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27 Cards in this Set

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definition of respiration the entire _____ of exchanging _____ between the atmosphere and body _____.
process, gases, cells
definition of ventilation moving ___ into and ____of the ____.
air, in/out, lungs
cellular respiration- using ____ to metabolize ______ which produces ___.
Oxygen, glucose, carbon dioxide.
mucous membranes have 3 functions. name them
Warm, moisten, clean the air
Inspiration is breathing ___. It is an active process. the ____ and intercostal muscles expand the volume of the ____. and air is drawn ___ the lungs. For a gas, as volume goes up, pressure goes ____.
out, diaphragm, thorax, into, down.
Expiration is a ____ process. it depends on ______ recoil, and surface _______. (which is like a water bubble, the water doesn't like being separated from the the water molecule, it wants to pop and be together.)
passive. elastic recoil, surface tension.
________ pleura is attached to _____wall. ________pleura is attached to _____ tissue.
parietal, chest wall, visceral-lung tissue
trachea is the tube that brings ___ into the ______. It divides into a Right and Left _______. which divide and divide until they turn into ________ which have air sacs at the end called ________.
air, lungs. bronchi, bronchioles, aveolis.
aveolus constructed of single layer of ________ cells. Aveoli cupped by net of capillaries which are also single layer of _____calls.
squamous, squamous.
Aveolus should collapse due to surface tension based on laws of physics, but they don't because of a cell in the aveoli that secretes _______ which allows the aveoli to remain open at atmospheric pressure.
Fick's law
the greater the area the more gas that can pass thru. Thinner membrane=more gas. More surface area=more gas.
How do we measure gas?
Partial pressure, measure quantity or concentration.
5 lung lobes ___on right and ___ on left.
3 on rt, 2 on left.
Nomal resting Tidal volume is about ____mL.
Spirometry is a measurement of the volume of ____ inspired and ______ over time.
Gas, inspired/expired.
FEV1 is the volume of gas that can be ________ expired in 1 second.
Anatomic dead space is air in the ______ that is not available for gas exchange.
Alveolar dead space is an _________ that is full of air but has no ________ supply so the air is not available for exchange.
Aveoli, no blood supply
Physiologic dead space is ________ dead space + ________ dead space.
Minute ventilation is the amount of air that is moved ____ and ___ in one breath X the number of breaths per minute. Or Tidal volume X respiratory rate norm TV X RR = what?
IN, OUT, TV=.5, RR=20 =10
Aveolar ventilation is minute ventilation – ________ dead space.
Chemoreceptors two types, 1 Central in the _____ _______, sense the pressure of ____. If high, respiration increases. If low, respiration decreases. 2. Peripheral in the ______ and _____ Body, sense the pressure of ___.
medulla oblongate, CO2. Carotid and Arotic body, O2.
Gas transport: O2 and CO2. CO2 is transport in 3 ways. 1_____________. 2 attached to ____. 3 as _____ (this accounts for 70%. what is the chemical reaction.
dissolved, hgb, HCO3- (bicarbonate)
CO2+H2O------H2CO3-----H+ + HCO3-
gas transport: 02 and CO2. O2 is carried by ____. In a healthy person aveoli are ____% saturated, in the tissues it drops off to about ___%. Hgb picks up O2 at ____concentrations and unloads it at ___ concentrations.
Hgh, 100, 72, high, low.
Inspiration takes work muscles of the ________ pushes down and muscles of the _____ push up.
Diaphragm, ribs
Breathing also called ________ is movement of ____ from _______________________ to the _____ and from the _______ to the __________________________________. It involves _________ (breathing in) and ___________ breathing out.
Ventilation, air, outside the body to the aveoli, and from the aveoli to the outside of the body. Inspiration, and expiration.
Goblet cells are like single celled ______-______ glands.