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47 Cards in this Set

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Frances Galton

Believed personality and human traits are inherited.

You're smart because your mom is smart

Charles Darwin

Came up with the theory of evolution

William Wundt

Intro-spection psychology became a scientific study of conscious experience rather than science; he's the father of modern psychology; structuralism was the approach, introspection was the methodology

First to set up scientific psych lab in Germany

Alfred Adler

neo-freudian; indvidual psychology, creative self, inferiority complex, drive for superiority


John B. Watson

founder of behaviorism, classical conditioning, generalization

Little Albert experiment. Think of his middle initial

Carl Jung

disciple of Freud; believed in collective and personal unconscious and archetypes; coined introversion and extroversion


Gordon Allport

Hierarchy of traits; Believed there were 3 levels of traits: cardinal, central, secondary


Albert Ellis

Father of rational emotive therapy

i.e. "Im killing myself because my boyfriend dumped me"

Albert Maslow

Humanist psychologist; Hierarchy of needs

Partner was Carl Rogers

ex., Everyone has potential

Carl Rogers

Also important humanist psychologist who believed in unconditional positive regard and conditional regard

i.e. "I will love you uncondtionally"

B.F. Skinner

came up with operant conditioning

i.e Skinner Box

Ivan Pavlov

Father of classical conditioning

Bell and dog experiment

Noam Chomksy

believed there are infinite number of sentences in a language and that humans have innate ability to develop language; words and concepts are learned but brain is hardwired for grammar and language


Jean Piaget

Four-state theory of cognitive development-sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational; two basic processes (assimilation and accomodation) work to achieve cognitive growth

Child development of thinking

Erik Erikson

People evolve through 8 states over the life span; each state is marked by psychological crisis that involves confronting who "I am"

Finding yourself

Lawrence Kohlberg

his theory states there are 3 levels of moral reasoning : preconventional, conventional,post conventional

right and wrong

Carol Gilligan

Maintained kohlberg's laws were only directed towards men and there are differences in moral development of women

Believed Kohlberg is sexist

Hans Eysenk

personality is determined to a large extent by genes; used the terms extroversion and introversion.

personality from a bio perspective

Stanley Schacter

Believed that to experience emotions one must be physically aroused and then label the arousal

schacter factor

Mary Cover Jones

systemic desensitization; maintained that ear could be unlearned; little peter experiment

way to treat phobia

Benjamin Whorf

his hypothesis is that language determines the way we think

Look at the way japanese think and compare it to their language

Robert Sternberg

triarchic theory of intelligence: academic problem solving intelligence, practical intelligence, creative intelligence

3 types of intelligence

Howard Garner

Theory of multiple intelligences

x intelligence

Albert Bandura

Observational learning, social learning theory

BoBo doll

E.L. thorndike

Law of effect

if a kid is given a dollar for each good grade he gets, he'll be likely to keep getting good grades

Alfred Binet

general I.Q. tests

people think a high number on this means they are smart

Lewis Terman

revised Binet's IQ test and established norms for American children

knowledge test for children

David Weschler

established an intelligence test especially for adults

knowledge tests specifically for adults

Charles Spearman

specific mental talents highly correlated; concluded all cognitive abilities showed a common score which he labeled g for general ability

i.e. "if you creative, then you are smart"

H. Rorschach

developed first projective test called the inkblot test.

putting paint on a paper and folding it over on the other side

Philip Zimbardo

famous for Stanford Prison experiment to study power of social roles and behavior

Cops vs inmates

David Rosenhan

conducted a hospital experiment to test the diagnosis that hospitals make on patients; proved once you're diagnosed with a mental disorder your care would not be very good in a mental hospital setting

care of mental patients

Solomon Asch

studied conformity; experiment where subject is asked which line is longer and fake subjects purposely chose wrong answer to see if subject will eventually conform

Line experiment

Stanley Milgram

studied obedience; Shock experiment where subject believes they are shocking the person on the other side of the wall

listening to authoritative figures

Harry Harlow

studied theory of attachment with baby Rhesus monkey; comfort-contact vs food

think about how babies react when you take them away from their mothers

Sigmund Freud

psychoanalytic/psychodynamic theory; unconscious, id, ego, superego; psychosexual stages of development

sex and aggression

Karen Horneye

criticized Freud; said that personality is continually modeled by current fears and impulses

neo-freudian who challenged freud's look on childhood unconscious and personality

Martin Seligman

learned helplessness is the giving up reaction from experience

I can't pass this test and there's nothing to do about it!

H. Ebbinghaus

first to conduct scientific studies on memory and forgetting; learning curves

"back in my day..."

"oh no I forgot to do my homework!"


did a study of the activities of neurons and visual cortex

brain related

Walter B Cannon

believed that gastric activity in an empty stomach was the sole reason for hunger; inserted ballon in his partner's stomach

ballon in stomach

Ernst Weber

Pioneered the first study on just noticeable difference which became Weber's law

teaspoon of sugar in a gallon of water

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

theory that terminally ill pass through sequence of five stages: denial, anger/resentment, bargaining, depression, acceptance

what do cancer patients think when diagnosed

Robert Zajonc

mere exposure effect; it is possible to have preferences without inferences and to feel without knowing why

Henry Murray

Thematic Appreciation Test

David McClelland

Developed scoring system for TAT for Henry Murray

helped Henry Murray

Paul Eckman

theory that facial expressions are universal

everyone knows what a smile is