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147 Cards in this Set

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led by Roscoe Conkling
want traditional politics
led by James Blaine
half breeds
unwillingness of Hayes wife to permit alocohlic beverages in white house
Lemonade Lucy
required some federal jobs be filled by completeing written exams and not patronage
Pendleton Act
he was a halfbreed and veteran congressman
elected president in 1879
appts by reform=> angers stalwarts=shot= dies 3 months later
James Garfield
he was a stalwart
vice president to Garfield
takes over after Garfield's death; followed independent course & promoted reform
Chester Arthur
democratic nominee for pres. in 1884
narrow victory/ heavy catholic vote
"veto governor"
tariff's become issue of 1888
Grover Cleveland
he was a former senator of IN; republcan nominee 1888
endorsed protection by tariffs
Benjamin Harrison
passed in july 1890
antitrust legislation passed as symbolic measure
not enforced
Sherman AntiTrust Act
by William McKinley
highest protective measure proposed to Congress
caused loss of public support in 1890 election
McKinley Tariff
People's Party candidate in 1890
advocated economic reforms
Cleveland won the election
James Weaver
tariff reduction by Cleveland= house approved but Senate weakened
Wilson-Gorman Tariff
ruled Granger laws in IL unconstitutional- an attempt to control interstate commerce
RR regulation could onlny come from fed. govt
Wabash Case
banned disc. rates between long and short hauls, RR publish rate schedules and rail rates must be reasonable
haphazardly enforce w/o effect
Interstate Commerce Act & Commision
led by Oliver Kelley
bring farmers together focus on econmics in 1875
organize market cooperatives, circumvent middle man
farmers in south
establish stores and facilities to get rid of middle man
mutual responsibility. promote cooperation
Farmers' Alliance
populist orator (females had full voting rights in farmer's alliance)
urge farmers to raise less corn and more hell
Mary Lease
southern and NW alliance
party platform
Oscala Demands
southern leader who supports forming own party
only congressman to openly identify with farmer's allaince
Tom Watson
july 1892
nominate James Weaver
principally farmers. not attract significant labor support
attracts miners
permit silver to become basis of currency so as to excpand the $$ supply
Free Silver
system of subtreasuries; network of warehouses farmers could deposit crops= collateral
borrow $$ at decreased interests & wait for price of goods to increase
want abolition of coroporate owned banks, want direct election of US senators, want govt regulation of RR & telephones
Omaha Platform- 1892
march 1893
Philly and Reading RR declare bankruptcy
national cordage co. falls to short> collapse of stock market > bank failures
longe range causes: drop in agric. $= decrease in purchasing power of farmers, RR expands too rapidly
8000 businesses, 156 RR, 400 banks failed
Panic 1893
jacob coxey, OH businessmen & populist
advocate public works to create jobs & inflate currency. marched unemployed to D.C.
police barr them from capitol= congress took No action
Coxey's Army
recongnize gold and silver as basis for $$
used bu U.S. for most of its existence
1870s =16 oz. silver= 1 oz. of gold
mint stops coining silver
required govt to purchase silver in gold
cleveland repeats= permanent split in Dem. Party. aligns south and west democrat against him and eastern
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
party bus OH- republican party
nominates William Mckinley
Marcus Hanna
congressman for nebraska
"Cross of Gold" speech
support free silver
convention of dem. adopts pro-silver platform
pres. nominee-- youngest person nominee-36
Willam Jennings Bryan
populist joins with democrats so not to divide support for free silver
didnt support other populisty views> dissolve of people's party
done by Rep- McKinley
didnt actively participate in campaigning = recieve pilgrimages from Rep. organized by Hanna
McKinley wins Pres. election
front-porch campaign
confirmed nation's committement to gold standard by assigning gold value to dollar
currency/ Gold Standard Act 1900
expanision of 1890s
aquiring possession seperate from continental US
New Mainfest Destiny
mass. senator and imperialist
"us must not fall out of line of march"
Henry Cabot Lodge
in Harpers' Magazine- english speaking ppl would evenutally control every land
John Fiske
congretional clergyman
Our Country and Its Possible Future and its Present Crisis
delcared anglo-saxon race divenly commisioned to spread its instiutions
Josiah Strong
founders of columbia university & school of political science
nations possessed highest political talents; duty to uplift lesser people
John W. Burgess
ablest and most effective imperialist
the Influence of Sea Power Upon History- 1890
countries w/ sea power were the great nations of history
need a productive domestic economy; foreign commerce, strong merchant marine, and a navy
Alfred Thayer Mahan
sec of state- 1880s
led efforts to expand influence to latin america
pan-america congress> creates Pan-American Union= international organization in washington- clearing house for distributing info to member nations
JAmes Blaine
sec of state
charged Britain for violating monroe doctrine
dispute between GB and Venzuela over boundary between venez. and british guiana (US backs venez.)
