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105 Cards in this Set

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Describe the federal railroad grants.
Right of way, 100 yards wide
One square alternating miles held by govt/railroad
What was a "cheap way to subsidize the transportation system?
granting land
Town off the railroad tracks became...
"ghost towns"
First railroad began in ___ named ____
Omaha Nebraska
Union Pacific Railroad
How much money would they receive in grants per mile?
16,000 on flat
48,000 on mountainous
Labors had _____ in hand to defend against _______
rifles, indians
Tented towns became known as...
"hells on wheels"
Railroad spanning from west to east named ____ began in ______
Central Pacific Railroad, Sacramento
Big four financed this enterprise, the most important of which was...
Leland Stanford
"wedding of rails"
when the central and union pacific lines met at Ogden Utah in 1869
Total number of transcontinental railroads? Finished in...
5, 1893
Only railroad not to receive land grants?
Great Northern
Greatest railroad builder of all time?
James Hill
Who built the Central/Union lines?
Chinese = Central
Union = Irish
What was also attached to the first transcontinental railroad?
telegraph wire
What was hammered in for the last spike of the railroad?
golden spike
Where was it moved to after being removed?
Nugget for Vanderbilt
"Commodore Vanderbilt"
Vanderbilt improved the....
New York Central Railroad
Two major improvements created a boom in railroads
Steel rail, westinghouse air brake
Where did the iron horse especially stimulate?
mining and agriculture in the west
What was created to offer a more indulgous experience for customers?
Pullman Palace Car
"gorgeous traveling hotels"
What was developed in Dakotas and Montana?
range fed cattle made buffalo extinct
What was developed in Michigan wisconsin and minnesota?
What was decided on November 18, 1883 to make station times uniform?
"railroad standard time"
split country into 4 sections
Who was the most adept in scheming with railroads?
What was one of his favorite techniques?
stock watering
When Vanderbilt was told the law stood in his way, he said
"Law! What do I care about the law? Hain't I got the power"
He also said at one point...
"I won't sue you, for the law is too slow, Ill ruin you"
His son, Willian Vanderbilt said...
"The public be damned"
What were for a time virtual industrial monarchs?
Railroad kings
Who had to pay to most for transportation?
small farmers
What was an orgainized agrarian group in the west?
Grange Patrons of Husbandry
Case that decided states had no power to regulate interstate commerce?
Louis and Pacific Railroad Company v Illinois
What was passed against Clevelands wishes in 1887 to set up regulation of commerce?
Interstate Commerce Act
This act also set up the ...
Interstates Commerce Commission ICC
Who said that "the new commission can be made of great use to the railroads...."
What was one of the reasons American surged ahead in manufactoring?
lots of liquid capital
Innovations in transportation led to the expansion of the use of ....
coal oil iron
What referred to the idea of using interchangable parts and specialized machinery?
American System
This all cuminated in ...
1913 Henry's Fords' assembling line creation of model T
Innvention that connected country together?
American was shocked into nation of
Why were "number please women" used instead of boys?
their profanity shocked patrons
Who was the most versatile inventor who laid claim to the phonographhhhhhh, the memeograph, the dictaphone, and the moving picture?
"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration"
Associate each CEO with his buisness:
Carnegie ---
Rockefeller ----
JP Morgan -----
banker's bak
"Wizard of Menlo Park"
Carnegie pioneered idea of ___ which combined all aspects of manufactoring into one
vertical integration
Rockefeller tended to use _____ which ____
horizontal integration which meant allying with competitors to monopolize market
Rockefeller also perfected idea of ...
trust, group of stockholders
He formed the
Standard Oil Company 1870
What was the process of placing officers of one banking sydicate on various boards of directors known as...
interlocking directorates
What was Standard Oil company compared to?
War cry of the generation?q
Steel is King
What was the cheap method of making steel?
Bessemer process
changed to Bessemer/Kelly process
Kelly created steel first but many called it...
"Kelly's fool steel"
Where did Carnegie enter the steel buisness?
Who was "Napoleon f the Smokestacks"
Carnegie convinced ____ to buy his company for 400M
JP Morgan
What did Carnegie do with the money?
donate 350M away to build libraries and other philanthropic purposes
What was the US' first billion dollar buisness?
JP Morgan lauched the US Steel Corporation capitalized at 1.4M
What was "Drake's folly"
the first oil well
What was the first major product of the oil industry?
This destroyed what industry?
whaling off east coast
Rockefeller created the..
Standard Oil Compay 1870
Who said "What a funny little government" "Sell all the oil that is sold in your district"
By 1877 Rockefeller controlled
95% of oil refineries in US
"The time was ripe it had to come though all we saw at the moment was th ened to save ourselve from wasteful conditions... The day of combination is here o stay. Individualism has gone, never to return."
Carnegie believed those who were rich had to behave by a
"Gospel of Wealth"
Herbert Spencer and Wiliam Sumner were both...
Social Darwinists
Who coined the phrase "survival of the fittest"
"The millionaries are a product of natural selection"
Answer sumner's question:
"what do social classes owe each other?"
Reverend Conwell gave a speech entitled
"Acres of Diamonds"
First attempt at mobilizing against monopolies?
Sherman Anti Trust Act
Seven of the first eight prosecutions of trust by the justice department were...
against the government
Monopolistic greed tried to be curved through what two bills?
Sherman Anti Trust Act
Interstate Commerce Act
Who became leader in creation of "coffin nails"? cigarette czar... made American Tobacco Company
James Duke
What was an example of economic discrimination against the south?
Pittsburgh Plus
What was southern cry to replace shipping cotton to north?
"Bring the mills to the cotton"
What was name given to entire families who were displaced moving to factories?
What were two inventions that changed women's role?
typewritter and telephone switchboard
The "Gibson Girl" magizine led women to...
become more indenpendent
The photographs of who influenced the Nation Child Labor Committee? he is also the father of documentary photography
Lewis Hine
The _____ came to sybolize women's growing independence and assertiveness.
Gibson Girl
Most popular American product?
five gallon kerosene can
"I can hire one half of the working class to kil the other half"
Some people who held strikes were forced to sign
"iron Clad oaths"
or put on the "black list"
One of ealiest national scale unions?
Nation Labor Union
What was at first a secret society and filled the shoes of the national labor union?
Knights of Labor
Noble and Holy Order
"An injury to one is the conern of all" was the slogan of
Knights of labor
Who did the Knights bar from joining?
non producers
Who was leader?q
Episode were dynamite bomb was thrown by anarchist
Haymarket Square
Knights of labor became associated with
Elistist union?
American Federation of Labor
Gompers wanted to create...
closed shops (all union workers)
Women who was organizer of Knights of labor?
Fiery Mary Harris Mother Jones
Who was excluded from K of L?
WHo " denounced the multimillionaries for laying the foundation for their colossal fortunes on the bodies and souls of lving men"
By 1900 only ___ were part of union
_____ was made holiday in 1894
Labor Day
"Show me the contry in which ther are no stickes and Ill showyou that country in whcih there is no liberty"