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19 Cards in this Set

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who initially colonized the Western Hemisphere
Spain and Porugal
Aztecs and Incas
helped Europeans with agriculture. they were eliminated by spain.
spain's reason for exploring
materials, gold, precious materials. used powerful military technology. defeated native tribes.
treaty of tordesillas
1494. it drew a line of demarcation to divide the world between Catholic Spain and Portugal. All of the Western Hemisphere (except Brazil) was assigned to Spain. Portugal was permitted to colonize Asia.
What was France and English reason for exploring?
to colonize and expand.
an economic system (Europe in 18th C) to increase a nation's wealth by government regulation of all of the nation's commercial interests
when did spain decide to make settlements?
after french and english decided to.
catholic missionaries reason for settling
viewed Western Hemisphere as fertile ground for proselytizing (To induce someone to convert to one's own religious faith) their religious views.
goal of spanish monarchy
to establish and defend a mercantilist policy that would reserve to spain all the rewards the new world had to offer.
benifits accrued by spain began to decline
pressuer from other imperial nations, domestic problems , declining profits (expense of maintaining colonies), military expenditures, a fleet.
dutch settlements
new netherland and new amsterdam. saught to exploit the lucrative fur trade. didnt recieve support from gov. at home. few dutch arrived. suffeed attacks by Native Americans.
New Frrance
forbade french citizens who were looking for a way out of fracne and Huguenots from emigrating. Vast majority who settled returned home.
france settlements
Calimed mississippi (louisiana) and new orleans became an important military and economic strategic location. settled as far west as New Mexico and south dakota. english restricted to territory east of appalachian mountaings
Treaty of Utrecht
1713. having been on the losing side of the war of spanish succession, france lost newfoundland, hudson bay, and acadia to britain. british settlers outnumbered french
french and indian war
1763 france was defeated by britain and its american colonists in the french and indian war. they had no major territorial possessions in NA. Louisiana territory ceded to spain. Napoleon Bonaparte regained it in 1800.
british forays slowed down
roanoke established. grander foryas slowed by need to resole religious division between catholics and protestants. english invaded spanish armada and english caught up with other imperial powers.
Reasons for british expansion
lure of raw materials, expanding manufacturing, mercantilism (the need to accumulate gold, silver ,and other precious resources)
major english colonies
jamestown (by virginia company. suffered from disease and starvtion. dependent on mother country supplies and Native Amer. assistance. )

Plymouth (established by reliious separatists seeking autonomy from the chuch of england. pilgrims went on mayflower became part of mass.)
massachussets bay colony (home to puritans fleeing persecution. established theocracy)
maryland toleration act
guaranteed freedom of worship for Christians while punishing those who made plasphemous remarks and committed other religious transgressions