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58 Cards in this Set

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Two main ideas of americans?
radical whig ideas
How was Britains empire acquired?
a fit of absentmindedness
British athorities embraced what idea?
A typical cartoon portrays america as a ... Britain as a ...
rebellious daughter, lady of fashion
What did the British government reserve the right to do? how many times?
veto any colonial legislation 469
Who achieved a fortune by smuggling?
John Handcock
What is special about the painting of Paul Revere?
he is wearing working clothes
What was the first law passed for tax revenue?
Sugar Act of 1764
How much debt did Britain have?
140M pounds
What PM administered the first taxes on the americas?
George Grenville
What prosecuted offenders of the tax laws? what was special about them?
admiralty courts, no jury, guilty until proven innocent
What did American draw a distinction between?
legislation and taxation
What evidence did Britain provide for American presence in Britain?
virtual representation
What was the first tax related congress?
Stamp act congress 1765
What did they agree on in the stamp act congress?
non importation agreements
Who took the law into their own hands?
son/daughters of liberty
What did they say?
Liberty, Property, and No stamps
what was printed on a tea pot in england?
NO stamp act
When was the stamp act repelled?
What gave Parliament the right to bind the colonies is all cases?
Declaratory Act
What happened to King Georges statue during the revolution?
it was melted into bullets
Charles ______ Townshend
Champagne Charley
Was was most despised in the Townshend acts?
tax on tea
What did the Townshend acts pay for?
salaries of royal governors
What happened in 1768?
Britain landed two regiments of troops, named red coated ruffians or bloody backs
Who was the leader of the boston massacre?
Crispus Attucks
Who served as the British soldiers attorney?
John Adams
In 1770 leaders of england?
PM Lord North, King George III
Who drew a painting of the boston massacre?
Paul Revere
Samuel Adam
leading spirit in hosting tea party, live and breathed politics... appealed to his "trained mob"
Who established committees of correspondence? referred to as?
Samuel adams "the foulest, subtlest, and most venomous serpent ever issued from the egg of sedition"
"the foulest, subtlest, and most venomous serpent ever issued from the egg of sedition" referring to?
committees of corr...
who recieved monopoly in tea trade?
British East India Company
in annapolis after burning a ship of tea, people chanted?
liberty and independence or death in pursuit of it
"an abridgment of what are called English liberties?
stamp act
mass governor during tea party?
Thomas Hutchinson
Date of tea party?
December 16, 1773
tea was a...
badge of slavery
the sons of liberty wanted to make sure tea was not an ___ to the people
invincible temptation
Intolerable acts named
the massacre of american liberty
what was passed alongside the intolerable acts?
quebec act
about the quebec act, one protestant said it would be a
jubilee in hell
response to intolerable acts?
first continental congress, 12 of 13 colonies except Georgia, John adams played major role
our of congress came?
the association
what was done to opponents of the association?
they were tarred and feathered
Troops sent to... to pick up... in...
Lexington and Concord, samuel adams and john Hancock.. 1775
a british officer said the war could be solved by a ...
sheep herder
who like the revolution in england?
the whig party
what prevented Britain from easy capture of america
no urban centers, spread out
"There is no american who does not reject an novelty whatsoever in the management of taxation
quito lawyer
what brought truce to religion wars in europe (30 years wars)
treaty of westphalia in 1648
french gamecock
marquis de lafayette
what was "their congress now is quite disjointed since gallolws are for them appointed"
continental congress
first constituition in war?
articles of confederation 1781
what was one battalion called?
ragged, lousy, naked, regiment
"flly from their own shadows"
Black flutist
group of blacks who fought with british
lord dunmores ethiopian regiment// black loyalists