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76 Cards in this Set

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What is the main difference between organisms in kingdom Protista versus those in kingdom Monera?
The main difference is that organisms in kingdom Monera are prokaryotic, whereas those in Protista are eukaryotic. This fact adds a level of complexity to the organisms in kingdom Protista that doesn't exist in kingdom Monera.
In general terms, why are eukaryotic cells more complicated than prokaryotic cells?
In eukaryotic cells, however, each organelle performs its own set of tasks. Only when each organelle cooperates with the other organelles will the cell be able to perform all of the functions necessary for life. They must be able to work together!
Kingdom Protista is divided into two main groups. What are they?
protozoa and algae -----
Why are the two main groups in Kingdom Protista also called "subkingdom Protozoa and subkingdom Algae?"
Because these groups are NOT phyla. Instead, each group contains several phyla; thus, they are often called subkingdom Protozoa and subkingdom Algae.
What are the four major phyla in subkingdom Protozoa? What distinguishes them from one another?
phylum Mastigophora,
phylum Sarcodina,
phylum Ciliophora,
and phylum Sporozoa

These phyla are distinguished from one another based on their organisms' method of locomotion.
Subkingdom Algae contains five major phyla. What are they, and how are organisms separated in this subkingdom?
phylum Chlorophyta,
phylum Chrysophyta,
phylum Pyrrophyta,
phylum Phaeophyta,
and phylum Rhodophyta

Organisms are separated into these phyla based on habitat, organization, and type of cell wall.
What is the difference between " Amoeba" and "amoeba"........ or "Protozoa" and "protozoa?" Why is one capitalized and one not?
When most of the species within a genus (such as Amoeba) are so similar that when we see them under the microscope, they look almost identical, we often refer to each members of this genus as simply “amoeba.” When we do this, we do not capitalize or italicize the word because we are not talking about the classification groups used in binomial nomenclature; we are instead using a generic term to refer to all members within the classification group.
What two types of vacuoles does the amoeba have?
food vacuoles and contractile vacuoles
What happens if an amoeba cell absorbs too much water?
If the cell absorbs too much water, it could potentially become over-pressurized and end up exploding!
How does an amoeba move?
If the amoeba wants to move, all of the endoplasm can be forced into the pseudopod, carrying the cell contents with it. Thus, the amoeba moves by forming a pseudopod and pushing itself into that pseudopod. This can be done over and over, resulting in a laborious form of locomotion.
When you touch a rock that is in a pond, the slimy coating that you feel is often the result of what?
It is slimy because there are amoebae that are stuck to the rock. In fact, when an amoeba is floating in water, it will try to adhere to almost any surface with which it comes into contact.
True or false? Amoebae can form cysts (much like the endospores which bacteria form) in an attempt to survive life-threatening conditions such as dryness or a lack of food.
An amoeba reaches is maximum size and can reproduce asexually after how long?
typically in about three days
Explain why E. coli and E. coli may not be the exact same thing.
They both inhabit the human gut, but they are quite different organisms. One is prokaryotic (Escherichia coli), and the other is eukaryotic (Entamoeba coli). One is a bacterium (Escherichia coli), and the other is a protozoan (Entamoeba coli).