Richard Olney and Venzuela
est. dominance over other chieftans of HI- 1810
welcomed american traders
King Kamehameha I
boston trader
1st american to buy land and establish a sugar plantation in HI
William Hooper
american settler, prime minister HI, under King Kamehameha III
established constitutional monarchy=gov HI for 10 years
G.P. Judd
challenged American power for 2 years
american planters create revolution- US help
Queen Liliuokalani
a sensational style of writing
used by Heart and Pulitzer
glaring headlines, color, comics
yellow journalism
leader of the cuban revolution party
killed in cuba- 1895
Jose Marti
spanish minister in washington
cuban agent stole letter> gave to newspaper> created intensive popular anger
Dupoy de Lome
this ship blew up- 200 dead; was blamed on spanish although in reality it was an internal explosion
created war hysteria
USS Maine

"Remember the Maine"
assistant sec of navy
wanted war
april 25- declare war
theodore roosevelt
sec of state-
called it a "splendid little war"
it was over april-august450 killed by battle 5200 by disease
John Hay
commander of navy's pacific squad
sent to attack spanish in phillipines= manila bay
>destroyed spanish fleet> becomes admiral
George Dewey
led by general Leonard Wood and Colonel Ted Roosevelt
calvary unit it El Caney & San Juan Hill
Rough Riders
annexation of this territory creates controversey
b/c it had a wealthy spanish class & african work force- slavery ( abolished 1873)
Puerto Rico
ended military rule in Puerto Rico & est. a formal colonial govt.
US can amend/veto legislation
Foraker Act (1900)
declared Puerto Rico a US territory= American citizens
Jones Act (1917)
this caused debate> controlling lg. pop. power 1000s mi away
america gave $20 million to spain and gained this.
carnegie, twain, gompers, and others
believe imperialism is immoral= polluting american population
fight against annexation-1898
Anti-Imperialist League
this barred Cuba from making treaties, gave US right to intervene to preserve independence &property ,& allowance of american naval stations
Platt Amendment
phrase for:
american capital in Cuba- absentee american ownership
produce intermittent revolts against Cuban govt. american troops occupied island
Yankee Imperialism
he claimed to lead Filipino govt
harried american army for 3+ years
large popular following= increased brutality of american tactics
Emilio Aguinaldo
american commander in Phillipines
captured Aguinalado -1901
General Arthur MacArthur
1st civilian governor of philipinnes
said american mission was to prepare philipine for indendence
built roads, bridges, sewers, public health system
indep, July 4, 1946
William Howard Taft
by John Hay (sec of state)
each antion w/ sphere of influence in china respects rights and priveleges of other nations in its sphere; chinese officials collect tariff in all spheres
open door
secret chinese martial arts society- revolts against foreigners in china
climax @Peking
Boxer Rebellion
sec of war for McKinley
created new military system
regular army-25,000; federal army stand for national officer training school
Elihu Root
general staff to act as military advisors to sec of war
most important=central planning agency
supervise and coordinate army est.
