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45 Cards in this Set

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power of roles
nature of evil
Philip Zimbardo
prison study
social learning theory
reciprocal determinism
Al Bandura
Bobo study
sane in insane places
"thud, empty, dull"
David Rosenhan
studied under Wundt
brought ideas to America
Edward Titchener
Abraham Maslow
hierarchy of needs
founded lab in 1879 in Germany
Wilhelm Wundt
"father of psychology"
psychodynamic theory
Sigmund Freud
defense mechanisms
founded school of functionalism
wrote "Principles of Psychology"
William James
____ - Lange theory of emotion
founder of analytical psychology
Carl Jung
developed theory of stages of morality
Lawrence Kohlberg
Heinz's dilemma
8 stages of psychosocial development
Eric Erikson
ex. identity vs. role confusion
father of REBT
Albert Ellis
that's "rational emotive behavioral therapy"
birth order matters
Alfred Adler
striving for perfection
client centered therapy
Carl Rogers
we seek unconditional positive regard
father of behaviorism
"Give me a dozen healthy infants..."
John Watson
conditioned Lil' Albert to fear a rat
studied maternal deprivation in rhesus monkeys
Harry Harlow
the rape rack
earned a Nobel Prize for identifying the role of feature detectors in cats' vision
Hubel and Wiesel
groups of neurons in visual cortex respond to specific types of visual stimuli (just horizontal lines, for ex.)
Studied "ethology" & imprinting
Konrad Lorenz
geese followed him everywhere
founder of behavior modification
B. F. Skinner
trained pigeons and rats in his special "chamber"
7 (or 8) multiple intelligences
Howard Gardner
interpersonal and intrapersonal... and naturalistic?
developed test to measure school aptitude in France
Alfred Binet
language acquisition device
Noam Chomsky
repressed memories
false eyewitness testimony
Elizabeth Loftus
vilified by victims of child abuse for being insensitive
trait theory
surface/source traits
Raymond Cattell
developed 16 personality factor questionnaire
feminine psychology
Karen Horney
womb envy
Learned Helplessness
Martin Seligman
shock plates dogs won't try to escape from
assimilation & accommodation
stages of cognitive development
Jean Piaget
object permanence
conservation of liquid
viewed morality from the feminine perspective -- Ethic of Care
Carol Gilligan
nurturing may be the female counterpart to acquisition
socio-cultural learning,
importance of scaffolding for cognitive development
Lev Vygotsky
extended Piaget's theories
Law of Effect
Edward Thorndike
Cat pulling string to get fishy on a plate
Tabula Rasa
John Locke
Blank slate; nurture matters!
Charles Spearman
general intelligence as a single factor, derived through factor analysis
cognitive dissonance
Leon Festinger
cult believed aliens would be arriving at midnight, but no one showed... how reconcile?
gestalt psychology
Kurt Wertheimer
cousin of Darwin
Francis Galton
social conformity
Solomon Asch
experiment with obvious lines and error-prone confederates
obedience to authority
Stanley Milgram
teacher shocks "learner" up to XXX
infant attachment
Mary Ainsworth
securely attached uses mom as a safe base to explore and is happy mom comes back after an absence
linguistic determinism
Benjamin Whorf
language influences thought
two factor theory of emotion
Stanley Schachter
not Cannon Bard
not James Lange
General Adaptation Syndrome in response to stress
Hans Seyle
also coined the term "eustress"
suppressed immune system in rats w/ sugar water (conditioning)
Ader and Cohen
"added cancer to rats"
first woman to receive a PhD in Psychology
Margaret Washburn
labelled internal and external loci of control
Julian Rotter
triarchic theory of intelligence
Robert Sternberg