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200 Cards in this Set

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device of character and/or elements symbolically to represent an abstraction in addition to the literal meaning.
repetition of sounds, especially consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words
direct or indirect reference to something commonly known such as a book, event, myth, place, or work of art to convey tone, purpose, or effect
multiple meanings-intentional or not- of a work, phrase, sentence, or passage
similarity or comparison between two things or the relationship between them. Can explain something by pointing out its similarity or associating it with something familiar
word, phrase, or clause referred to by a pronoun
terse statement that expresses a general truth or moral principle
figure of speech that directly addresses an absent person, an object, or an abstraction
an assertion based on fact, statistics, or logical reasoning
an inference or conclusion
"for" or "against" stance taken by an author in a persuasive essay
grammatical unit containing subject and verb. independent and dependent
clear connection among all parts of an essay. achieved by organizational format and appropriate connecting devices (transition, parallel structures, bridging)
slang or informality in speaking or writing. includes local dialect
fanciful expression, usually in the form of an extended metaphor or surprising analogy between seemingly dissimilar objects. displays intellectual cleverness due to the unusual comparasion
tension created in a story
non-literal, associative meanings of a word. what we think of when we hear a word
strict, literal, dictionary definition
word choice- especially with regard to connotation, correctness, clearness, or effectiveness. combined with syntax, literary devices, etc. to create style
deductive reasoning
sherlock holmes's way of thinking, using general observations that lead to a specific conclusion
false analogy
error in assuming that because two things are alike in some ways, they are alike in all ways.
major category into which a literary work fits
literally means sermon, but can include any serious talk involving moral of spiritual advice
figure of speech
imaginative comparisons used for tone, purpose, effect.
hasty generalization
unsound inductive inference based on insufficient, inadequate, unspecified evidence
influence or result of something using such rhetorical strategies as argument, diction, imagery, repetition, etc.
form of logical thinking used to analyze an author's credibility. established by appealing to emotion, avoiding a hostile tone, and demonstrating knowledge of subject
Greek for "good speech." more agreeable or less offensive substitute for a generally unpleasant word or concept
used to support writer's thesis- proof
deliberate exaggeration or overstatement
sensory details used to describe, arouse emotion, or repeat abstractions
extended metaphor
metaphor developed at great length, appearing frequently through a piece
aphorism or some other short question at the beginning of a literary work that suggests its theme
emotionally violent, verbal denunciation or attack using strong, abusive language
draw a reasonable conclusion based on information presented
figure of speech in which natural sounds are imitated in the sounds of words.
contrast between what is stated explicitly and what is really meant
greek meaning for "changed label" figure of speech in which the name of one object is substituted for that of another closely associated with it
telling of a story or an account of an event
loose sentence
type of sentence in which main idea comes first, followed by dependent grammatical units (phrases and clauses).
Greek for "pointedly foolish" author groups two apparently contradictory terms to suggest a paradox.
statement that appears to be self-contradictory or opposed to common sense but on closer inspection contains some degree of truth or validity. enigma.
grammatical or rhetorical framing of words, sentences, or paragraphs to give structural similarity. attracts the reader's attention, adds emphasis and organization, or rhythm.
