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14 Cards in this Set

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What date did Apollo 11 lift off towards the Moon?
Why type of rocket was used to take the astronuats to the moon?
Extra Points: How old was your teacher in 1969 if she was born in 1956?
July 16, 1969
Saturn V
What date did the Apollo 11 team decend and land on the Moon surface?
Who were the three astronauts on board Apollo 11?
July 20, 1969
Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin
Neil Armstrong
Michael Collins
What agency does NASA stand for?
National Aeronautics and Space Administration founded in 1958
What were the total amount of hours spent walking on the Moon by the Apollo 11 Astronauts?
2 1/2 Hours
How many pounds of samples were collected from the surface of the Moon?
47.8 lbs
Name the three experiments set up on the Moon's surface by the Apollo 11 crew
1. A reflector to bounce laser beams back to earth.
2. A foil "flag" to collect solar particles.
3. A seismometer to measure moonquakes.
The Lunar Module had a nickname what was it?
The Eagle
Who was the first man to step onto the Moon surface and what did he say?
Neil Armstrong
"one small step for man" "one giant leap for mankind"
Who was the second man to step on the Moon surface and what did he do first?
"Buzz" Aldrin
set up the science experiments. And photographed his footprint. This photo became the symbol for teh human need to explore
How many days did it take to get to the Moon?
How long did they stay?
How many miles is it to the Moon?
3 days
3 days
What was the nickname for the Command Module
Once the "Eagle" had landed its name changed to what?
Tranquility Base
Command Module Pilot
Lunar Module Pilot
Neil Armstrong
Michael Collins
"Buzz" Aldrin
Apollo 11 left an American flag and a plaque on the moon, what was the inscription on the plaque?
The inscription read Here Men From The Planet Earth First Set Foot Upon the Moon, July 1969 A.D. We Came in Peace For All Mankind.