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66 Cards in this Set

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what mainly shaped early settlements?
religious devotion
what were puritans in england unhappy with? what did they want?
slow pace of reformation in england... they wanted only visable saints allowed admittance into church
connecticuts nick name?
blue law state
what group was commonly persecuted?
who did what to rhode island?
williams endorses religious tolerance and makes rhode island liberal
what happens after word of the glorious revolution reaches the states?
New England Dominion collaspes, andros attempts to flee in womens clothes but boots give away
what kind of names are present throughout new york?
dutch names
what attracted people to penn?
good advertising
liberal land policy
good relations with indians
D martin luther nails protests
D separatists depart for holland then leave in fear of...
1608 dutchification
D mayflower lands with 102 people
D 1st thanksgiving
D group of non-sseparatist puritans get royal charter from mass bay colony
D hutchinson banished
D williams flees to RI
D RI gets a royal charter
D Hartford founds connectic
D new haven founded in connectic
D charter merges new haven and connectic valley
D New Hamp absorbed by mass bay colony
D New hamp and mass bay colony split
D Wampanoag chief massasoit signs treaty with plymouth pilgrims
D Pequot war
D King Philips war
D New England confederation
D mass bay colony charter revoked
D Dominion of new england
D glorious revolution, who dethroned and enthroned?
1688-1689... James II... Williams II and mary II
D mass bay colony new charter
dutch west india captures spanish ship worth 15M
D New netherland founded on hudson
D dutch send peter stuyvesant to dispose of swedish in area
D new jersey started, recieved charter
1664, 1702
P John calvin
founded calvinism in 1536 in book "Institutes of Christian Religion"
P King Jame I
head of church and state 1603-1625, hated separatists
P Captain Myles Standish
effective as Indian fighter and negotiator on mayflower
P William Bradford
prominent pilgrim leader
P John winthrop
mass bay colony's first governor for 19 years
P John cotton
profoundly pious in mass bay colony
P Anne Hutchinson/Roger Williams
both separatists against puritan orthodoxy
P Michael wiggleworth
wrote the poem "day of Doom" about the dammed
P Thommas Hooker
led group of puritans to hartford area
P Metacom
launched coordnated indian attacks against england villages in new england
P Charles II
restored to throne in 1660, agressive against colonies, gave connect sea-to-sea charter in 1662 to make mass colony jealous
P sir edmund andros
leader of domin of new england, despised by most, heavy restric on courts, the press, revoked all land titles
P henry hudson
hired by dutch east india company. ventured into delware and new york around 1609
P Duke of York
sent by charles II to capture new amsterdam
P William Penn
quaker in 1660, secured land in 1681 in return for the kings debt to his father. never appreciated by followers, died full of sorrow
P Benjamin franklin
entered philadelphia as 17 year old in 1720 "child of middle colonies"
V conversion
the receipt of god's free gift of saving grace
V mayflower compact
no constitution but set up crude self government
V Mass bay colony. name 4 things
led to great migration of 70000 leaving england
group believed to have covenant with God
congregation could hire/fire minister and set salary
separation of church and state
V freemen
adult male in puritan comm.
V protestant ethic
serious commitment to work and other worldly persuits
V antinomianism
high heresy, asserts holy life no sure sign of salvation
V fundamental orders
modern constitution in 1639 by connect
V English civil war
around 1640's
V New Eng Confed
four colonies against indian, french, dutch
each colony had 2 votes in meetings
V english navigation laws
throttling american trade with non-english countries
V salutary neglect
nav laws weakly enforced
V Anglo-dutch naval war
both dealt equal blows eng v dutch
V patroonship
along hudson river, granted by dutch, large settlements
V new amsterdam
new york
V blue laws
social conduct rules
Characteristics of PENN list 7
unusually liberal
no tax supported church
freedom of worship
death penalty rarely used
no military defense
no restric on immigration
dislike for slavery
Traits of middle colonies. list 4
ethnically mixed
religious toleration
quakers contributions
land easily acquired