work that closely imitates the style or content of another for comic effect or ridicule
adjective that describes words, phrases, or general tone that is overly scholarly, academic, or bookish. extreme of didactic
from greek, literally means "teaching." works have primary aim of teaching or instructing, especially moral or ethical principles
figure of speech that endows animal, concept, or inanimate object with human attributes
periodic sentence
sentence that presents central meaning in a main clause at the end. ind. clause preceded by phrase or dependent clause. adds emphasis and variety
point of view
perspective from which a story is told
predicate adjective
adjective that follows a linking verb and compliments subject
explaining and analyzing information by presenting an idea, relevant evidence, and appropriate discussion
predicate novminative
noun that follows linking verb and renames the subject
any language that is not poetry or drama
greek for orator- principles governing art of writing effectively, eloquently, persuasively
duplication of any element of language- sound, word, phrase, clause, pattern
writing to prove validity of an idea or point of view
type of argumentation having additional aim of urging a particular form of action
writing intended to re-create, invent, or visually present a person, place, or event
greek meaning "to tear flesh" bitter, caustic language meant to hurt/ridicule
rhetorical modes
variety, conventions, and purposes of major kinds of writing
song or poem of mourning or lamentation
poetic foot consisting of one stressed and two unstressed syllables
two stressed syllables used for emphasis, often at the end of a line
iambic pentameter
line of poetry with five stressed and five unstressed syllables
two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme
ottava rima
eight line stanza in iambic pentameter that rhymes abababcc
branch of linguistics that studies meaning and development of words and their relationship
subordinate clause
group of words with subject and verb that cannot stand alone
way an author chooses to join words into phrases, clauses, sentences
deductive system of formal logic that presents a major and minor premise which lead to a logical conclusion
rhetorical device in which the speaker suddenly breaks off in the middle of a sentence leaving the sentence unfinished.
the use of inharmonious sounds in close conjunction to create an effect
figure of speech by which the order of the terms in the first of two parallel clauses is reversed in the second
an overused or trite expression
an adjective or adjectival phrase used to define characteristic quality or attribute of some person or thing.
the use of pleasant, harmonious words to create an effect. contrast with cacohpony
a common expression that has acquired a meaning that differs from its literal meaning
a form of understatement in which a statement is affirmed by negating its opposite
intentional understatment
also known as praeteritio, the technique of drawing attention to something by claiming not to mention it
pathetic fallacy
the attribution of human feeling or motivation to a nonhuman object, especially an object found in nature
an elaborate and roundabout manner of speech that uses more words than necessary
a play on words that exploits the similarity in sound between two words with distinctly different meanings
the use of one kind of sensory experience to describe another
a form of metonymy in which a part of an entity is used to refer to the whole
a category of figurative language that extends the literal meanings of words by inviting a comparison to other words, things, or ideas.
a figure of speech by which one word refers to two others in the same sentence. it may be achieved by a verb or preposition with two objects
a moment of recognition or discovery, primarily in reference to greek tragedy
deus ex machina
greek for "god from a machine" the phrase originally referred to a technique in ancient tragedy which a mechanical god was lowered onto the stage to intervene and solve the play's problems or bring the play to a satisfactory conclusion. the term is used for any improbably or unexpected contrivance by which an author resolves the complications of the plot in a play or novel, and which has not been convincingly prepared for in the preceding action
a sudden, powerful, and often spiritual or life-changing realization that a character reaches in an otherwise ordinary or everyday moment.
in medias res
latin for "in the middle of things" the term refers to technique of starting a narrative in the middle of the action
interior monologue
a record of a character's thoughts unmediated by a narrator. sometimes takes form of stream-of-conciousness narration
verbal irony
a discrepancy between the true meaning of a situation and the literal meaning of the written or spoken words
situational irony
a situation that is the opposite of what the reader expects.
romantic irony
an author's persistent reminding of his or her presence in the work. by drawing attention to the artifice of the work, the author ensures that the reader or audience will maintain critical detachment and not simply accept the writing at face value
dramatic irony
a technique in which the author lets the audience or reader in on a character's situation while the character himself remains in the dark.
cosmic irony
the perception of fate or the universe as malicious or indifferent to human suffering, which creates a painful contrast between our purposeful activity and its ultimate meaninglessness
the use of sentimentality, gushing emotion, or sensational action or plot twists to provoke audience or reader response
from the greek word for "feeling" the quality in a work of literature that evokes high emotion, most commonly sorrow, pity, or compassion
poetic diction
the use of specific types of words, phrases, or literary structures that are not common in contemporary speech or prose.
poetic license
the liberty that authors sometimes take with ordinary rules of grammar and syntax, employing unusual vocabulary, metrical devices, or figures of speech or committing factual errors in order to strengthen a passage of writing
a form of wordplay that displays cleverness or ingenuity with language.
