -
In the first section of this module, we discussed the 11 main functions of life that a cell has to perform (absorption, digestion, respiration, biosynthesis, excretion, egestion, secretion, movement, irritability, homeostasis, and reproduction). Look at the item listed below, taken from the items listed in Figure 6.1 (with the exception of the nucleolus and the chromatin) and indicate which of the 11 functions the organelle helps the cell to perform.

For example, you would list respiration for the mitochondrion, because it breaks down molecules with a release of energy.

Some organelles might participate in more than one of the 11 basic life functions, so be sure to list multiple functions when appropriate.

Ribosome -
In the first section of this module, we discussed the 11 main functions of life that a cell has to perform (absorption, digestion, respiration, biosynthesis, excretion, egestion, secretion, movement, irritability, homeostasis, and reproduction). Look at the item listed below, taken from the items listed in Figure 6.1 (with the exception of the nucleolus and the chromatin) and indicate which of the 11 functions the organelle helps the cell to perform.

For example, you would list respiration for the mitochondrion, because it breaks down molecules with a release of energy.

Some organelles might participate in more than one of the 11 basic life functions, so be sure to list multiple functions when appropriate.

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum -
biosynthesis, movement, excretion, egestion
In the first section of this module, we discussed the 11 main functions of life that a cell has to perform (absorption, digestion, respiration, biosynthesis, excretion, egestion, secretion, movement, irritability, homeostasis, and reproduction). Look at the item listed below, taken from the items listed in Figure 6.1 (with the exception of the nucleolus and the chromatin) and indicate which of the 11 functions the organelle helps the cell to perform.

For example, you would list respiration for the mitochondrion, because it breaks down molecules with a release of energy.

Some organelles might participate in more than one of the 11 basic life functions, so be sure to list multiple functions when appropriate.

Rough endoplasmic reticulum -
biosynthesis, movement
In the first section of this module, we discussed the 11 main functions of life that a cell has to perform (absorption, digestion, respiration, biosynthesis, excretion, egestion, secretion, movement, irritability, homeostasis, and reproduction). Look at the item listed below, taken from the items listed in Figure 6.1 (with the exception of the nucleolus and the chromatin) and indicate which of the 11 functions the organelle helps the cell to perform.

For example, you would list respiration for the mitochondrion, because it breaks down molecules with a release of energy.

Some organelles might participate in more than one of the 11 basic life functions, so be sure to list multiple functions when appropriate.

Golgi body -
movement, biosynthesis, secretion
In the first section of this module, we discussed the 11 main functions of life that a cell has to perform (absorption, digestion, respiration, biosynthesis, excretion, egestion, secretion, movement, irritability, homeostasis, and reproduction). Look at the item listed below, taken from the items listed in Figure 6.1 (with the exception of the nucleolus and the chromatin) and indicate which of the 11 functions the organelle helps the cell to perform.

For example, you would list respiration for the mitochondrion, because it breaks down molecules with a release of energy.

Some organelles might participate in more than one of the 11 basic life functions, so be sure to list multiple functions when appropriate.

Chloroplast -
biosynthesis. You could also include absorption here since chloroplasts absorb energy from sunlight.
In the first section of this module, we discussed the 11 main functions of life that a cell has to perform (absorption, digestion, respiration, biosynthesis, excretion, egestion, secretion, movement, irritability, homeostasis, and reproduction). Look at the item listed below, taken from the items listed in Figure 6.1 (with the exception of the nucleolus and the chromatin) and indicate which of the 11 functions the organelle helps the cell to perform.

For example, you would list respiration for the mitochondrion, because it breaks down molecules with a release of energy.

Some organelles might participate in more than one of the 11 basic life functions, so be sure to list multiple functions when appropriate.

Leucoplast -
homeostatsis... By storing food for later use, this organelle helps to maintain the status quo. You could also include biosynthesis here, because without the leucoplasts there would be no place to put the products of biosynthesis.
In the first section of this module, we discussed the 11 main functions of life that a cell has to perform (absorption, digestion, respiration, biosynthesis, excretion, egestion, secretion, movement, irritability, homeostasis, and reproduction). Look at the item listed below, taken from the items listed in Figure 6.1 (with the exception of the nucleolus and the chromatin) and indicate which of the 11 functions the organelle helps the cell to perform.

