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59 Cards in this Set

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Women vote amendment?
Isolationist sentiment during the 1920s was characterized by ...
If the cards do not come to any man or if they do come and he has not got the power to play them, that is his affair. All I mean is that there shall be no crookedness in the dealing.
Progressives had the battle cry
Stengthen the State
Who wrote the novel How the Other Half lives that talked about slums?
A brand of progreesivism based on Christian teachings?
social gospel
Enterprising editors who financed extensive reasearch and encouraged pugnacious writing were named ___ by teddy
"The Shame of the Cities" which showed corrupt alliance between big business and government written by
What was known as the "Mother of Trusts"
Standard Oil Company
What woman gave a scathing history of the standard oil company?
Ida Tarbell
Who exposed the speculator market from the inside in "Frenzied Finance".
Muckrakers believed the cure for the ills of US democracy was...
more democracy
Who was considered the Alexis Tocqueville of Socialism in America?
"If socialism follows as a necessary reaction to capitalism, why was there no socialist movement worthy of name in the country with the most advanced capitalist development"
Name three of his reasons.
-Workers refusal to consider themselves in distinct classes
-"safety valve" of frontier
-high standard of living
-political equality before economic
IWW stands for
Industrial Workers of the World
Who formed the Womens Peace Party?
Jane Addams
Progressive favored three new features to political life. state and define them.
intiative - voters can propose legislation
referendum - laws go on ballet for final approval
recal - voters can remove bad officials
What was formed to separate voters and political bosses?
Austrailian or secret ballots
Senate was known as what by 1900 due to high numbers of rich members?
Millionaires club
Amendment that allowed direct election of senators?
"We intend to be ourselves not just our little female selves but our whole big human selves"
Nugget for Rober Follette governor of wisconsin?
Fighting Bob
Female activists showed their influence in the ....
National Consumers League
Women's Trade Union League
Children Bureau
Women's Bureau
First chief factory inspector?
Affirmed constitutionality of law protecting women?
Muller v Oregon
Case that invalidated 10 work day for bakers
Lochner v New York
Disaster fire at ____ sparked reform
Triangle Shirtwaist Company
Antiliquor organization?
Womans Christian Temperance Union
TR's deal for captial labor and the public
square deal
square deal was immediately followed by a
massive strike of mine workers that was compromised by teddy
What was TR talking about when he said "extraordinary stupidity and bad temper" of the "wooden headed gentry"
mine owner
First effective railroad regulating legislation?
Elkins Act 1903
Even more progressive act that curved free passes?
Hepburn Act 1906
TR tried to make what distinciton regarding trusts?
the good and the bad
First massive trust TR went after? and spurred popular opinion
Northern Securities Company
Supreme court upheld TR's anti trust suit?
Northern Securities Decesion
First act that tried to protect meat industry?
Meat Inspection Act 1906
Act tat prevented the adulteration and mislabeling of foods and drugs
Pure Food and Drug Act
What was the first step towards conservation?
Desert Land Act
Congresses response to provoke people to buy desert land and irrigate it
Newlands Act of 1902
What did TR do in 1902 to show his committment to saving the environment?
ban xmas trees in white house
Famous forester who came up with the "rational use" philosophy
Father of the modern forest service?
Major lost for the preservationists with the building of the ....
Hetch Hetchy Valley Dam
Name of the panic of 1907?
"Roosevelt Panic"
TR got a ... named after him when he hugged a lion cub
teddy bear
Conservatives called teddy...
Theodore the Meddler
What smoothed the path to the fed reserve by issuing emergency currency?
Aldrich Vreeland Act
What was the biggest surprise of the 1908 election?
Debs Socialist got 500000 votes
Tafts idea that American investments should be used to boost political interests abroad
dollar diplomacy
Nugget for Taft?
Peaceful Bill
1911 Supreme court ruled ... biggest judicial action of time
Standard Oil Company must be dissolved, in violation of Sherman Anti Trust act
At the same time the Court handed down its famous "rule of reason" doctrine that said...
only combination that "unreasonabley" restrained trade were illegal
Taft signed the ____ tariff bill that did little to lower the tariff
Payne Aldrich Bill
Taft angered the public by dismissing..
TR's doctrine when he returned to politics?
New Nationalism
What happened to Berger?
he was elected a representative as a socialist, but was refused a seat
"althoughTaft means well he means well feebly"