a theme, motif, symbol, or stock character that holds a familiar and fixed place in a culture's consciousness
a concrete object that represents something abstract
a recurring structure, contrast, or other device that develops or informs a work's major themes
an object, character, figure, or color that is used to represent an abstract idea or concept
a fundamental and universal idea explored in a literary work
the central argument that an author makes in a work, usually associated with nonfiction but can also apply to fiction
the writer's attitude toward the subject or sometimes the audience
the brief narration of a single event or incident
local language or dialect of common speech written in local language or dialect
a humorous imitation of a serious work of literature. humor often arises from the incongruity between the limitation and the work being imitated
a short poetic expression of grief, differs from an elegy int hat is often embedded within a larger work, is less highly structured and is meant to be sung
a form of plagiarism in which the writer copies the document word for word
deceptive quoting
a form of plagiarism in which words or phrases are taken out of context so that they say something different than what they say in the original text
a form of nonfictional discussion or argument that Michel de Montaigne pioneered in the 1500s. flexible in form, although they are usually short prose works
a short prose or verse narrative, such as those by aesop, that illustrate a moral, which often is stated explicitly at the end. frequently the characters are animals that embody different human character traits
an autobiographical work. rather than focusing on the author's life, it pays significant attention to the author's involvement in historical events and the characterization of individuals other than the author
a humorous and often satirical imitation of the style or particular work of another author
a work of didactic literature that aims to influence the reader on a specific social or political issue
a work that aims to ridicule the shortcomings of individuals, institutions, or society, often to make a political point.
a post-structuralist term for the wider social and intellectual context as it is on the content of the works themselves
a close reading of a text that identifies and explains the figurative language and forms found within the work
the study of textual interpretation concerned with understanding the meaning of texts
the various relationships a text may have with other texts, through allusions, borrowing of formal or thematic elements, or simply by reference to traditional literary forms. the term is important to structuralist and post-structuralist critics, who argue that texts relate primarily to one another and not to an external reality
the scientific study of language, encompassing, among other things, the study of syntax, semantics, and the evolution of language
a basic unit of meaning-- a word, picture, or hand gesture that conveys some meaning
the perceptible aspect of a sign
the conceptual aspect of a sign
a very brief synopsis of longer work of scholarship research. something that does not exist in the real world
refers to something that actually exists and can be seen and known
a saying or proverb embodying a piece of common wisdom based on experience and often couched in metaphorical language
aesthetic distance
refers to a total objectivity of a writer wherein his/her view and judgments are withheld in his/her account of human experience
shortness or conciseness of expression
the incorporation of an event, scene, or person who does not correspond with the time period portrayed in the work
the rhetorical opposition or contrast of words, clauses, or sentences
refers to the noble qualities of human beings and nature
refers to the sensual, pleasure-seeking qualities of a man and nature.
inflated language; the use of high-sounding language for a trivial subject
a grotesque likeness of striking characteristics in persons or things
carpe diem
"seize the day" a motif in poetry; refers to the view that one should enjoy life to the fullest while one is able
a cleansing of the spirit of the spectator at a tragedy through experiencing the emotion of pity and terror
a highly regarded work of literature or other art form that has withstood the test of time
three periods (...) indicating the omission of words
a feeling of association or identification with an object; experiencing its sensations and responding with similar feelings
an ingenious, witty, thoughtful, provocative statement
a piece of writing, often journalistic, meant to reveal or expose weakness, faults, frailties, or other shortcomings
returning to an earlier time in a story or play for the purpose of clarifying present actions of circumstances
providing hints of things to come in a story or play
aristotle's term for the protagonist's tragic flaw or tragic error of judgment
aristotle's term for the pride of the tragic hero that lead shim to ignore or overlook warnings of impending disaster or to break moral laws
a violent, satirical attack against a person or institution
a saying or proverb expressing common wisdom or truth
a quick succession of images or pictures to express an idea, used primarily in films
the emotional response that a piece of literature stimulates in the reader