This potential point of confusion illustrates that although you CAN abbreviate the genus name in binomial nomenclature, it is not always wise to do so because many different genera begin with the same letter.
Suppose you were observing an amoeba under the microscope and it suddenly exploded. What organelle was probably not working properly in the amoeba?
Since the contractile vacuoles control pressure in the cell by collecting and removing excess water, those organelles must not have been working in that poor amoeba.
A biologist is studying an amoeba and sees a vacuole with several small solid objects in it. Most likely, what kind of vacuole is it?
The biologist must be looking at a food vacuole. A contractile vacuole should contain water. The solid objects in this vacuole are most likely partly-digested food.
What are two uses of flagellates?
Although most flagellates use their flagellum to swim freely in the water, some use it to attach themselves to a solid object.
Phylum Mastigophora contains organisms that can only be seen with a microscope. True or False?
False! This phylum contains all sizes of organisms. Some flagellates are among the smallest protozoa in kingdom Protista, while others form elaborate colonies that are large enough to see with the unaided eye.
Members of Phylum Mastigophora can be found in a variety of habitats, including salt water, fresh water, and moist soil. True or False?
Genus Euglena has organisms that are both autotrophic and saprophytic. However, they can lose their photosynthetic capability forever. Under what circumstances does this happen?
Even when there is plenty of light for photosynthesis, euglenas still tend to absorb some food from their surroundings. When their surroundings become dim, their photosynthesis shuts down, and they become completely saprophytic. In fact, if their environment stays dim for several days or more, the euglenas' photosynthetic capability degenerates. After that happens, they can never produce their own food again, regardless of how bright their surroundings might later become.
Euglenas have two ways of aiding movement. One is by whirling its flagellum. What is the other way?
a euglena can also draw its cytoplasm into the central region of the cell. This deforms the euglena, making it look like a “+” sign. The euglena then re-extends itself forward in a worm-like movement.
Euglenas see by using their eyespot. (red in color) True or False?
False!! Since the eyespot is sensitive to light, euglenas use it to move towards regions of bright light, increasing their photosynthetic output. So although we call this the “eyespot,” the euglenas do not really see with it. The eyespot simply allows them to determine where there is a lot of light and where there is little light.
How do euglenas reproduce (sexually or asexually) and how often?
Euglenas reproduce only asexually. Under ideal conditions, a single euglena can reproduce once each day.
What is different about the members of phylum Mastigophora that come from the genus Volvox?
Also photosynthetic, members of this genus are colonial and possess two flagella. They join together and create an elaborate latticework out of strands of cytoplasm. The entire colony moves by rolling the latticework. The standard mode of reproduction among Volvox is asexual. When this occurs, a daughter colony is formed which often stays within the original parent colony. Under certain conditions, however, individual members of a Volvox colony can reproduce sexually.
Some mastigophorites are harmful to human beings. Give an example.
*tsetse fly carries African Sleeping Disease
The protozoa Trichonympha lives in termites. Why is this important to the termite?
You see, termites eat wood. However, they are unable to digest a substance called cellulose, which is a major component in all types of wood. The Trichonympha that live in the termite's gut feed on this cellulose. If it were not for these protozoa, the termites would not be able to feed on wood, and they would die of starvation.
What are three of the main types of symbiosis?
A euglena is in dim light. There is a bright spot of light not too far away, but the euglena does not move towards it. Instead, it seems to wander aimlessly. What organelle is not functioning properly in the euglena?
Since it is wandering around, its flagellum is working fine. Since it can't find the light, however, its eyespot must not be working. NOTE: Even if the photosynthetic mechanism of the euglena is destroyed, it will continue to seek light as long as the eyespot is working.
According to most biologists, an organism must always perform photosynthesis or chemosynthesis to be considered autotrophic. Why do these biologists say that the euglena is not autotrophic?
Euglenas can obtain food either autotrophically (by photosynthesis) or heterotrophically, depending on environmental conditions. Thus, it does not ALWAYS perform photosynthesis.
In a later section of this module, you will learn about members of genus Plasmodium, which can live in people. These microorganisms get food and shelter from the people they inhabit, but they cause malaria, which can be deadly. Is this an example of symbiosis? If so, what kind?
This is symbiosis, because the organism from genus Plasmodium benefits. It is also parasitism, since the person that the microorganism inhabits is harmed.
What are some characteristics of ciliates?
Ciliates can be quite large (for a protozoan), with some species attaining lengths of three millimeters (about one-ninth of an inch). Ciliates vary in shape, ranging from cone-shaped to bell-shaped to foot-shaped. Members of this phylum mostly live in fresh water, preferring stagnant lakes and ponds.
A paramecium cannot conjugate. What organelle is not functioning properly?
Since conjugation occurs via the oral groove, that organelle must not be functioning properly in the paramecium.
A biologist studies a group of bacteria (all one species) and a group of paramecia (all one species). She notices that while the bacteria all seem to be almost exact duplicates of each other, there is a great deal of variation among the paramecia. Why?
Paramecia can engage in a form of conjugation that allows DNA to be mixed between organisms. As a result, the offspring formed will not be an exact duplicate of the parents, because the parents have mutually exchanged DNA. When bacteria conjugate, DNA transfer is one-way and the recipient ends up looking like the donor.
Explain spore formation in the asexual reproduction process.
In this form of reproduction, the nucleus divides while still inside the cell. This may happen several times, resulting in several different nuclei in one cell. Cytoplasm concentrates around each nucleus, and hard shells form around the cytoplasm. This makes several spores. The cell then disintegrates, allowing the spores to be released so that each can grow into a new sporozoan.
Type of reproduction in which sporozoa engage...
1. spore formation
2. alternation of generations, because different generations alternate between spore formation and other modes of reproduction (think: malaria)
What is the difference between cysts (such as those formed by amoebae and ciliates) and spores?
Spores are formed as a natural part of an organism's life. An organism that produces spores will always produce spores as a part of its life cycle. Cysts, on the other hand, are formed only when life-threatening conditions occur. If no life-threatening conditions occur over the course of an organism's lifetime, it will never form a cyst.
One way that people fight the spread of malaria is to significantly reduce the population of mosquitoes in their vicinity. Why does this work?
Mosquitoes carry the Plasmodium and spread it by biting humans. Control the mosquito population, and the spread of the disease is controlled as well.
The "fishy smell" and "slimy feel" of a body of water is due to all of the fish that inhabit the body of water. The more fish, the more fishy smelling and slimy feeling the water! True or False?
False! The “fishy smell” and “slimy feel” of a body of water is usually due not to the fish under the water, but the algae floating on it.
Biologists separate plankton into two groups. They are?
zooplankton and phytoplankton
Virtually all of the organisms on earth need to breathe oxygen in order to survive. With all of these organisms breathing oxygen, why doesn't the earth run out of oxygen?
Well, photosynthetic organisms are constantly making more.
The majority of photosynthesis on earth is not done by green plants; instead, it is done by ......what?
Phytoplankton.This, of course, means that most of the oxygen on earth has been produced not by green plants such as trees and grasses, but instead by phytoplankton such as algae. In fact, biologists estimate that nearly three-fourths of all oxygen on earth is produced by phytoplankton.
Why are the waters of the earth and phytoplankton so very, very important?
Earth would quickly become uninhabitable if the waters of earth became too polluted for phytoplankton!