For example, you would list respiration for the mitochondrion, because it breaks down molecules with a release of energy.

Some organelles might participate in more than one of the 11 basic life functions, so be sure to list multiple functions when appropriate.

Central vacuole -
homeostasis.... By maintaining turgor pressure, this helps maintain the status quo.
In the first section of this module, we discussed the 11 main functions of life that a cell has to perform (absorption, digestion, respiration, biosynthesis, excretion, egestion, secretion, movement, irritability, homeostasis, and reproduction). Look at the item listed below, taken from the items listed in Figure 6.1 (with the exception of the nucleolus and the chromatin) and indicate which of the 11 functions the organelle helps the cell to perform.

For example, you would list respiration for the mitochondrion, because it breaks down molecules with a release of energy.

Some organelles might participate in more than one of the 11 basic life functions, so be sure to list multiple functions when appropriate.

Vacuole -
In the first section of this module, we discussed the 11 main functions of life that a cell has to perform (absorption, digestion, respiration, biosynthesis, excretion, egestion, secretion, movement, irritability, homeostasis, and reproduction). Look at the item listed below, taken from the items listed in Figure 6.1 (with the exception of the nucleolus and the chromatin) and indicate which of the 11 functions the organelle helps the cell to perform.

For example, you would list respiration for the mitochondrion, because it breaks down molecules with a release of energy.

Some organelles might participate in more than one of the 11 basic life functions, so be sure to list multiple functions when appropriate.

Secretion vesicle -
secretion, movement
In the first section of this module, we discussed the 11 main functions of life that a cell has to perform (absorption, digestion, respiration, biosynthesis, excretion, egestion, secretion, movement, irritability, homeostasis, and reproduction). Look at the item listed below, taken from the items listed in Figure 6.1 (with the exception of the nucleolus and the chromatin) and indicate which of the 11 functions the organelle helps the cell to perform.

For example, you would list respiration for the mitochondrion, because it breaks down molecules with a release of energy.

Some organelles might participate in more than one of the 11 basic life functions, so be sure to list multiple functions when appropriate.

Centrioles -
movement, reproduction
In the first section of this module, we discussed the 11 main functions of life that a cell has to perform (absorption, digestion, respiration, biosynthesis, excretion, egestion, secretion, movement, irritability, homeostasis, and reproduction). Look at the item listed below, taken from the items listed in Figure 6.1 (with the exception of the nucleolus and the chromatin) and indicate which of the 11 functions the organelle helps the cell to perform.

For example, you would list respiration for the mitochondrion, because it breaks down molecules with a release of energy.

Some organelles might participate in more than one of the 11 basic life functions, so be sure to list multiple functions when appropriate.

