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38 Cards in this Set

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what were the three most populous Chesapeake colonies? in order
virginia, massachusetts, maryland
what was given to indentured servants after they had done their time?
freedom dues, including an ax, hoe, corn, clothes, and land
what system encouraged the used of indentured servants?
head-right system
another name for indentured servants?
white slaves
who said How miserable that man is that governs a people where six parts of seven at least are poor, endebted, discontented, and armed
Virginia governor william berkeley
the men of Bacon's rebellion were described as?
a rabble of the basest sort of people
who says That old fool has put to death more people in that naked country than i did here for the murder of my father
charles II after Berkeley sentences many men to death
Britian bans slavery in ? US?
1807, 1808
the slave trafficing people away from africa regarded as
african disapora
what company lost its monopoly to slave trafficing?
royal african company
what was the name of the slave ship in 1846?
what was the language created by the african slaves?
what languages did guallah combine?
yoruba, igbo, hausa
what did the ring shout contribute?
development of jazz
name the two slave revolts in the 1700's
new york slave revolt, 9 whites killed 21 blacks
south carolina revolt, fifty blacks marched along Stono river to florida but stopped by militia
Virginia ruled mainly by ...
FFV's or first families of virginia
main virginia families
fitzhughs, lees, washingtons
what was slow to emerge in the south?
urban class of lawyers and financiers
name of slave who became slaver holder?
anthony johnson
who was the ring shout created by? for what?
black methodists to avoid normal ban on dancing
name two negro spirituals
good news, the chariots comin
wade in the water
life expectancy in new england
Puritan leaders said in north that a wife should
a true wife accounts subjection her honor
what was a popular profession of women?
convicted adulterers?
scarlet letter, nathaniel hawthorne 1850
land in new england was given to...
first college founded in?
harvard massachusetts 1636
Congregational church referred to as...
the best school of political liberty the world ever saw , by thomas jefferson
what was created to increase religious zeal?
what was created to increase membership
half way covanent
three stages of progress in new england?
to get on, to get honor, to get honest
what is present in mass statehouse in boston
sacred cod
boston named
hub of the universe
claimed by all americans
yankee ingenuity
putian heritage led to
new england conscience
chores performed at nightfall had to be
worth the candle
rebellion in NY spurred by aristocrats
leislers rebellion
horse racing was
a sport only for gentlemen