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29 Cards in this Set

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Lichteim's model
a triangle that shows lesion sites
verbal paraphasia
when the person substitues a real word
literal paraphasia
phonological similarity 50% of the phonemes in the word need to be there
neologistic paraphasia
a non-word paraphasia
transcortical sensory
- boarder zone
- wernickes and broca’s spared
- sometimes the watershed between mca and pca
- language characteristics are wernicke like in production and comp.
- repetition is NOT impaired
conduction aphasia
- perisylvian
- inferior division of the MCA
- the lesion may impair the arc faciculus and the supramargional gyrus.
- What is the relationship between between supramarginal gyrus.
o The arc faciculus is under the supramarginal gyrus.
- Also it extends to the auditory association cortex.
- There is supposedly a sparing of wernickes
- No hemiparisis
anomic aphasia
- fluent aphasia
- almost all aphasic patients have naming problem, but they don’t have anomic aphasia
- they have fluent output
- the lesion is nonlocalizing .
- it is a pure naming deficit.
- Their speech is fluent
- Fluent output but they have somewhat empty
- They have no grammatical difficulty.
- It primarily affects nouns
- Verbs are less impaired
- Functional categories spared
fluent aphasias
- wernickes
- transcortical sensory aphasia
- conduction aphasia
- anomic aphasia
broca's have this type of thing where they repeat the word over and over again
- Perseveration – using the same word over and over again.
o They get locked into a particular network and have a hard time inhibiting that particular word
pure word deafness
spontaneous speech unimpaired. speech comprehention very impaired. cannot repeat words and nonwords. locus of deficit - auditory analysis system
word meaning deafness
good spontaneous speech. writing unimpaired, very poor comprehention but good hearing. repitition unipaired. locus of deficit - connection between auditory input lexicon to the semantic system
cohort model
el ele elephant . activation begins with the first segment.
logogen model
they are word detectors. turned on by phoneme combinations. perfect match is not needed. words are activated when threshold is reached. faster access to frequently used words
connectionist model
network model with layers and units that have varying connection strengths.
visual feature units
letter units
word units
semantic units
sensory-functional model
animals plant life and artifact.
typicality effect
typical exemplars are faster and more accurate than atypical
there is _________ input and output for the semantic system
semantic priming
when a word is introduced early in the lexical decision and reaction time test, the reaction time on the word when it is repeated is shorter
cross modal lexical priming
sentences are presented aurally at normal speaking rate, and at some point during each sentence, a letter sequence ( a word or nonword) is visually displayed on a screen. the particiapnt is asked to attend to teh aurally presented sentence and also to make a lexical decision about the letter sequence via
factors affecting lexical access
-frequency and familiarity
- semantic cateory
- typicality
- context
- grammatical word class
- age of acquisition
- concreteness
deep dysphasia
spontaneous speech is impaired. semantic paraphasias. inflection errors, repitition impaired, semantic paraphasias, open class easier than closed class, cannot repeat nonwords. reading aloud spared. locus of deficit - connection between auditory analysis and phoneme level , semantic system
memory store for the spoken form of the words
phonological output lexicon
involved in phoneme specification
phoneme level
conceptual level
lemma level
lexeme level
Discrete two stage
conceptual level
lexical semantic
lexical phonological - feed forward as well as backwards
interactive activation
semantic interference affect
phonological facilitation effect
apperceptive agnosia
- spontaneous speech good
- cannot match words to pictures
- copying impaired
- drawing from memory spared
locus of deficit - object analysis system
associative agnosia
- spontaneous speech spared
- auditory comp good
- naming impaired with visual objects
- copying spared
- drawing from memory impaired
- locus of deficit - object recognition units