Army and Navy Board= foster cooperation
Joint Chiefs of Staff
term defined by Roosevelt
predominantly white and anglo-saxon (teutonic) nations
"Civilized" nations
term defined by Roosevelt
nonwhite, latin, slavic nations
based on lack of economic development
"uncivilzed" nations
American Navy was temporarily painted white
16 ships sent around the world to remind Japan of potential of US
Great White Fleet
said that Us had right not only to oppose Euro intervention in western hempisphere but also to intervene itself into the domestic affairs of its neighbors of those neighbors unable to maintain order and national soveriegnty on their own
Roosevelt Corollary
linked Atlantic and pacific through channel in central america
Panama Canal
William Taft (pres)
extended american investments into less developed regions
ex. intervention in Nicaragua on side of insurgents= american bankers give loans to new govt=leverage
Dollar Diplomacy
Wilson doesnt recognize new Mexican govt under Huerta b/c murdered previous Madero
Huerta est. military dictatorship in Oct. w/ support of america business
wilson uses pretext of ninor naval dispute to sieze MX port of Veracruz= brink of war
Moral Diplomacy
rebel army leader of MX
wilson briefly supports, but _____ feels betrayed by US- shoots 16 american miners. kills 17 more americans
Pancho Villa
led American expeditionary force to pursue Villa
didn't find but skirmish with Carranza Army- brink of war= wilson withdrew= recognize Carranza regime
General Pershing
belief in progress- society capable of improvement, growth is nation's destiny
direct human intervention in social and economic affrairs= essential to betterin society
fear of concentrated power and urge to limit and disperse authority and wealth
workers, farmers, mid-class americans
govt break up trusts @ state and national level
1st people to articulate spirit reform- journalists
expose scandal, corruption, and injustice to public
major target= RR trusts
study of standard oil trust- 1904
Ida Tarbell
reporter for McClure's mag
portrait of machine govt and boss rule
expose: boodiers" in cities.
tone= studied moral outrage- The Shame of the Cities
Lincoln Steffans
within American Protestantism
reddem nations cities; social justice
social gospel
began in england
christian social welfare org.
offered material aid and spiritual center to urban poor
Salvation Army
protestant theologian w/ socialist inc. NY
published discourse on postualte for human salvation through christian reform
all individuals should work to endure humanitarian evolution of social fabric
Walter Rauschenbusch
catholic liberal
worked to expand scope of catholic social welfare organization after hearing words of Pope Leo XIII- Rerum Novarum
Father John Ryan
she settled Hull House- 1889, Chicago
staffed by educated mid-class to help immigrant families adapt to language and customs of new country
Jane Addams
established in 1901
strict scientific stanards for admission to practice of medicine; doctors protect standards
American Medical Association
founded in 1893- Baltimore
medical school
John Hopkins
doctor/teacher @ Hopkins
more students out of classrooms and into laboratories & clinics
William H. Welch
bring business owners together in information sharing capacity
US Chamber of Commerce
relationship where one woman lives with another in long term relationship
Boston Marriages
large network of women's association
1892-coordinate activities for local oprganizations
by 20th c.= more focused on contributing to social betterment
General Federation of Women's Clubs
black woman
model after white woman clubs but also focus on concerns to blacks= crusade against lynching and segregation
National Association of Colored Women
committed feminist
Women and Economics- traditional gender roles are exploitive
-women's clubs didnt acept such open arguments
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
agency directed to develop policies to protect children
Children's Bureau
female union members and upper class reformers
persuade women to join unions; public meetings on behlaf of female workers, raise $$ for strikes, picket lines
Women's Trade Union League- 1903
leaders of the National American Woman Suffrage Association
Anna Howard Shaw
Carrie Chapman Catt
this guaranteed political rights to women throughout nation
did little to support arguments of suffragists after enfranchised
19th amendment
said 19th amendment was not sufficient to protect women's rights- adovocates EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT- clear legal protection of rights and forbid deiscrimnation on the basis of sex
National Women's Party
Alice Paul
in 1911 146 workers dies after trapped in burning building b/c fire exists were locked
>>state commision stidies industrial workplace= called for reforms
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
wrote Souls of Black Folk-1903
attack on philosophy of B.T.Washington's Atlanta Compromise
advocated that blacks accept nothing less than full universal education. immediate restoration of civil rights
W.E.B. Dubois
started by Dubois and supporters- 1905
meet initially at Niagara Falls
drive for equal rights
adopted in 1880s and 1890s
printed by govt, distributed at polls, deposited in secret