Nucleus -
Since the nucleus really holds all of the information regarding cell structure and function, it allows all functions of life!
What is the difference between a phospholipid and a lipid?
Well, a phospholipid has, instead of the third fatty acid molecule, a small molecule that contains a phosphate group, which is composed of phosphorus, hydrogen, and oxygen.
Describe what the symbol for a lipid looks like.
A circle with three wavy lines going down. (south or at the 6 o'clock position)
Describe what the symbol for a phospholipid looks like.
A circle with two wavy lines going down. (south or at the 6 o'clock position)
The phosphate group makes the phospholipid special in what way?
It gives the molecule a slight affinity to water. It turns out, however, that since the two fatty acid components are so long and since the molecule containing the phosphate group is so short, the affinity to water exists only on one end of the molecule - the end that contains the glycerol. The other end of the molecule still has no affinity for water.
In the little symbol used for a phospholipid, which part of the molecule is attracted to water?
In the little symbol used for a phospholipid, then, the top part of the molecule (the end with the circle) is attracted to water, while the bottom part (at the end of the wavy lines) is repelled by water.
In the phospholipid bilayer, which way do the hydrophilic ends point?
out towards the surroundings and in towards the cell.... (remember, it is a Bi-layer ... two directions)
Where are the proteins and the cholesterol located in the phospholipid bilayer?
Proteins and cholesterol are interspersed throughout the phospholipid bilayer. Some proteins are near the top of the bilayer, and others are near the bottom. In addition, some proteins span the entire width of the plasma membrane, leaving no room for phospholipids.
How does cell-to-cell recognition work?
The prefix “glyco” refers to glucose, which you should recall is a monosaccharide that can link together to form large carbohydrate molecules. The amount and type of carbohydrates on the plasma membrane varies from one cell type to another as well as from one individual to another. As a result, they serve as a means of cell-to-cell recognition.
The plasma membrane can self-reassemble when it is broken. How does this work?
When a secretion vesicle, for example, reaches the plasma membrane, the membrane actually breaks to allow for the release of the secretion vesicle's contents. Afterwards, the plasma membrane reassembles by itself. This self-reassembly is due primarily to the fact that the hydrophobic ends of the phospholipids are attracted to one another and the hydrophilic ends are attracted to the water on the inside and outside of the cell. Thus, the phospholipids always end up “pointing” in the right direction, once they have time to regroup.
If the plasma membrane were made out of regular lipids (not phospholipids) it could never self-reassemble. Why?
The reason that the plasma membrane can self-reassemble is that the phospholipids in the plasma membrane have both a hydrophobic end and a hydrophilic end. Since regular lipids have no hydrophilic end, they do not have the ability to self-reassemble
A scientist observes a cell and watches as it explodes. Was the cell in an isotonic, hypertonic, or hypotonic solution?
The cell was in a hypotonic solution. In hypotonic solutions, the solute concentration is lower in the solution than in the cell. Thus, osmosis forces the water in the solution to flow into the cell. This builds up cell pressure, causing the cell to explode.
A cell's mitochondria cease to function, and the cell has no more energy. Will all transport across the plasma membrane stop? Why or why not?
Not all transport will cease. Active transport will cease, because it requires energy. However, passive transport requires no energy from the cell. Thus, passive transport will continue.
When anything burns, what is released?
Why isn't the chemical formula for coenzyme A used in a chemical equation?
Since coenzyme A is a big molecule, we do not give its chemical formula. We just call it by its name in the equation.
Describe what happens in the formation of acetyl coenzyme A in terms of what happens to the pyruvic acid molecule.
Each pyruvic acid molecule loses a carbon, 2 oxygens, and a hydrogen. The carbon and oxygen atoms become CO2, and the hydrogen atom is a product in the reaction. In order for this to happen, however, a large molecule called coenzyme A had to be added to the pyruvic acid. (Eventually, that molecule will leave the picture...)
