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67 Cards in this Set

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1980 Election
Between carter and Ronald reagan(rep) VP George Bush
Why did carter lose thsi election?
due to the present economy and the hostage crisis
Balance Ticket
representing equal parts of the country
North Carolina
since 1980 NC voted republican in presidential elections
2008 Nc voted democrat
New Right
conservative groups that focused on single issue
Moral Majority
led by jerry falwell; fundamentalist looking back to the bible for leadership
What to groups helped to get reagan elected
New right and moral majority
What did reagn want to reduce and deregulate
Reagan wanted to reduce teh size fo the government and deregulate economy and soem industry
Supply-Side Economics
Lower taxers=save money in banks
Banks invest that money
Trickle down
cut taxes for teh wealthy profits from the top would trickle down to the middle class and teh poor
Entitlements and Reagan
Reagan cut by reagon (welfare, food stamps, medicaid, etc)
Boll Weevils
southern democrats that supported reagan
what spending did reagan cut and what speniding did he increase
Reagan cut social spending, but increased military spending to keep fighting communism
What did reagn call the USSR
The "Evil Empire"
strategic defense intitiave
Attempt to develop a satellite missile defense system
Where were the problems in the middle east?
September 1983
us embassy attacked and groups loyal to iran takes 12 hostages
Oct 1983
a truck filled with explosives crashes into a marine barracks killing 421 americans
seen as a soviet outpost
what were the contras
rebels for the US
What were teh sandinistas
ruling govt in nicarague
what did congress do associated to Nicaragua
Forbade aid to teh contras for two years
1984 Election
Reagan was re-elected
who was Geraldine Ferraro
first woman to run for VP (democrat)
Political Action Comiteees
A legal means for corporations, trade unions etc to make donations to candidate for federal office
Surpereme court changes
William Rehnquiat
named chief justice by reagan
Sandra Day o Connor
first woman supreme court justice
Texas V. Johnson 1989
people had right to burn the american flag in protest guarenteed under the first ammendment
Mikhael Gorbahev
became the leader of the USSR in 1985
What was Gorbahev associated with
Fall of communism
What did Gorbahev support
glasnost: openness
Perestraika: economic restructuring
What did Gorbahev want
intermediate range nuclear forces treaty
eliminated 2 types of weapons systems in europe and allowed for inspeciton from each nation (us and USRR)
What was an example of detente
Iran Contra Affair, 1987
Public found out US had sold weapons to iran to get hostages in lebannon free
money was then given to the country
botrh were illegal
live aid was a concert to raise money for famine relief in ethiopia
Graying of America
Baby boomers were getting old
more of the population was elderly
Jan 28 1986
challenger exploded shortly after take off created a 2yr halt for space program
1988 Election
george Bush and Dan quayle won the electon
clarence Thomas
conservative black supoported court justice name by bush
Americans w/ Disabilities Act 1990
protects teh rights of those that are disavbled
April 1989 Tiannanen Square
student protesting for political freedem were attacked
Us took away the most favored nation staus, allows easier trade/fewer tariffs
Nov. 1989
Berlin wall falls: no more division of berlin led to the fall of communism
race laws in South Africa
Ended in 1990 after teh release of protest leader Nelson Mandela
Samlia Famine Relief
Bush sent troops to stop theft of relief suppplies to end the famine
Aug, 2 1990 Kuwait was invaded by irag too set more control over oil
Bush was pres during the gulf war
UN action
Operation Desert Storm
name of plan to remove irag from kuwait and attack irag
Immigration Policy act 1990
Allowed fewer restriction on immigration
more emphasis on multiculturalism in schools, entertainment
Focus on bilingual education
Green card
lawful permanent residency in US fear immigrations
1992 Election
Bill clinton and AL Gore won
Bad economy was blamed on bush
27th Ammendmetn
Congressional pay increases cannot occur until the next election has taken place
Health Care
Clinton attempted to reform health care and provide a vuniversal coverage system
Much of his presidency was spent on trying to make this happen; never did
NAFTA North american free trade agreement
ease trade restricitonas on nOrth american countries; free trade zone
Rebublican Control
1994 rebublicans gained control of both house and congrees
Led by seaker of the house newt gingrich
New Democrats
Attempt to reform the dem. party in the 1990s
Move away from traditional democratic policies
Clinton sent US troops with NATO to bosnia to end the ethnic killing and keep peace in yugoslavia
overtook teh capital and controls of afghanistan in 1996
Embassy Bombings
Aug. 7,1998 two us embassies were bombed in Tanzania and kenya
Osama Bin Laden was blamed
Bin Laden hid in afghanistan and the taliban refused to surrender him
2000 Election
George W. Bush defeated Al gore
Controversial election due to voting disputes in flordia
Bush was a minority president
Voting Machine errors
No child left behind
attempt by bush to ensure all students are ready to pass to the next grade level
September 11, 2001
Terrorist were mainly saudi nationality
Us invaded afghanistan oc 2001 to find bin laden and overthrow the tailban
Patriot Act
Indefinite imprisonment for non-citiens deemed a threat to the US; no trial
greater use of wiretaps and searchign suspects
The ACLU is against this they say it violates civil rights
Department of HOmeland securty
cabinent position to protect america and its citizens on our soil
Created in response to 9/11
Axis of EVIL
three countries Bush said were threats to the world
Iraq, iran, north korea
Nuclear Proliferation
spread of nuclear technology from nation to nation
Us has supporte the NPT to halt the spread of nuclear weapons and technology
War with IRAQ
president bush stated that iraq had weapons of mass destruction
Teh goal was to remove saddam hussein
many saw this as a pre emptive strike