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116 Cards in this Set

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pre 1945 us foreign policy is antt-____ while post 1945 its anti-____
william randolph herst is associated with?
yellow journalism-priased the exploits of imperialism (influences public opinion
what were some arguements for expansion over seas?
-missonary work
-it was the only way to solve agrarian unrest
-social darwinism(the US is naturally better and must colonize the world)
-to keep up with europe
why is Alfred Thayer Mahan important?
wrote "influence of the sea power on history"-influences US foreign policy (navy)
in 1900 we annexed ___ in fear of Japan taking it
why was cuba a key position?
it was at the opening of the panama canal
what event allowed us to interviene into cuba?
-the sinking of the USS Maine in Havana harbor
why did we declare war on spain?
it was an attempt to take cuba
Who gained the fame from the war with spain?
What was the teller amendment?
said we would not colonize cuba
what was the platt amendment?
said that cuba could not conclude its own treties and that it was independent from spain but its foreign policy was ran by the US
-lease could be revoked if both parties agreed to it
what did the Foracker act of 1900 grant puerto rico?
gave a limited degree of popular gov to puerto rico, Us citizenship but no rule
what were the insular cases?
"the flag outran the constitution"-meaning new people were under american control but they did not have all the rights of the constitution
what was the result of the philippine insurection?
the spanish were kicked out and the americans came in
who ordered the american asiatic squadron to manila to kick the spanish out?
what country is aguinaldo associated with?
the philippines
who was the most important american general in the philippines?
General dewey
What was the reasoning for the US taking the Philippines?
if they didnt Japan or Germany would and we needed a pacfic presence
who became the civilian governer of the philippines?
What role did Marcos play in the philippines?
became ruler after their independence on july 4th and pocketed US $
what was the name of the centruy in which china was open to foreign trading the most?
the century of humiliation
china was carved into what during the cent. of humiliation?
spheres of influence
who called for an open door policy with china in the us?
John Hay
what did the spanish war do for the north south relationship?
it helped it, broght them together
john Hay described the spanish war as?
"a splendid little war"
what 2 countries became perminant american territories from our imperialism?
guam, puerto rico
what were some arguements for staying in the philippines?
-expansion of national glory, extension of american civilization, potential markets in china
what were some arguements for leaving the philippines?
-destruction of traditional anti-colonial values, would bring war with japan(true!)
"speak softly and carry a big stick" is who's foreign policy?
"preventative intervention" is assccociated with what?
the roosevelt corollary
what the roosevelt corollary?
makes the US the police force of thr western hemisphere-we collected the debt the south american countries owed to europe so that europe would not come and interfier in the west
what was the caribbean refered to under the roosevelt corollary?
"yankee lake"
what was the clayton-bulwer treaty?
said Britian and US could not secure exclusive rights to a canal
what was the hay-pauncefoote treaty?
gave the US a free hand to build a canal and could fortify the area (Britian was involved in the Boer war)
what stood in the Us's way to building a canal in Panama?
it was controlled by Columbia
what was the hay-bunau-varilla treaty?
US pays off France and bunau-varilla becomes chief minister of panama
did taking the canal area hurt or help us and latin america relationships?
what was Tr's role in the Russo-Japanese war?
TR got to play diplomat
what was TR's solution to the Russo-Japanese war?
the Portsmouth treaty
what did TR recieve for the portsmouth treaty?
the nobel peace prize
what was the "yellow perri"?
the asians in California
what was the gentlemen's agreement and what sparked it?
- the segragation of chinese, japanese, and japanese students sparked it.
-the agreement said that japan agreed to stop the flow of workers to california
what was the root-takahira agreement?
both the us and japan would respect their territorial possessions in the pacific and uphold the open door policy in china
according to the progressives, what is the cure to the ills of democracy?
more democracy
what was the goal of the progressives?
to increase the role of government
what did TR want to do with big business?
-put it on a leash
where did the progressives find their roots?
the greenback labor party and the populists
what was a rising group during the time of the progressives that eastern europeans brought?
what was a muckraker?
a reporter that stirred up trouble and concentrated on the problems of society
who attacked standard oil?
ida tarbell
what did the progressives want to do for the election of senators?
they wanted the elections to be direct elections
progressives supportted what in terms of alcohol (for or against?)
who was the flag barer for the progressives before TR?
TR was seen as the poster child for?
what was the settlehouse movement?
it offered women a side door into public life, women increased their role in politics
why was florence kelly important?
she became the first chief inspector of factories and lef the National Consumer's League-was a women and this was unheard of at the time
what did the case Lochner vs. New York achieve?
-the supreme court struck down a NY law which limited bakers to a 10 hr day-established that the hrs to be worked was between the emplyer and the employee-a defeat for the progressives
what was the court case muller vs oregon?
safer working conditions were needed for women who were weaker and needed protection
what were the three c's of Tr's square deal?
-control of corporations
-consumer protection
-conservation of natural resources
why was the pennsylvania coal strike important?
it was the first test of the square deal
what was the result of the pennsylvania coal strike?