Why does the molecule called coenzyme A not really impact the chemical equation in cellular respiration?
Because the second stage used 2 molecules of coenzyme A, but the third stage produced 2 molecules of coenzyme A. The net effect, then, is that the amount of coenzyme A never changes. It is just used and then remade over and over again.
What is the first stage of cellular respiration and describe it in terms of what changes actually occur with the molecules. (number and type)
1. glycolysis~ glucose is broken down into 2 smaller molecules as well as 4 hydrogen atoms. This produces a small amount of energy.
What is the second stage of cellular respiration and describe it in terms of what changes actually occur with the molecules. (number and type)
2. formation of acetyl coenzyme A~ a carbon, 2 oxygens, and a hydrogen are removed from each of the 2 molecules made in glycolysis, and 2 molecules of coenzyme A are attached to the remains. This results in the production of 2 acetyl coenzyme A molecules, 2 carbon dioxide molecules, and 2 hydrogen atoms
What is the third stage of cellular respiration and describe it in terms of what changes actually occur with the molecules. (number and type)
3. the Krebs cycle~ the 2 molecules of acetyl coenzyme A are reacted with 3 oxygen atoms. This produces 6 hydrogen atoms, 4 carbon dioxide molecules, 2 molecules of coenzyme A, and some energy.
What is the fourth stage of cellular respiration and describe it in terms of what changes actually occur with the molecules. (number and type)
4. the electron transport system~ the 12 hydrogen atoms that were produced in the previous three stages are reacted with 3 oxygen molecules to make 6 water molecules and a lot of energy.
Cellular respiration: 1 glucose molecule is reacted with 6 oxygen molecules to make 6 carbon dioxide molecules, 6 water molecules, and energy. What is that chemical equation?
C^6H^12O^6 + 6O^2 ----> 6CO^2 + 6H^2O + energy
What is the overall term for how cells get their energy?
cellular respiration
This isn't a question... You need to go in your book to the On Your Own answer section and copy the table that describes what happens in cellular respiration: the stages, what is used, what is produced, and where the stage happens. The book table breaks it down in easy to understand/memorize terms. This is very important. Recopy neatly and then memorize.
Copy the table and memorize!
List in detail what is used and made after all four stages of cellular respiration are complete.
If you look at what is made and used, 2 C^3H^O^3 are made in glycolysis but then used in the formation of acetyl coenzyme A. This uses 2 coenzyme A, but they are produced again in the Krebs cycle. The formation of acetyl coenzyme A also produces 2 acetyl coenzyme A, but they are used in the Krebs cycle. The first 3 stages also make a total of 12 H's, but they are all used in the electron transport system. In the end, then, only 1 C^6H^12O^6 and 6 O^2 are used. In addition, only 6 CO^2, 6 H^2O, and energy are produced.
What stages in the process of aerobic respiration make it an aerobic process?
Only the Krebs cycle and the electron transport system use oxygen, so technically, this is what makes the entire process aerobic. However, the formation of acetyl coenzyme A will not happen unless the Krebs cycle can proceed, so in actuality, the final three stages are all considered aerobic.
True or False? In all four stages of cellular respiration, energy is released.
False. In THREE of the four stages of cellular respiration, energy is released.
Each stage of cellular respiration releases different amounts of energy. True or False?
Sum up what happens to the energy in cellular respiration. How many ATP molecules and what happens to them?
A single glucose molecule produces enough energy in aerobic cellular respiration to make 38 ATP molecules. The process requires 2 ATPs to get going, however, so the net gain is 36 ATPs. These 36 ATP molecules can then be transported to where the cell needs energy. Once there, enzymes will break a phosphate group off of the ATP, providing a gentle release of energy for the cell.
36 ATPs actually store only a certain percentage of the energy contained in a glucose molecule. What is that percentage and where does teh rest of the energy go?
About 55% is stored and the other 45% makes heat.