the lesson a reader infers from a story, poem, or other piece of literature. because unsophisticated readers often assume that literature is "supposed to " contain a moral truth, they equate literary analysis with finding a simplistic lesson hidden in the story as though authors intend to teach their readers the proper way to think and act
a statement or idea that fails to follow logically from the one before
a work of literature dealing with rural life
the role of facade that a character assumes or depicts to a reader, a viewer or the world at large
the emotional mood created by the entirety of a literature work, established partly by the setting and partly by the author's choice of objects that are described
sentence structure
the manner in which grammatical elements are arranged in a sentence. although there are endless varieties of sentence, each is a variation on one of the three basic structures: simple, compound, or complex
simple sentence
contains a subject and a verb along with modifiers and perhaps an object
compound sentence
it consists of two or more simples sentences linked by a coordinating conjunction such as and or but
complex sentence
it is made up of an independent, or main, clause and any number of dependent or subordinate clauses
refined and tender emotion in literature; sometimes used derisively to represent insincerity or mawkishness
stream of consciousness
refers to an attempt on the part of an author to reproduce the unembellished flow of thoughts in the human mind with its feelings, judgments, associations and memories
the manner in which an author uses words, shapes, idea,s forms, and sentences and creates a structure to convey ideas
the image suggests the idea; related to metonymy in that the expression of the particular suggest the universal. the knowledge gained from analyzing both the abstract and the concrete materials in the text.
similar to truth; the quality of realism in a work that persuades the reader that he/she is getting a vision of life as it is
the real or assumed personality used by a writer or speaker
literary movement that paid attention to density of language or intensity of imagery as a way of rendering the complexities and stresses of external reality
literary movement which eliminates traditional distinctions between high and low culture and undermines the most basic assumptions about language. language can have a fixed meaning and fer to things in the physical world. this form is often devoid of voice, theme, or recognizable form and instead focuses on themes of alienation
post hoc
because on thing follows another, it is held to cause the other
ad hominem
instead of attacking an assertion, the argument attacks the person who made the assertion
active verb
the subject of the sentence is doing something
passive verb
something is being done to the subject of the sentence
high diction
a sophisticated or educated speaker who uses abstract nouns or complex figures of speech and demands greater intellectual effort from the audience
low diction
a simpler, less cultivated speaker who uses literal nouns and less grammatical complexity than high diction
a mode of non-fiction writing that develops an idea or makes a point by telling a story or anecdote
subject complement
the word (with any accompanying phrases) or clauses that follows a linking verb and complements, or completes, the subject of the sentence by either renaming it, or describing it. the former is technically called a predicate nominative, the latter a predicate adjective
a word or phrase that links different ideas. used especially, although not exclusively in expository and argumentative writing
the ironic minimalizing of fact, presents something as less significant than it is. effect can frequently be humorous and emphatic, opposite of hyperbole
a rhetorical figure of repetition in which the same word or phrase is repeated in (and usually at the beginning of) successive lines, clauses or sentences.
a form of verbal compression which consists of the omission of connecting words (usually conjunctions) between clauses
the rising and falling rhythm of speech especially in free verse or prose
the roundabout manner of referring to something at length rather than naming it briefly and directly
distinct variety of language spoken by members of an identifiable regional group, nation or social class
spoken exchanges between or among characters in a dramatic or narrative work
a temporary departure from one subject to another more or less distantly related topic before the discussion of the first subject is resumed
harshness of sound and or rhythm either inadvertent or delibreate
double entendre
french phrase for double meaning, denotes a pun in which a word or phrase has a second meaning which tends to be sexual
an imagined form of ideal or superior, usually communist, human society
an inverted or undesirable of utopia, often used to describe "bad place"
rhetorical figure by which the same word or phrase is repeated at the end of successive clauses, sentences, or lines
characters whose qualities or actions serve to emphasize those of another character by providing a strong contrast with them
word that is identical in form with another word either in sound or spelling but differs from it in meaning.
a word that is pronounced in the same way as another word but differs in meaning and or spelling
a confused, comically inaccurate use of a long word or words
rhetorical question
a question asked for the sake of persuasive effect rather than a genuine request for information, the writer implies the answer is too obvious to require a reply
the method of seeking truth by the process of question and answer