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83 Cards in this Set

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Blue Cones (nm)


Rods (nm)


Green Cones (nm)


Red Cones (nm)


3 places of refraction in the eye

Entering cornea, entering lens, leaving lens


Nearsightedness, eyeball too long, corrected with concave lens


Farsightedness, eyeball too short, corrected with convex lens

Dark retinal

11-cis, bent

Light retinal

All-trans, straight

Visual Pathway to Brain

Optic nerve

Optic chiasma

Optic tract

Lateral geniculate nucleus

Optic radiation

Primary visual cortex

Mitral Cells

Smell function

Fungiform papillae

Scattered across the tongue, house taste buds

Foliate papillae

On side walls of tongue

Vallate papillae

Largest (8-12), form a "V"

Sweet taste

Carbs, sugars, alcohol

Sour taste

Hydrogen ions

Salty taste

Metal ions, sodium chloride

Bitter taste

Alkaloids, nonalkaloids

Umami taste

Amino acids, MSG, glutamate/aspartate

Tensor tympani and Stapedius

Stabilize the ossicle with loud sounds

Spiral Organ pathway to brain

Spiral ganglion (bipolar cell)

Cochlear nuclei

Superior olivary nucleus

Lateral lemniscus

Inferior colliculus

Medial geniculate nucleus

Primary auditory cortex

Static Equilibrium receptors

Maculae in vestibule

Dynamic equilibrium receptors

Cristae ampullaris in semicircular canals

Amino Acid based hormones

Water soluble, g-linked pathway to cell

Steroid hormones (and thyroid)

Lipid soluble, diffuse across membrane

G-linked pathway through membrane

Hormone binds

GTP activated

Enzyme (adenylate cyclase) activated

Enzyme converts ATP to cAMP

cAMP activated kinases

Kinases phosphorylate

Humoral stimuli for endocrine glands

Changing blood chemistry

Diabetes Insipidus

Hyposecretion of ADH due to damage of hypothalamus or posterior pituitary

Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH)

Hypersecretion of ADH, characterized by fluid retention and headaches

Posterior pituitary

Smaller, neural tissue, stores & secretes (oxytocin, ADH)

Anterior pituitary

Larger, glandular tissue, makes hormones (GH, TSH, ACTH, FSH, LH, PRL)

Tropic hormones


TH Synthesis

1. Thyroglobulin is synthesized & discharged into follicle lumen

2. Iodide is trapped

3. Iodide is oxydized to iodine

4. Iodine is attached to tyrosine

5. Iodinated tyrosine are linked to form T3 & T4

6. Thyroglobulin colloid is endocytosed and combined with lysosome

7. Lysosome enzymes cleave T3 & T4 from Thyroglobulin and hormones diffuse into the blood stream

PTH hormone result

Stimulates osteoclasts to digest bone and release Ca, enhances absorption of Ca, promotes activation of Vit D by kidneys which increases absorption of Ca by intestines

Zona glomerulosa hormone

Aldosterone (mineralocorticoids)

Zona fasciculata hormone

Cortisol (glucocorticoids)

Zona reticularis hormone

Androgens (gonadocorticoids)

Normal volume blood glucose


Cardiac tamponade

Excess fluid leak into pericardial space, compresses heart's ability to pump

Angina pectoris

Thoracic pain caused by fleeting deficiency in blood delivery to myocardium (weakened cells)

AP of contractile heart muscle

1. At -90mV: Depolarization by fast voltage - gated Na channels cause Na influx

2. Also opens slow Ca channels (at +30mV Na close) and slowly close to form plateau

3. After 200ms Ca close and voltage - gated K open and K efflux occurs to repolarize the cell

Junction rhythm

AV node is in charge 40-60bpm

P wave

Depolarization of SA node

QRS complex

Atrial repolarization and ventricular Depolarization

T wave

Ventricular repolarization

Junctional rhythm EKG

No P waves

Second-degree heart block EKG

More P waves than QRS complexes

Ventricular fibrillation EKG


CO equation

HR (beats/min) * SV (mL/min)

Normal CO

5.25 L/min

Cardiac Reserve

Difference between resting CO and maximal CO; higher for athletes


Degree of stretch of heart muscle right before contraction


Contractile strength at any given length


Back pressure exerted by arterial blood that must be overcome to eject blood

Foramen ovale in fetus

Opening that connects the atria (fossa ovalis)

Ductus arteriosus in fetus

Connects pulmonary trunk to aorta (ligamentum arteriosum)

GH growth hormone

Metabolic & growth, anterior pituitary, not Tropic

TSH thyriod stimulating hormone

Thyroid releases thyroid hormone, anterior pituitary, tropic

ACTH adrenocorticotrophic hormone

Promotes release of glucocorticoids and androgens, anterior pituitary, tropic

FSH follicle stimulating hormone

Ovarian follicle maturation, estrogen production, sperm production, gametogenesis, anterior pituitary, topic

LH luteinizing hormone

Sex hormone, anterior pituitary, tropic

PRL prolactin

Promotes lactation, anterior pituitary, not tropic


Uterine contraction, let down reflex, posterior pituitary and hypothalamus

ADH anti-diuretic hormone

Fluid retention, posterior pituitary and hypothalamus

Hypothalamus hormones (6)

Oxytocin, ADH, TRH, CRH, GnRH, PIH


Lower blood Ca levels, stimulates osteoblasts activity, thyroid

PTH parathyroid hormone

Raise blood Ca levels, stimulates osteoclasts, parathyroid

Aldosterone (which corticoid?)

Mineralocorticoid, regulates minerals, Zona glomerulosa in adrenal cortex

Cortisol (which corticoid?)

Glucocorticoid, stabilize glucose levels, help resist stressors, Zona fasciculata in adrenal cortex

Androgens (which corticoid?)

Sexual maturation, Zona reticularis of adrenal cortex

Epinephrine and NE

Sympathetic response, adrenal medulla


Control circadian rhythms, pineal gland

Glucagon hormone

Increases blood glucose levels (alpha), pancreas

Insulin hormone

Decreases blood glucose levels (beta), pancreas

Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone

Fertility, ovaries/placenta and testes

Leptin hormone

Appetite control, adipose

Gastrin hormone

Release HCl, GI tract

ANP hormone

Lowers blood volume and pressure, heart

Erythropoietin hormone

Stimulates RBC production, hematopoiesis, kidneys

Renin hormone

Regulates aedosterone

Osteocalcin hormone

Regulates blood glucose, bone

Cholecalciferol hormone

Vitamin D sybthesis, skin

Thymulin hormone

T cell maturation, thymus