TR sided with the workers- shows Big Bus. is on a leash
TR earned a reputation as a ? (even though Taft did more)
trust buster
what was the elkin's act?
says rebates must be offered to everyone-against the RR's
what was the court case Northern Securities vs US?
Tr's first attempt at trust busting-attacked J.P Morgan's RR company Norther Securities-re-established that the US gov could go after trusts with the Sherman Anti-Trust act
what was the hepburn act?
gave the interstate commerce commision more teeth to attack unfair RR practices
What was the political purpose of Sinlair's "the jungle"?
to show that capitalism was inefective and socialism shoudl replace it
what did the jungle and inspection act of 1906 bring about?
The Pure Food and Drug act
what causes the meat inspection act?
-the sending of spoiled meat to troops during the spanish american war
what was Tr's greatest achievement?
his conservation of natural resource programs
what was the forest reserve act?
said the president could set aside public forests as national parks
what was the carey act of 1894?
federal land to the states on the condition it be irrigated and settled
what was the Newlands act of 1902?
use money from the sale of western lands for irrigation projects
what did the tennessee valley authority provide?
electricity for the south
what was the "roosevelt panic" of 1907?
a panic that wall street was quick to blame TR for, but then Tr said that wall street created the shortage of cash
the roosevelt panic paved the way for what?
the federal resoerve act of 1913
the square deal was the grandfather of the what?
new deal
what was the knock against taft?
he could never live up to
Taft using american investments to increase Us influence overseas is known as?
"dollar diplomacy"
Taft replaced the big stick with?
the US investment in the latin american nations brought about?
military intervention in the latin american nations
taft against standard oil had what importance?who lost?
-taft lost
-established that each case was to be examined individually and no longer based on "precedent"-increases power of big bus
what created a public fued between TR and Taft?
Taft attacking US steel (TR had turned the other cheek
what was the payne-aldrich bill?
raised tariffs, which went against his promise to not to
the progressive arm of the republican party believed that taft had become?
an Old Guard republican
what party did TR form on his own opposite to Taft?
the bull-moose party
when TR returned to the US and urged the national government to increase its power to remedy economic and social problems, this is known as?
"new nationalism"
the democratic platform in opposition to Taft and Tr's bull-moose party was known as?
"new freedom"
what was the democratic platform of the bull-moose campaign of 1912?
-stronger anti-trust legislation
-banking reform
-tariff reduction
what was the key issue of the election of 1912 (bull-moose campaign)?
what should be used to increase government's role in economic and social aspects? new nationalism or new freedom?
what were the aspects of new nationalism?
-consolidation of trusts or labor unions
-growth of powerful regulatory systems in DC
-women's suffrage
-minimum wage laws
what were the aspects of new freedom?
-small enterprise
-free functioning of unregulated marketing
-shuned social welfare programs
-economic competition
How did wilson win?
because TR and Taft split the republican vote
Wilson attacked the triple wall of privilege. what was the triple wall of privilege?
the tariff, the banks, the trusts
what was the underwood bill?
a tariff reduction, but enacted a graduated income tax which had higher yields than the tariff did
what was the federal reserve act (1913)?
in response to the 1907 panic (roosevelt panic)
-created federal reserve board that oversaw 12 regional reserve banks
-regional banks were member institutions but were controlled by the federal reserve
what was considered wilson's greatest achievement?
the federal reserve act-allowed us to move towards the modern economic age
Lous Brandeis' book : other people's money and how bankers use it did what?
further the call for reform by wilson
what was the federal trade commission act of 1914?
presidential appointments were made to investigate unfair business practices in relationship to interstate trade
what was the clayton anti-trust act?
leveled the playing field-didnt give labor or farmers and edge, but gave each a fighting chance-
what was the "magna carta of labor"?
the clayton anti-trust act
what is the morrill land act assocciated with?
land grant colleges
what was the workingmen's compensation act?
lends assistance to federal workers during times of disabilities
what was the adamson act?
established an 8 hour work day for all employees on trains in interstate commerce with extra pay for overtime
wilson did nothing to help what group?
african americans
why did wilson purchase the Virgin Islands form Denmark?
to protect the Panama Canal
the assassination fo the mexican president and the installment of Huerta caused what?
an influx of mexican immigrants to texas
wilson allowed munitions to be given to the mexican rebels under pancho villa, this increased what?
tension between mexico and the US
the capturing of the port of vera cruz in mexico did what to US and Mexico relations?
soured them
what was pancho villa's purpose for crossing into america and killing americans?
attempting to start further war between carranza of mexico and Wilson of the US
what general searched for Villa?
John "Black-Jack" Pershing
what were the two sides of WWI?
the central powers and the axis powers
what did wilson preach to americans about their involvement in WWI?
stay neutral
what brings the US into WWI?
the end of the sussex pledge and germany's reintroduction of unrestricted submarine warfare (the lusitania
what was the end of the progressive party?
when TR refuses to run because he knows it will split the vote (hates wilson and needs him out of there)
wilson won in 1916 on the saying?
"he kept us out of war"
where did wilson find support?
bull-moose party members who didnt return to the republicans and the working class