Although the heat warms the cell, it cannot be used for things like active transport, so in effect, the cell can use only 55% of the energy contained in the glucose.
Every cell in nature must undergo either aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, or cellular fermentation. True or False?
Despite the fact that a cell has all of the enzymes necessary for cellular respiration, plenty of glucose, functioning mitochondria, and a plentiful supply of oxygen, it cannot produce energy that is useable by the cell. What is it missing?
The cell is missing ADP and/or phosphate. In order to make energy that is useable by the cell, respiration must make ATP from ADP and phosphate. If all of the components necessary to make energy are there, respiration must be making energy, but without ADP and phosphate to make ATP, the cell cannot use the energy.
How many glucose molecules would have to undergo respiration in anaerobic conditions in order to produce the same amount of energy that 1 glucose molecule produces in aerobic conditions?
One molecule of glucose in aerobic conditions allows the cell to gain 36 molecules of ATP. In anaerobic conditions, 1 molecule of glucose allows the cell to gain only 2 molecules of ATP, because the cell can only perform glycolysis. Thus, 18 molecules of glucose must undergo respiration in anaerobic conditions to make as much energy as one molecule of glucose does in aerobic conditions.
After a hard workout, your muscles often ache. One reason for this is the buildup of lactic acid in your muscles. Where does that lactic acid come from, and why does the process that produces lactic acid occur in your muscle cells during a hard workout?
The lactic acid comes from cellular fermentation. Remember, after glycolysis, if there is no oxygen, the pyruvic acid molecules are converted to either alcohol or lactic acid. In human muscle cells, it is converted to lactic acid, which causes muscles to ache. Cellular fermentation occurs because the demand that muscle cells have for oxygen during intense workouts is more than the bloodstream can supply. As a result, the oxygen supply becomes low during a tough workout, and the cells are faced with anaerobic conditions. Thus, the only option for the cells is to perform glycolysis and then covert the resulting pyruvic acid into lactic acid. That's cellular fermentation.
Name the organelles that play a role in biosynthesis
The ribosome makes proteins, the smooth ER and rough ER both make molecules like
polysaccharides and lipids, the Golgi bodies package products of biosynthesis, the chloroplasts are
involved in photosynthesis, the leucoplasts store products of biosynthesis, and the nucleus participates
in the product of proteins through the DNA that it contains. You could also add secretion vesicles, as
they move products of biosynthesis to the plasma membrane for secretion. You could add cytoplasm
as well, but that is not generally considered an organelle.
What helps the cell hold its shape if it does not have a cell wall?
. The cytoskeleton and the endoplasmic reticulum help the cell hold its shape.
How does a plant cell fight osmosis in a hypotonic solution?
The cell has a central vacuole that expands as the cell absorbs water. This causes turgor pressure in
the cell, which counteracts osmosis
A cell contains centrioles and lysosomes. Is it a plant or animal cell?
It is an animal cell. Plant cells do not have those organelles. Some plant cells have centrioles, but
not very many.
What organelles are involved in secretion? Don’t worry about the biosynthesis necessary to get the
secretion product. Just deal with the process after the product is made.
The secretion product must go to the Golgi bodies to be packaged, at which point it is put in a
secretion vesicle. It must then travel to the plasma membrane, where it is released. If the cell has a
cell wall, it must pass through the cell wall as well. Once again, you could put cytoplasm in here as
What things in the cell (not just organelles, but anything we have studied) deal with the cellular
. The cytoplasm does cytoplasmic streaming, the smooth ER and rough ER deal with movement, the
Golgi bodies package things for movement, secretion vesicles and waste vacuoles move things to the
plasma membrane, the centrioles produce microtubules which produce movement, and the
cytoskeleton as a whole is involved with movement. You could add the plasma membrane here, as it
deals with the movement of things into and out of the cell.
What are the 11 major tasks cells must perform?
As discussed in the first section, the are: absorption, digestion, respiration, biosynthesis, excretion,
egestion, secretion, movement, irritability, homeostasis, and reproduction.
. What is the plasma membrane made of?
The plasma membrane is composed of phospholipids, cholesterol, and proteins. There are
carbohydrates attached to certain proteins (making them glycoproteins) and lipids (making them
glycolipids), but they are considered a part of the glycoprotein or glycolipid to which they are attached.
What is the difference between a phospholipid and a regular lipid?
A phospholipid has two fatty acid molecules and a small molecule with a phosphate group,
whereas a normal lipid just has 3 fatty acid molecules. This makes the phospholipid have a
hydrophilic end, which the regular lipid does not.
What makes it possible for the plasma membrane to self-assemble?
Since the phospholipids have a hydrophilic end and a hydrophobic end, they always “know” how
to reassemble
A cell begins running low on food, and its energy output decreases by 20%. What kind of plasma
membrane transport (active or passive) is affected?
Active transport requires energy from the cell, whereas passive transport does not. Thus, the
active transport would slow down.
Memorize the structures in the drawing in your study guide. You need to know these! Better yet, draw the structure on a flashcard and label it... :o)
draw structure in study guide
If a cell dies by implosion, what kind of solution (isotonic, hypertonic, or hypotonic) was it in?
Since it died by implosion, the cell lost water. Water is lost by osmosis when the cell is in a
solution which has a higher concentration of solutes than the inside of the cell. Thus, this was a
hypertonic solution
List the four stages of aerobic cellular respiration in the order in which they occur. In addition,
note the net number of ATPs that are made in each step.
. The four stages are: glycolysis (two ATPs), the formation of acetyl coenzyme A (no ATPs), the
Krebs cycle (two ATPs), and the electron transport system (32 ATPs).
What is ATP’s purpose in the cell?
ATP supplies a package for the energy produced in cellular respiration. It releases its energy
gently, so that the energy does not destroy the cell.
If a cell has no oxygen, what stage(s) of aerobic cellular respiration can still run? How many
ATPs can it make from a molecule of glucose?
The only stage that can run is glycolysis. After that, the cell forms lactic acid or alcohol with the
products. The cell can only make two ATPs per molecule of glucose this way.
A scientist determines a means to extract all ADP from a cell. Why will this kill the cell?
With no ADP, the cell will not be able to make ATP in which to store the energy from cellular
respiration. Thus, the cell could make energy, but it could never use the energy!
What organelle is responsible for breaking polysaccharides into monosaccharides?
The lysosome performs hydrolysis which breaks down large molecules (like polysaccharides) into
small molecules (like monosaccharides).