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48 Cards in this Set

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political left created a community of ppl to break power of elites and end war, pursue econ. justice
deumnanizing pressure> ppl try to escap through new culture
amer. college and universitiy students. 1960s
large diverse group energized by polarizing develop. of time to challene political system
new left
sociologist at columbia university
wrote a series of scathing critiques on modern buacracies
C. Wright Mills
formed by college students. 1962. michigan
create Port Huron Statement> express disillusionment with society & determiniation to build new politics
Students for a Democratic society
1964- Berkley
students challenge campus police, occupy admin. offices, produce strike
to promote right of student to pass out literature and recruit volunteers for political causes on campus
Free Speech Movement
berkley- 1964
most prolonged and troubled conflict on any american campus
polarized berkley
student radicals win large audience for first time
People's Park
vilent off shoot of SDS
responsible for cases of arson and bombing= destroyed campus buildings
gave image that all student group were radical
rebuke to norms of mid-class culture ( woodstock 1969)
young americans= long hair, flamboyant clothes, rebel against traditional speech and decorum
potent hallucinogen used by hippies
relaxed approaches of sexuality
b/c of birth control pill and legaliztion of abortions (1973)
sexual revolution
neighborhood in san francisco
hippies reject modern society> want cultivation of self
Haight- Ashbury
english group comes over in 1964
concentrate on uncontroversial love themes "I want to hold your hand"
by late 1960s= mystivcal approach w/ drugs and eastern religions
NY 1969
fusion of rock and counterculture= music festival
peaceful sex drugs
featured archie bunker= a lower mid-class bigot
shows social and cultural conflict on tv
All in the Family
fed govt withdrew all recognition of indian tribes as legal entity
made them subject to same local jurisdiction as white residents
>>tribes grew politcally weaker. disorder for tribes . widespread corruption. barred by eisenhower in 1958
termination- 1953
young militant indian- 1968
drew support from indians in urban and reservation areas
American Indian Movement
400 members of 67 tribes- 1961
tight to choose own way of life
Decleration of Indian Purpose
1968- this guaranteed reservation indians many of the same rights as the bill of rights.
recog. legitimacy of the tribes
leaders of AIM still not satisifed> take direct action
Indian Civil Rights Act
ct case
said tribes have indep. legal standing and couldnt be terminated- 1978
US v. Wheeler
ct. case
support indian claims to 100,000 acres in upstate NY
County of Oneida vs. Onedia Indian Nation
effort to persuade indians to transcend tribal divisions and work together
> no single indian culture in amer.-- didnt flourish
poorer wave of cuban immigrants- 1980s
arrive in FL when castro relzes exit restrictions
less eaily assimilated
the govt in 1953 deport illegal immig on Pacific Coast
failed to stem new arrivals (lgst in La)
operation wetback
young mexican- american activists
emphasize a shared culture of spanish speaking americans
chicano politcal party
call for creation of autonmous mexican-amer state within a state
la raza unida
Az-born chicano farmworker
creates UFW
cesar chavez
created by chavez
launched prolonged strike against growers to demand recognition of union& increase in wage and benefits
gets CORE SNCC college students to boycott grapes and lettuce
United Farm Workers
older immig, believe thay have to adopt amer. values and rules to advance
new immig. reject= want ethnic identities
meliting pot
radical and ethnic groups was to perserve heitage
largely suceed= affim. action programs> multiculturalism
cultural pluralism
june 27,1969. gay nightclub in NY
police officer raid and arrest patrons> gay onlookers attack police. start fire
marks beginning of gay liberation movement
Stonewall Riots
by Betty Friedan 1963
claimed suburbs repressed intellectual women. chronicles unhappiness= gives voice to feminist movement
feminine mystique
passed by kennedy in 1963
barred pervasive practice of paying women less than men for equal work
equal pay act
incorporated in to civil rights act 1964
extend to woman many of the same legal protect as blacks
Title VII
created by freidan and feminists
largest femin. org; drew from black struggle for freedom
demand greater education opportunities.
national organization for women
1st female to serve on the supreme court
appt by Regan
Sandra Day O'Connor
2nd female to serve on supreme court

Clinton- 1993
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
1st female VP candidate
1984- Dem.
Geraldine Ferraro
1st woman astronaut in space- 1983
Sally Ride
based on "right to privacy"
invalidated all laws prohibiting abortion in 1st trimester
roe v. wade
science of inter-relatedness of the natural world
by Rachel Carson
revealed dangers of pesticides based on the idea of ecologists
introduced idea to public
Silent spring- 1962
wife of pres.
raised public awarenessof land beautification campaign
Lady Bird Johnson
giant tanker hit a reef off coast of Alaska- 1989
largest oil spill
Exxon Valdez
april 22, 1970
prposed by wis. senator Nelson
Earth Day
congress and nixon- 1970
enforce antipollution standards on busniesses and consumers
Environmental Protection Agency
passed in 1970 and 1972
provide govt with other tools to help environment
Clean Air and Water Acts