(So treat earth's water gently!!)
Algae is important because it produces oxygen for us. However, what are some other uses for algae?
a major food source for many aquatic organisms, humans eat it, food additives, natural kind of fertilizer, and many useful products such as potash, iodine, nitrogen, vitamins, and minerals can be made from processed algae.
True or False? Alge can reproduce both sexually and asexually.
True. Which is why algal bloom occurs. (They can reproduce really rapidly!!)
Since green algae have cell walls similar to plants and chlorophyll like most plants, some biologists actually consider them plants and place them into kingdom Plantae. So why do most biological classification schemes tend to place them in kingdom Protista?
Because they are microscopic and tend to exist as individual cells or simple colonies of cells.
If an organism is in phylum Chlorophyta, it must have a chloroplast. Why?
Chloroplasts hold the chlorophyll that is a part of photosynthesis. Since all members of phylum Chlorophyta have chlorophyll, they must also have chloroplasts to hold it.
Of the three genera of green algae discussed, which would you consider the most complex? (Chlorella, Desmid, Spirogyra)
Spirogyra are the most complex because they exist as colonies. Thus, to a very limited degree, the cells work together. The other two exist as individual cells. Any time you get a group of individuals to work together (even to a very small degree), you are adding complexity to the picture.
Diatomaceous earth is actually quite useful for people. Give some examples!
Large amounts of it are used by industry as a means of filtering liquids.

