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101 Cards in this Set

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A dog is standing on the exam table with its front legs up on the chest of its owner. Which surface of the dog is touching the exam table?


If you were told to look for a tumor on the dorsal surface on a dogs hind leg, where would you look?

The front surface below the tarsus

All the organs in the thoracic cavity are covered by a thin membrane called the...


The type of tissue that forms sweat glands is ______ tissue.


The type of tissue that coordinates and controls activities in and around an animal's body is

Nervous tissue

The basal surface of an epithelial cell

Faces underlying connective tissue

Basal is bottom

Keratin is found

In skin cells

The thinnest epithelial cells are fragile and are found lining surfaces involved in passage of liquids or gasses. They are classified as

Simple squamous

The urinary bladder is partially lined by ____, giving it the ability to expand and contract as needed.

Transitional epithelium

The most abundant tissue type by weight in the body is

Connective tissue

Tendons are made up of

Sense regular connective tissue

The pinna of the ears of animals contains _____ cartilage.



The muscles in the wall of the uterus and urinary bladder are

Nonstriated involuntary muscle

The nucleus of a nerve cell is found in the


Begins with a P

During the inflammatory process phagocytosis is the job of


The pigment found in skin is produced by


Which layer of skin allows it to move freely over underlying bone and muscle without tearing?



On a footpad, which layer of skin is the thickest?

Stratum corneum

The cells that secrete the matrix of a bone are the


Bones act as a storage site for primarily which mineral?


As a young animal grows so must its bones grow. Where does creation of new bone that allows long bones to lengthen as the animal grows take place?

Epiphyseal plates

Type of plate

Endochondral bone formation takes place in a fetus over a ____ template that is eventually replaces by bone.


What do baby's have a lot of?

The foramen magnum is located in the ____ bone.


Which bone in the appendicular skeleton has an olecranon process?


In the front legs

Which bone is found in the antebrachium?


In the front legs

What is the correct order of bones on the thoracic limb starting distally and working proximally?

Phalanges, metacarpal bones, carpal bones, radius, ulna, humerus, scapula

Which bones fuse to make the acetabulum?

Ilium, ischium, pubis

The movement of an extremity away from the median plane of the body is



Firm connective tissue bands that help stabilize the bones that make up a joint and help hold the joint together are called


What type of muscle controls the movement of an animal's skeleton?

Voluntary striated muscle

The linea alba is a/an


Which three muscles make up the hamstring muscle?

Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus

The respiratory muscles that work together to increase the size of the thoracic cavity when they contract are the

Diaphragm and external intercostal muscles

The contracting unit of a skeletal muscle is the


Nerve cells receive stimuli or impulses through


White matter is made up of

Myelinates axons

Afferent nerve fibers carry sensations

Toward the CNS

An example of an action controlled by the somatic nervous system is

Turning the head

A polarized neuron in its resting state has

High sodium ion concentration on the outside of the cell membrane and high potassium ion concentration on the inside of the cell membrane

The part of the CNS that controls coordinated movement, balance, and posture is the


Which of the following cranial nerves is a pure sensory nerve?


Which clinical sign is characteristic of the parasympathetic nervous system stimulation?

Reduced heart rate

Many excitatory neurotransmitters usually cause ____ influx so that the postsynaptic membrane moves toward threshold and depolarization can begin a new nerve impulse.

Sodium ion.

The radiographic procedure that uses radiopaque dye injected into the space just beneath the arachnoid membrane to highlight areas of the spinal cord compression is...


Which cranial nerve is responsible for perception of light and vision?


The fight or flight response to an emergency situation is a specific function of the

Sympathetic nervous system

The white of the eye is the


The sensory receptors for vision are located in the


The anterior chamber of the eyeball is located

In the front of the iris in the aqueous compartment

The third eyelid is composed of

Cartilage and conjunctiva

Negative feedback control of hormone secretion begins when a

Rising level of hormone is detected by the gland that produces it.

The endocrine system works closely with the ____ to control and coordinate the intricate parts and functions of the body.

Nervous system

Which gland is the master endocrine gland?


The hormonal part of the fight or flight response is produced in the

Adrenal gland

The gland that helps regulate the body's blood calcium levels is the

Parathyroid gland

The term iatrogenic means

Caused by treatment.

Erythropoietin affects the development of

Red blood cells

When monocytes enter tissue they become


Which organ is capable of storing blood that can be released into circulation when the animal needs it?


The heart is located in the thoracic cavity in the space between the two lungs. This space is called the


The fibrous sac that encloses the heart is the


The type of blood vessel that usually carries oxygenated blood away from the heart is a/an


The right atrium pumps blood into the

Right ventricle

The apex of the heart is made up of the

Wall of the left ventricle

Another name for the left AV valve is the

Mitral valve

Another name for the right semilunar valve is the

Pulmonary valve

The largest blood vessel that brings deoxygenated blood from the systemic circulation is the

Vena cava

The impulse to begin each heartbeat of the heart comes from the

SA node

Cardiac output is determined by

Stroke volume and heart rate

The inner layer of a blood vessel is the


The ductus arteriosus in a fetus allows blood to flow

Directly into the aorta from the pulmonary artery

The tracheal rings are composed of

Hyaline cartilage

The actual exchange of oxygen and CO2 occurs across

Two layers of simple squamous epithelium

The unconscious act of breathing is controlled by the respiratory center in the


What effects does sympathetic nerve stimulation have in digestion?

Inhibits digestion

Which part of the tooth extends above the gum line?


The cartilage that makes up part of the laryngeal cartilage and prevents food from being aspirated into the trachea is the _____ cartilage.


The cardiac sphincter is located

At the causal end of the esophagus

The terminal part of the stomach that opens into the duodenum is the


What is the correct order of the parts of the small intestine?

Duodenum, jejunum, ileum.

Peyers patches are made up of

Lymphoid tissue

The brush border of the small intestines is made up of


Where does the pancreatic duct enter the GI tract?


Insulin is a hormone secreted by

Endocrine pancreas

The liver is located caudal to the


The specific gravity for urine reflects its


What is the correct order of organs of the urinary system from cranial to caudal?

Kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra

Because the kidneys sit between the peritoneal and the dorsal abdominal muscles, they are considered


The out most layer of the kidney is the


The collection chamber for urine in the kidney is the


The basic functional until of a kidney is the


In order to fully descend, the testes must pass through the

Inguinal ring

What two structures does the vas deferens connect?

Urethra and epididymis

The female reproductive organs are suspended from the dorsal part of the abdominal wall by the

Broad ligaments

The cervix is located between the

Uterine body and vagina

In a dog, the cytology of the epithelial lining of the ____ can be utilized to determine the most effective time to breed a bitch.


The umbilical cord connects the

Fetus to the placenta

Which type of placental attachment is seen in dogs and cats?


Which stage of labor is characterized by strong uterine and abdominal muscle contractions?

Second stage

During what stage of labor is the fetus delivered?

Second stage

In order for passive immunity to be transferred from mother to offspring, the newborn must have colostrum within

A few hours after birth