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53 Cards in this Set

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John Hancock
Wealthy president of the Continental Congress and "King of the Smugglers"
Lord North
The British parliamentary government at the time of teh American REvolution
Sam Adams
Zealous defender of the common people's rights and organizer of underground propaganda committees
Charles Townshend
Minister whose clever attempt to impose import taxes nearly succeeded, but eventually brewed trouble for Britain
John Adams
led First Continental Congress
Crispus Attucks
Alleged leader of radical protesters killed in Boston Massacre
The basic economic and political theory by which 17 18th century European powers governed their overseas colonies
nonimportation agreements
the effective form of organized colonial resistance against Stamp Act, which made home spun clothing fashionable
virtual representation
British governmental theory that parliament spoike for all British subjects, including Americans, even if they didnt vote for its members
Sons of Liberty
male and femal organizations that enforce3d the nonimportation agreements, sometimes by coercive means
Quebec Act
French were guaranteed their catholic religion, permitted to retain many of their old customs and institutions, old boundaires of quebed were now extended southward all the way to the ohio river
Navigation Acts
The set of parliamentary laws, first passed in 1650, that restricted colonial trade and directed it to the benefit of Britain
Declaratory Act
reaffirmed parliaments right to bind the colonies in all cases whatsoever.
First Continental Congress
Body led by John Adams that issued a Declaration of Rights and organized the Association to Boycott all British goods
Sugar Act
first law ever passed by parliament to raise tax revenue in the colonies for the crown.... increased duty on foreign sugar imported from West Indies
Townshend Acts
light import duty on glass, white lead, paper, paint, and tea
Quartering Act
required certain colonies to provide food and quarters for British troops; disobeyed in New York and elsewhere
Boston Massacre
1770. colonists vs. british soldiers
The ASsociation
Effective organization created by the first contenintal congress to provide a total unified boycott of all british goods
Stamp ACt
Legislation passed in 1765 but repealed the net year after colonial resistance made it impossible to enforce
committees of correspondence
underground networks of communication and propaganda, established by Samuel ADams, that sustained colonial resistance
admiralty courts
hated, british courts, in which juries weren't allowed and defendents were donsidered guilty until proven innocent
Boston Tea Party
Event organized by disguised "indians" to sabotage British support of a British East India Company monopoly
Stamp Act Congress
assemblage which brought together in New York City... drew up a statement of their rights and grievances and beseeched the king and parliament to repeal the repugnant legislation
Interolerable ACts
in 1774, parliament passed a series of acts designed to chastise Boston in particular
George Washington
A wealthy Virginian of great character and leadership abilities who served his country without pay
William Howe
British general who chose to relax in New York and Philadelphia rather than march up the Hudson to fight
Benedict ARnold
Brillian American general who invaded Canada, foiled Burgoyne's invasion, and in 1780 betrayed his coutry
John Burgoyne
Blundering British general whose slow progress south from Canada eded in disaster at Saratoga
Charles Cornwallis
GEn. Greene defeated Cornwallis to clear Georgia and South Carolina of British troops
Thomas Paine
A radical British immigrant who put an end to American toasts to King George
Richard Henry Lee
Fiery Virgininan and author of the official resolution of July 2, 1776, formally authorizing th ecolonies independence
Thomas Jefferson
Author of an explanaotry indictment, signed on July 4, 1776, that accused George 3 of establishing a military dictatorship
Marquis de Lafayette
was a major general in the colonial army at age 19, wealthy young french nobleman
John Jay
thought paris was goign to turn against them as soona s they made the treaty... impulsive, deeply suspicious of Old World intrigue; gathered in paris to put together peace treaty
John ADams
flinty, vigilant for New England interests, met in paris to make peace treaty
professional soldier who serves ina forgein army for pay.. Hessians for British
natural rights
inheret nature of the world
AMericans who want independence from England
Second Continental Congress
THe body that chose George Washington commander of the Continental Army
Common Sense
The inflammatory pamphlet that demanded independence and heaped score on the Royal Brute of Great Britain
The Crisis
pamphlets written by thomas paine talking about independence from england
The Declaration of Independence
THe document that provided a lengthy explanation and justification of Richared Henry lEE'S RESOLUTION THA TWAS PASSED BY cONGRESS ON jULY 2, 1776
Another name for American Tories(Americans who support Britain)
Treaty of Paris of 1783
the British formall recognized the indepencence of the US, and granted generous boundaries
Lexington and Concord
British won at Lexington, and lost at Concord; British mission was to seize stores of colonial gunpowder and bag rebel ringleaders
Bunker Hill
colonists seized a hill, British tried to overtake it and got slaughtered on the hill, but when gunpowder ran out, colonists were forced to retreat
Trenton/ Princeton
Washington recrossed Deleware River and he surprised and captured a thousand Hessians who were sleeping
Burgoyne was forced to surrender his entire command here in 1777 to AMerican general- horatio gates
WAshington marched 300 miles to NY where french, de Grasse, helped surround Cornwallis- forcing Britain to surrender
fRENCH and Indian War
competition between French and Egnlish colonists for land in the Ohio River valley
Albany Congress
unification effort that Benjamin Franklin nearly led to succcess by his eloquent leadership and cartoon artistry
Proclamation of 1763
British document that aroused colonial anger but failed to stop frontier expansion, limited american expanision to