It is also used as an abrasive. (example: in toothpaste!!!)

killing insects
Why is diatomaceous earth deadly to insects?
Finally, crawling insects can be killed by laying down a thin coating of diatomaceous earth. As the insects crawl over the hard, jagged cell walls of these dead diatoms, it cuts their abdomens, killing them.
When diatoms have excess food, they do not store it in food vacuoles as many other members of kingdom Protista do. What do they do with it?
They convert it into oil. (shown up in photos like bubbles....)
You might say that diatoms are the most important form of algae in creation. Why?
Diatoms are responsible for the majority of photosynthesis on earth. Without this photosynthesis, the earth's oxygen supply would quickly dwindle, killing off everything. Thus, diatoms are pretty important!
Suppose you could analyze a water sample for the presence of any chemical. If you were given two samples, one that contained members of phylum Chlorophyta and another that contained members of phylum Chrysophyta, how could you determine which was which?
You would look for the presence of cellulose or silicon dioxide. The sample that contained members of phylum Chlorophyta would have cellulose, while the sample with members of phylum Chrysophyta would contain silicon dioxide. You might also look for oil, as diatoms store their excess food as oil. You cannot look for chlorophyll, as both diatoms and members of phylum Chlorophyta have chlorophyll, since they both perform photosynthesis.
In the book of Exodus (chapter 7), God caused several plagues to befall Egypt. In the first plague, all of the rivers turned to blood, the fish died, and the Egyptians could not drink from the rivers. Some have said that algae offer a natural explanation for this miracle. What algae are they referring to and why do they think this? Why is this not a good explanation?
They refer to the Gymnodinium brevis, because it causes red tide. Since the water in a red tide turns red, it might appear to be blood. Also, red tides are toxic to humans, so people cannot drink the water in a red tide. This is not a good explanation, however, because the Bible does not say that the waters looked like blood; it says they turned into blood. Also, the water in containers also turned into blood. It would be hard to explain how a red tide could occur in a container of water that was once clear.
Every classification rule has its exceptions. True or False?
True! We can hardly discuss anything about a kingdom or phylum without using phrases like “usually” or “most of the organisms.”
How do the cells in a multicellular organism work?
In a multicellular creature, the individual cells are designed to specialize in individual tasks. The cells work together, each performing the tasks for which it is designed. In the end, the organism survives because the cells work together. Since the cells are specialists in only one or a few of the tasks necessary for life, a single cell that is separated from a multicellular creature usually cannot exist on its own.
How do the cells in a colony of single-celled organisms work?
In a colony of single-celled organisms, each organism can exist on its own. Although cells tend to group together for mutual protection and other such benefits, if a cell is split away from its colony, it can survive. In addition, although the cells tend to live together, they mostly perform life functions independently. They may secrete mucus that covers the entire colony, and they may move together as a group, but they perform the majority of life functions without help from the other members of the colony.
Describe some characteristics of kelp.
Some kelp can grow as long as 100 meters, growing as fast as 2 feet per day under ideal conditions. Kelp is harvested in many parts of the world for food. When many of these organisms grow near one another, large kelp forests result, providing a rich environment for many marine creatures.
A biologist has a sample of what looks to be a marine plant. He thinks, however, that it might be an unknown species of brown algae. To test this, he takes part of the “plant,” dries it, crushes it into a powder, and mixes it with a solution. The solution thickens. Is this evidence that the organism is a plant or an alga? Why?
This is evidence that the organism is an alga. Since the water thickens, the plant most likely contains alginic acid, a substance that is in the cell walls of brown algae.
Which of the following genera contain organisms with chloroplasts?
Amoeba, Euglena, Paramecium, Spirogyra
Euglena and Spirogyra. Each of these organisms use chlorophyll for photosynthesis and thus have
chloroplasts. The other two genera contain exclusively heterotrophic organisms, which obviously do
not use photosynthesis.
What is the function of a contractile vacuole? What is the difference between this and a food
. A contractile vacuole collects excess water in a cell and releases it into the surroundings to reduce
the pressure inside the cell. This keeps the cell from exploding. The food vacuole, on the other hand,
stores food while it is being digested and has nothing to do with excess water or pressure.
What is the difference between endoplasm and ectoplasm?
Endoplasm is thick, while ectoplasm is thin and watery. Endoplasm is found in the central region
of the cell, while ectoplasm is found near the plasma membrane.
The amoeba and euglena each have different means of locomotion. How are they different? How
are they similar?
The amoeba uses pseudopods which it creates by deforming its body. The euglena, on the other
hand uses a flagellum. There is one bit of similarity. When it wants to move quickly, the euglena
deforms its body in an almost earthworm-type motion. This is used to enhance the motion supplied by
the flagellum, and is something like the amoeba’s motion.
. Name at least three pathogenic organisms from kingdom Protista.
There are more than three, but you only need to recall three. The ones we discussed in this module
Entamoeba histolytica, Trypanosoma,
Balantidium coli,
Plasmodium, and
. For each of the phyla below, list the means of locomotion employed by the organisms in that phyla:

