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62 Cards in this Set

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the nervous system includes?
all neural tissue in the body
______ and _____ are the two kinds of cells neural TISSUE contains.
cells that send and receive signals are?
cells that support and protect neurons are?
_____ connect nervous system to other organ systems in the body.
the central nervous system consists of?
spinal cord
what are the 3 things (2 tissues and 1 other thing) the central nervous system contains?
1)neural tissue
2)connective tissues
3)blood vessels
the functions of the central nervous system are to PROCESS AND COORDINATE these 3 things.
1)sensory data (both inside and outside the body)
2)Motor commands (control of other organs)
3)higher functions of brain intelligence.
the peripheral nervous system includes?
all neural tissue OUTSIDE of the central nervous system.
what are the 2 functions of the peripheral nervous system?
1)deliver sensory information to the CNS
2)carry motor commands (to peripheral tissues and systems)
what kind of nerves connect to the brain?
Cranial nerves
which kind of nerves attach to the spinal cord?
spinal nerves
the peripheral nervous system is divided into 2 divisions... what are they?
Afferent division
Efferent division
this division of the peripheral nervous system carries _____ INFORMATION FROM PNS TO CNS?
Afferent division
this division of the peripheral nervous system carries ______ commands FROM THE CNS TO PNS... also what 2 structures does it deliver to?
Efferent division
motor commands
delivers to muscles and glands
Receptors are located in which division of the peripheral nervous system?
the afferent division
these are used to detect changes or respond to stimuli, and are located in the afferent division?
receptors are located where? and respond to what type of stimuli?
located in eyes and ears (as well as other complex sensory organs)... and respond to BOTH INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL STIMULI.
the efferent division of the peripheral nervous system is composed of these 2 components?
1)somatic nervous system
2)Autonomic nervous system
the autonomic nervous system and the somatic nervous system are located in the _____ _____ of the ______ ______ ______,
efferent division... peripheral nervous system
this controls subconscious actions, contractions of smooth and cardiac muscle, as well as glandular secretions?
Autonomic nervous system
the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system does what?
fight or flight mode STIMULATING EFFECT
the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system does what?
relaxes the effect of stimulation... RELAXER
the basic fundamental units of the nervous system are?
the cytoplasm of a neuron is known as?
neurons have these 5 cellular components?
1)large nucleus, and nucleolis
2)Perikaryon (cytoplasm)
the neuron has ______ and ____ in place of microfilaments and microtubules.
neurofilaments, and neurotubules
bundles of neurofilaments that provide support for dendrites and axon within a neurons cytoskeleton are known as _____.
what structure is responsible for the GRAY appearance of neural tissue?
Nissl bodies
dendrites take up ___-___% of a neurons surface area.
what do DENDRITES do?
receive information from other neurons at the dendritic spines.
dendrites receive information from other neurons using the ____ ______.
Dendritic spine.
the long process that caries electrical signals to target cells (located in the neuron cell)?
the cytoplasm of the axon is known as the?
the specialized cell membrane that covers the axoplasm in the axon region of a neuron is known as?
this structure located in the axon of a neuron is important in INITIATING an electrical signal?
Axon hillock
this structure within the axon of a neuron is responsible for the release of a neurotransmitter to send a signal from one cell to another?
synaptic terminal
the area where a neuron communicates with another cell is the?
when 2 neurons are communicating, the cell that SENDS the message by releasing NEUROTRANSMITTERS is called?
presynaptic cell.
when two cells are communicating, the cell that RECEIVES the signal is the?
postsynaptic cell
the small gap that separates the presynaptic membrane and the postsynaptic membrane is the?
synaptic cleft
the chemical messengers of neurons are?
how and where are neurotransmitters broken down?
they are broken down by ENZYMES in the SYNAPTIC CLEFT
the synapse that is between a NEURON and a MUSCLE is known as?
neuromuscular junction
the synapse that is between a NEURON and a GLAND is known as?
neuroglandular junction
the synaptic terminal contains these 2 organelles?
mitochondrion and endoplasmic reticulum.
what are the 4 structural classifications of neurons?
1)Anaxonic neurons
2)Bipolar Neurons
3)Unipolar Neurons
4)Multipolar Neurons
this type of neuron structure is found in the BRAIN and SENSE organs, and you CANT distinguish axons from dendrites in it?
Anaxonic neuron
this type of neuron structure is found in special sensory organs (sight, smell, hearing), and has ONE dendrite, and ONE axon.
Bipolar neurons
this type of neuron structure is a SENSORY neuron found in the peripheral nervous system, and has FUSED dendrites and axon with the cell body on one side?
unipolar neuron
this neuron structure includes ALL SKELETAL MOTOR NEURONS, it has MANY dendrites but just ONE axon.
multipolar neurons
multipolar neuron structures are very common in the?
Central nervous system
skeletal neurons
sensory neurons do these two things?
1)monitor internal environment
2)monitor EFFECTS of external environment.
the sensory neurons that monitor the internal environment are known as?
visceral sensory neurons
the sensory neurons that monitor the effects of the external environment are known as?
somatic sensory neurons
sensory neurons are commonly what neural structure?
the 3 types of sensory receptors (interoceptors, exteroceptors, and proprioceptors) do what?
interoceptors- monitor internal systems
exteroceptors- monitor external and distance senses
proprioceptors-monitor position and movement
these neurons carry instructions from the central nervous system to peripheral effectors?
motor neurons
the autonomic nervous system is ______ where the somatic nervous system is ______.
involuntary... voluntary...
motor neurons carry instruction to peripheral effeectors via _____ _____.
efferent fibers.
there are approximately ____ interneurons.
20 billion
interneurons are mostly located in these 3 places?
2)spinal cord
3)autonomic ganglia