help chip away at party power
Secret ballot
gaveston, TX 1900
mayor and council replaced with elected nonpartisan commision
commision plan
elected offical hire outside expert to take charge of govt
ideally manager would be untainted
city-manager plan
reform mayor of Cleveland
waged war against powerful streetcar interests
loered fare to 3 cents, municipal ownership on basic utlities
Tom Johnson
allowed reformers to circumvent state legislatures by submitting new legislation to voters in general elections
actions of leg. could be returned to electorate for approval
take selection of candidates away from bosses and give to people
direct primary
voters have a right to remove a public official from office at special election called if enough citizens sign a petition
state level reformer; governor of wisonsin
turned state into "laboratory of progressivism"
approved direct primaries, initatives, referendum, regualtion of RR & utlities, workplace, graduated tax
Robert LaFollete
org. outside parties designed to pressure to members' bidding
interest groups
led by Francis Willard-1873
single largest women's org. in 1911 w/ 245,000
publicized evils of alcohol
Women's Christian Temperance Union
pressed for specific leg. solution & legal abolition of saloons- grew to include prohibiton of sale of alcohol
Anti-Saloon League- 1893
this amendment enacted prohibition
18th amendment
sci. of altering reproductive process of plants and animals to produce new hybrids or breeds
elaborate study that newer immigrants were less assimable than earlier immigrants
should be resticted by nationalitity
Dillingham Report
led by "Big Bill" Haywood
adovate single union for all workers and abolition of "wage slave" system
favors strikes
championed unskilled workers
lawyer and supreme ct. justice
Other People's Money- oppose nginess b/c limits ability of individual to control destiny
Louis Brandeis
said that govt needed to distinguish between "good trusts" and "bad trusts"
Herbert Croly
amendment that said senators are directly elected by people
17th amendment- 1913
1903- investigate activities of corp. & publicize results through Bureau of Corporations
Dept. of Commerce and Labor
$400 million by J.P. Morgan, E.H. Hariman, RR Monopoly
roosevelt uses Sherman Anti-Trust Act on company to dissolve
Northern Securities Co.
united mineworkers- 1902
roosevelt sends in fed. arbitrators= 10% wage increase and nine hour workday but no union recognition
Anthracite Coal Strike
name of roosevelt's policy
Square Deal
resotred regualtory authority to govt for RR-1906
Hepburn RR regulation Act
restrict scale of dangerous or ineffective medicines
Pure Food and Drug Act
eliminate diseases once transmitted in impure meat
Meat inspection Act
chief forrester
seized forest and water sites in public domain before bill of restricting pres. authority over public land became law
director of National Forest Service
Gifford Pinchot
support rational and efficient human use of wilderness
est. govt role as manager of development of wilderness
National Forest Service
sponsored by Francis Newlands
fed. fund for contruction of dams, reservoirs, and canals in the west
national reclamation act/ newlands act
protect natural beauty of land from human intrusion
leading preservationist and foudner of Sierra Club
John Muir
protect public lands from any exploitation or development at all
1st in Yellowstone-1872
National Park System
this valley experience disputes when residents want to put in a dam and preservationists oppose
1906- construction apporoved. a decade of battle-
Hetch Hetchy
caused b/c industrial products outran markets
conservatives blamed roosevelt's "mad" economic policies
roosevelt doesn't interfere in corp. recovery efforts
Panic 1907
J.P. Morgan
US steel purchase shares in ______= panic of 1907 subsided
Tennessee and Coal Iron Co.
pres (1909)- handpicked successor
1 term. tended to please conservatives
Payne -ALdrich Tariff- reduce rates scarely
William Howard Taft
sept 1, 1910
osawatomie, KS
said he moved away from cautious conservatism
social justice through strong fed. govt
new nationalism
created party after Taft recieved rep. nomination in 1912
-little support
Progressive/ Bull Moose PArty
Woodrow Wilson
progressive; bigness was unjust and proper way to deal with monopoly is to destroy it
New Freedom
provided sunstantial cuts, introduce real competition to american markets
Underwood-Simmons Tariff
this put in place a graduated income tax
16th amendment
created 12 regional banks, owned and controlled by individual banks of its districts.
hold certain % of assets of member banks
use to support loans to private banks with interests
Federal Reserve Act
regulatory agency to help businesses determine in advance whether actions were acceptable to govt
launch prosecution against "unfair trade practices"
wilson eagerly signed
Federal Trade Commision Act
wilson didnt strongly endorse= weakens
vigourous legal pursuit of monopoly didnt happen
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
1916- 1st federal law regulating child labor
prohibit shipment of goods produce by underage kids across state lines
invalidated 1918
offered matching fed grants to states that support agriculture exstention educ.
Smith-Lever Act - 1914