Sarcodina: pseudopods, Mastigophora: flagella, Ciliophora: cilia.
What are the main features that separate organisms into phylum Sporozoa?
These organisms form spores as a natural part of their life cycle and have no real means of
A tapeworm is a parasite that feeds on the nutrients which the host eats, depriving the host of that
nutrition. Trichonympha is a mastigophorite that lives in the gut of a termite, helping break down
chemicals that the termite cannot break down on its own. Name the specific kind of symbiosis in each
of these situations.
Trichonympha is an example of mutualism, because both the Trichonympha and the termite benefit
from the situation. The tapeworm is an example of parasitism, since only the tapeworm benefits. The
host is hurt by the situation.
Why do the ciliates have two nuclei (plural of nucleus)? What is the purpose of each?
Ciliates require so much energy that they must have a nucleus (called the macronucleus) devoted
solely to metabolism. The other, smaller nucleus (the micronucleus) controls reproduction.
What is the difference between the conjugation that occurs between paramecia and the conjugation
that occurs between bacteria?
In conjugation between paramecia, there is a mutual exchange of DNA so that each paramecium
gets new DNA. We learned in Module #2 that when bacteria conjugate, only one bacterium (the
recipient) gets new DNA.
Two microorganism groups are studied. In the first group, the organisms form hard shells around
themselves when exposed to life-threatening conditions. If not exposed to those conditions, however,
these organisms never form hard shells. The second group form hard shells around themselves as a
natural part of their life cycle. Which group would be classified as coming from phylum Sporozoa?
Spores are formed as a natural part of an organism’s lifestyle. Cysts, however, are only formed in
the case of life-threatening conditions. If those conditions do not exist, cysts will not be formed. Thus,
the first group produced cysts. The second group produced spores, making them a part of phylum
What is unique about the way a euglena obtains food?
A euglena can either live on the dead remains of other organisms or it can produce its own food by
photosynthesis. This is a combination of autotrophic and heterotrophic behavior.
Which phylum contains the organisms responsible for most of the
photosynthesis that occurs on earth? What generic term is used to refer to these organisms?
Phylum Chrysophyta contains the diatoms, which are responsible for most of the world’s
Give the main function of each of the organelles listed on the left below. Also,
list at least one phylum that has organisms which possess the organelle.

food vacuole
contractile vacuole
oral groove
Food vacuole - purpose: store food, phyla: Sarcodina, Mastigophora, Ciliophora

Contractile vacuole - purpose: remove excess water, reducing pressure, phyla: Sarcodina,
Mastigophora, Ciliophora

Flagellum - purpose: locomotion, phylum: Mastigophora, Pyrrophyta
Pellicle - purpose: retains cell shape, phyla: Mastigophora, Ciliophora

Chloroplast - purpose: stores chlorophyll, phylum: Chlorophyta or Mastigophora

Eyespot - purpose: detects light, phylum: Mastigophora

Cilia - purpose: locomotion, phylum: Ciliophora

Nucleus - purpose: contains DNA, phyla: all phyla in Protista

Oral groove - purpose: food intake and conjugation, phylum: Ciliophora
What are large deposits of diatom remains called? List two uses of these deposits.
These deposits are called diatomaceous earth and are used as abrasives and filters.
What is a red tide?
A red tide is an algae bloom of dinoflagellates, which belong to phylum Pyrrophyta.
What two phyla principally contain macroscopic algae?
Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta
What substance produced by members of phylum Phaeophyta is useful for thickening ice cream,
pudding, salad dressing, and jelly beans?
. Members of phylum Phaeophyta have alginic acid (or just algin) in their cell walls. This is the
thickening agent used in the foods listed.