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34 Cards in this Set

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Lung cancer is the #1 cancer deaths among males and females.
True or False
What percentage of lung cancer occurs in cigarette smokers?
What are the symptoms of lung cancer?
chronic cough
coughing blood
chest pain
wt loss, appetite loss
repeated bronchitis, pneumonia, unexplained fever
neck swelling
How is lung cancer diagnosed?
CT/Pet scan
Sputum cytology
needle biopsy
bone scan
What is the number 1 treatment of lung cancer?
Surgical resection
What are the 4 M's of Lung cancer anesthesia considerations?
1. Mass effects Obstructive, nerve damage, etc)
2. Metabolic effects (lambert-eaton, hypercalcemia, hyponatremia, cushing)
3. Metastases (bone, brain, liver adrenal)
4. Medications (chemo)
What is the current trends with smoking?
Increase in cigar smoking
25% of US adults
white students
HS dropouts
What are examples of surgical cases related to lung cancer?
What is the avg pt profile for thoracic procedures?
age 60-70
+ smoker
Resides in urban area
Preop assessment CV findings that predict high risk for thoracic procedure?
Unstable angina,
MI within 6 weeks
significant arrhythmias
Preop assessment Pulmonary findings that indicate high risk for lung resection?
FEV1 <40% of predicted-- and further exercise testing should be done.
DLCO <50%
(FEV1 >80% of predicted or >2L ind minimal risk)
Pt has a deviated trachea for thoracic surgery-- what are the anesthesia concerns?
AFOI or Single lumen vent.
SVC compression
Phrenic nerve involvement
Tumor in airway
Neuro-endocrine involvment
Large tumor at periphery pulling trachea to same side, or oat cell ca--very aggressive.
What is a typical finding on an ECG with pt's presenting for lung resection?
RVH and RAH: low voltage QRS waves and poor r-wave progression and P-wave changes.
Findings on a VQ scan that can indicate poor outcomes for lung resection?
> 70% blood flow to resected lung
When is the optimal time for a patient to stop smoking preop?
Stopping smoking within 2months of surgery have an increase in transient mucus production and increase complications.
What are the benefits of smoking cessation if stopped >8wks?
improved mucociliary clearance
dec in small airway secretions
dec in airway reactivity
What are the required monitors for thoracic surgery?
ECG, (leads II & V5)
Esophageal Stethoscope
temp monitor
Arterial line
ABG baseline
Airway pressure monitor
Pulse ox
which arm is the arterial BP monitor placed for thoracic surgery?
Usually placed in the dependent arm,-- can detect decreased perfusion to that arm from pressure, and can be stabilized there.
Which arm is the ABP placed for mediastinoscopy?
Often placed in the Right arm, - detects compression of the innominate artery and helps prevent a decrease in cerebral blood flow. (if not a pulse ox should be placed on this arm for same reason)
What are the absolute indications for one-lung ventilation and isolation?
To prevent contamination from:
What are the ABSOLUTE indications for one lung ventilation r/t discrete control of ventilation?
Broncho-pleurel fistula
Giant cysts/bullous disease
Major bronchial disruption
Life threatening hypoxemia
Unilateral lung lavage
What are the RELATIVE indications for one-lung ventilation R/T high priority surgical exposure?
thoracic aortic aneurysm
upper lobectomy
thoracoscopy (VATS)
Mediastinal exposure
What are the RELATIVE indications for one-lung ventilation R/T low priority surgical exposure?
Esophageal surgery
Middle or lower lobe surgery
Thoracic spine procedures
What are the three types of Double lumen ET?
Carlens: Left Bronchus intubated
White: Right Bronchus intubated
Robertshaw : R or L; no carina hook*****(used mostly)
When is a bronchial blocker used?
When securing the airway is anticipated to be difficult.
The Fogarty tube is a bronchial blocker that can be placed and positioned using what device?
Bronchoscope is used to position the balloon into the correct bronchus
What are the sizes of DLEBT to be used on adults?
females: 35 -39 fr
Males 37 - 41 fr

Typical depth is 27-29cm
What is the shape of the trachea and what is used as a landmark during bronchoscopy to indicate a posterior view?
"D" shaped trachea with the flat muscul0-membrane portion indicating posterior
The R lung has how many lobes? What is the amount of blood flow to it?
R lung: 3 lobes and receives 55-60% of blood supply (left lung has 2 lobes and receives 40-45%)
What is the minimal size of ETT for the use of a 4.9mm Bronch?
37fr (a 3.6mm can pass through a 35fr tube but can be too flexible for proper use)
When checking placemnt of a DLT the first step is to listen bilaterally, what does it mean when BS are heard on one side only?
Both lumens are in the same bronchus-- deflate the cuff and withdraw tube 1-2cm until breath sounds are heard bilaterally.
What will you hear if the DLT is out too far in the trachea? (cuffs deflated)
Breath sounds are heard R and L when each side is clamped. ( If cuffs are inflated the left cuff may occlude the right lumen and no BS may be heard with the R.)
What are the rules for Bronchoscope use?
1. Left hand on Rigid
2. No bending of scope
3. No advancement w/o visualization
4. maintain a central view
5. Approaching the glottis-- keep tip elevated
6. max air in blue balloon (bronchus) is 1.5ml
The Bronch is placed down the Right lumen to verify the placement of the DLT, what should be seen?
1. a straight-ahead view of the tracheal carina
2. the left lumen going off into the left mainstem bronchus
3. the upper surface of the left EB cuff just below the carina