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35 Cards in this Set

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the sequence of voltage changes is?
Resting membrane potential, depolarization(Na gates open), repolarizing(K gates open up), hyperpolarization(neurons dont fire)
Na flows which direction?
both up and down stream, but only Na flowing down stream will activate other channels
speed of nerve impulses is faster in _____ and slower in ______
skeletal muscle, gut and glands
impulses travel faster if the axon has 2 characterstics?
myelinated, and wider
classification of nerve fibers:
Group A?
Group B?
Group C?
A-mostly sensory and motor, have large diameters,thick myelin,300mph speed, found in skin,skeletal muscle
B-ANS and motor, medium diameter, lightly myelinated, 40 mph
C-ANS and motor fibers,small diameter, unmyelinated, 2mph
autoimmune disease that has poor vision, weakness, clumsiness, paralysis, makes antibodies against myeline and destroys it, slows impulse conduction
mutliple sclerosis
this disease is degeneration of motor nerves, usually die from lung infection also called lou-gehrigs disease
amyotrphic lateral sclerosis
the nerve terminals contain?
synaptic vesicles that have NT in them (acetylcholine)
this gives the signal to release NT's?
acetycholinestrease does what to Ach?
degrades it
this disease causes muscle weakness, difficult swallowing, drooping eyelids?
myastehnia gravis
this drug binds to Ach receptor and prevents binding causing muscle paralysis used as muscle relaxant
tubocurarine (curare)
this drug inhibit or block AchE, so you get to much Ach in the cleft and you get muscle paralysis
this type of paralysis does not contract?
examples of anticholinesterases consist of?
insecticides, nerve gases
most potent poisons known, found in puffer fish, blocks Na channels in skeletal muscle cell cannot depolarize, death by paralysis of respiratory muscle
this is from a bacteria and it blocks Ach release from nerve terminal and causes paralysis
botulinus toxin
procaine,lidocaine prevent conduction of nerve impulses block Na channels there called?
local anesthetics
in this synapses NT release causing depolarization or postsynaptic membrane
the graded depolarizations are called
excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP)-if enough EPSPs are produced AP will be triggered at axon hillick
in this synapses NT release induces hyperpolarization of postsynaptic membrane
the graded hyperpolar are called:
inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP)-if enough are produced generation of AP at axon hillick will be prevented
there are at least ___ NTs
most neurons make _____ NTs
neurons can release ___ or ___ NTs
2 or more
1 or all
the 3 classification of NT's are:
acetylcholine, biogenic amine, amino acids
this classification is released by nmj-excitatory and degraded by AchE
this classification consist of dopamine, norephinephrine, serotonin, histamine
biogenic amines
this classification has inhibitory(GABA-brings - charge into cell, stopping AP) and excitatory(glycine,asparate,glutamate)
amino acids
this type of muscle is found in hollow organs?
this type of muscle cell is spindle shaped, one nucleus, arranged in sheets,
2 arrangements of muscle cell are:
longitudinal-runs parallel to long axis contraction-->shortening
cirucluar-run circumference of organ, contraction---> elongation
system by which food gets down s.intestions
this is the mixing of food?
this type of muscle has no nmj, has varicosities, has diffuse junctions, doesnt need rapid contraction
smooth muscle
this releases Ca on smooth muscle?
caveoli - it sorta replaces SR
varicosities release ___ in a more wave like formation