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8 Cards in this Set

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Economic policy which upon trade, colonies and the accumulation of wealth as the basis for the countries' military and political strength. According to mercantilist doctrine, a government should regulate trade and production to enable it to become self-sufficient. Colonies were to provide raw materials to the parent country for the growth and profit of that of that country's industries. Colonies existed for this reason.
Church of England
Founded by Henry VIII in the early 1550s, the Church of England, or Anglican church, was Protestant in that it was controlled by the monarchy, not the Pope.
House of Burgesses
The House of Burgesses was the first assembly of elected representatives of English colonists in North America.The House was established by the Virginia Company, who created the body as part of an effort to encourage English craftsmen to settle in North America and to make conditions in the colony more agreeable for its current inhabitants. Its first meeting was held in Jamestown, Virginia, on July 30, 1619.
Indentured Servants
People under contract with a landowner who paid for their passage. Worked for a specified period of four to seven years for a return. Were under absolute rule of their masters.
The settlers of the Massachusetts Bay and the Plymouth colony. England had both Catholic and Protestant influences, and these Puritans wanted to rid of these influences, so they decided to sail to the New World and start their own colonies, James had many of them arrested and jailed because he saw them as a threat.
Anne Hutchinson
A religious dissenter whose ideas provoked an intense religious and political crisis in the Massachusetts Bay Colony between 1636 and 1638. She challenged the principles of Massachusetts's religious and political system. Her ideas became known as the heresy of Antinomianism, a belief that Christians are not bound by moral law. She was latter expelled, with her family and followers, and went and settled at Rode Island, killed by indians
William Penn
Convert to the Quaker faith. Father had been successful admiral for king. The Royal family of England owed Penn's father a large debt, which was paid off when Penn got a land grant, which he named Pennsylvania.
First permanent English colony that was chartered to the Virginia Company. The first settlers